CHERYL L. BROWN                                                                                                         117 WEST DUVAL STREET, SUITE 425

            DIRECTOR                                                                                                                                                                                 4TH FLOOR, CITY HALL

   OFFICE (904) 630-1452                                                                                                                                                          JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA  32202

     FAX (904) 630-2906                                                                                                                                                                                                              



Land Use and Zoning Committee Agenda Meeting Minutes

September 18, 2012

1:00 p.m.


Topic:  LUZ Committee agenda meeting


Location:  Conference Room A, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street,

     Suite 425


In attendance:  Council Members Lori Boyer (Chair), Don Redman and Richard Clark (arr. 1:16)


Dylan Reingold  – Office of General Counsel; Sean Kelly, Folks Huxford and Steve Smith – Planning and Development Department;  Audrey Braman, Scott Wilson and James Nealis - ECAs; Merriane Lahmeur – Legislative Services Division; Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Jonathan Oliff, Paul Harden, Wyman Duggan, Susan Peeler, Stacie Ruas


Meeting Convened:  1:00 p.m.


Chairwoman Boyer reviewed the marked agenda which included 6 items to be deferred, 12 items ready for action (2 for amendment and re-referral to LUZ), 7 public hearings to be opened and continued, and 2 items for second reading and re-referral.


2012-366 (rezoning on St. Johns Avenue): will be deferred tonight; the Planning Commission will hear the exception request at its meeting next week and LUZ should be ready to act at its next meeting.


2012- 370 (rezoning on Beach Boulevard): Wyman Duggan said he had heard that a large contingent of the general public were coming to the meeting; Chairwoman Boyer may move the item to the end of the agenda if there is a large crowd to speak on the item, which will not be acted on tonight.


2012-426 (rezoning on Gate Parkway): Dylan Reingold said that the Planning Commission intended for its recommended conditions to be incorporated into a revised written description for the project.


2012-503 (rezoning for Flagler Center, I-95 and Phillips Highway): the amendment should reference the original written description and a revised site plan.


2012-504 (rezoning on College Avenue): Council Member Love requested that the item be taken up early in the meeting.


2012-505 (rezoning on Parman Road): the new proposal is to amend the parcel to RR rather than AGR; staff was asked to contact Council Member Carter prior to the meeting to inform him.


2012-506 (rezoning on Blanding Boulevard): Paul Harden explained a change in the proposed boundaries of the rezoning to include all of lot 32 and most of lot 33; the eastern 20 feet of lot 33 will not be rezoned and will be kept as a required buffer between incompatible zonings.  Mr. Reingold requested a recalculation of the acreage to be rezoned after the buffer is excluded.


2012-509 (waiver of minimum road frontage on Beauclerc Road): Mr. Reingold needs a revised legal description of the property prior to the meeting.


2012-532 (appealing final order of Planning Commission for property on Atlantic Boulevard): the applicant has requested a formal hearing procedure; Chairwoman Boyer outlined the procedure for the formal hearing, including the order of presentations, time allocations, etc.  The representatives of both parties agreed to waive the procedural requirement that the LUZ Committee’s ruling tonight would be drafted by the Office of General Counsel and reviewed by the committee at its next meeting in two weeks.


Meeting Adjourned:  1:30 p.m.


Minutes:  Jeff Clements, Council Research Division

                9.18.12   Posted 4:00 p.m.


Tapes:      LUZ agenda meeting– LSD



Materials: Marked LUZ agenda; sign-in sheet - LSD
