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Finance Committee Agenda Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2012
9:30 a.m.
Topic: Finance Committee agenda meeting
Location: Conference Room A, City Hall –
In attendance: Council Members Richard Clark (Chair), Greg
Anderson, Matt Schellenberg (arr. 9:35) and Bill Gulliford
Kirk Sherman and Janice Billy
– Council Auditor’s Office; Peggy Sidman, Steve Rohan, Dylan Reingold and Juliana
Rowland – Office of General Counsel; Lin White – Public Works Department;
Jessica Deal – Mayor’s Office; Maxine Person and Bill Clement – Sheriff’s
Office; Joe Whitaker – JEDC; Delphia Williams and Cherisse Wilks – Recreation
and Community Services Department; Harrison Conyers and Victor Guillory –
MilitaryAffairs, Veterans and Disabled Services; BeLinda Peeples, Sonia Johnson
and Debbie Delgado - ECAs; Jessica Stephens – Legislative Services Division;
Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Chris Quinn – Jacksonville Chamber
of Commerce; Steve Cissel, Thomas Garwood; Kevin Meerschaert - WJCT
Meeting Convened: 9:31 a.m.
Chairman Clark convened the
meeting and reviewed the Auditor’s marked agenda which included 5 items to be
deferred, 10 items ready for action (1 as an emergency) and 7 items for second
reading and re-referral.
2011-367 (5th
amendment to the Gator Bowl Association’s lease for EverBank Field): Chairman
Clark announced the deferral of the bill and requested that all members of the
committee be supplied with a copy of the lease
document to review for the next meeting.
2011-766 (regulation of
secondary metal recyclers): substantial changes were made in the Rules
Committee yesterday; Chairman Clark will have questions about regulatory burden
on small businesses; Sheriff Rutherford and JSO legal advisor James Brunett
will be present to discuss.
2012-34 (authorization of
issuance of $100 million in hospital revenue bonds for Baptist Hospital): a
public hearing will be held, then the bill will be deferred; the bill needs to
be withdrawn and re-introduced as an ordinance.
2012-76 (resolution
expressing Council’s support for a Jacksonville Zoo living shoreline project):
emergency approval will be requested to meet the timeline for project
organizers to apply for a federal grant.
Council Member Anderson gave
an update on the Audit Subcommittee’s meeting on 2.6.12. The subcommittee discussed the Council
Auditor’s Office’s audit schedule and did not recommend any changes in priority
or additional projects at this time. The
subcommittee discussed issues relating to the SMG facilities management
contract arising from the Inspector General’s audit and TRUE Commission
hearings. The subcommittee also
discussed the JEDC audit and incentive tracking and management. A bill is pending before Council to increase
the Auditor’s staff by one entry-level auditor position to provide more
staffing capability to undertake in-depth review of JEDC incentive
agreements. With regard to the upcoming
RFP for facilities management when the current SMG contract expires next year,
Council Member Clark urged the administration to utilize the same RFP review
process as used back in the 1990s, with a review committee comprised of two council
members, two representatives of the City administration, and a representative
from the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Meeting Adjourned: 9:48 a.m.
Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research
2.7.12 Posted 2:30 p.m.
Tapes: Finance agenda meeting– LSD
Materials: Auditor’s marked Finance agenda; sign-in