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Land Use and Zoning Committee Agenda Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2012
3:30 p.m.
Topic: LUZ Committee agenda meeting
Location: Conference Room A, City Hall –
In attendance: Council Members Reginald Brown (Chair), Jim
Love, Robin Lumb, Lori Boyer, Matt Schellenberg, Doyle Carter (arr. 3:53) and
Ray Holt (arr. 4:08)
Dylan Reingold – Office of
General Counsel; Sean Kelly, Folks Huxford, Helena Parola and Ken Avery –
Planning and Development Department; Jessica Deal – Mayor’s Office; Donna Barrow, Kevin Kuzel, Mercedes Parker,
Rebekah Hagen, Stan Johnson, Connie Holt and Scott Wilson - ECAs; Merriane
Lahmeur – Legislative Services Division; Jeff Clements – Council Research
Division; Chris Warren – Chamber of Commerce; Kay Ehas, Wyman Duggan, Lynn
Pappas, Karl Sanders, Robin Robinson, Staci Rewis, Maria Arreguin, Joel
Meeting Convened: 3:35 p.m.
Chairman Brown convened the
meeting and asked Dylan Reingold to review the marked agenda which included 11
items to be deferred, 7 items ready for action (1 marked for withdrawal), 3
public hearings to be opened and continued, and 5 items for second reading and
2011-518 (waiver of minimum
road frontage on Trout River Boulevard): the applicant has requested
2011-624 (rezoning on
Moncrief Road): the bill has been previously amended by LUZ but the Planning
Department will propose an additional amendment to revise the site plan and to
restrict the height of outside storage.
2012-14 (rezoning on Lane
Avenue from PUD to PUD): an explanation will be requested from the Planning
Department about the differing recommendations between the department and the
Planning Commission regarding inclusion of sidewalks. Chairman Brown favors deferral and further
discussion with the neighborhood association.
2011-767 and -768 (appeals of
Planning Commission final orders re: Kickbacks Restaurant expansion plans): the
attorneys for the two parties have agreed on procedural issues for
presentations at the meeting; each side will have 10 minutes to make
presentations, with opening argument, rebuttal and conclusions, on each
bill. Dylan Reingold outlined the
options for committee actions, including deferral, remand back to the Planning
Commission with additional instructions, or approval or denial of each
bill. Pursuant to the committee’s
instructions at the last meeting, the public will be expecting to speak at the
public hearings this time. The attorneys
for the parties briefly discussed issues of standing and the possible
consolidation of some or all of the appeals.
Sean Kelly stated that the Planning Department disagrees with Mr.
Reingold’s interpretation of the LUZ Committee’s ability to consolidate the
appeals which would have the effect of removing jurisdiction over one of the
administrative deviations from the Zoning Administrator. The department believes that would be inconsistent
with a portion of the Zoning Code.
Chairman Brown requested that the Planning Department and the Office of
General Counsel meet after the agenda meeting and try to clarify what the
committee can and cannot do with regard to consolidation.
Meeting Adjourned: 4:15 p.m.
Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research Division
2.23.12 Posted 12:00 p.m.
Tapes: LUZ agenda meeting– LSD
Materials: Marked LUZ agenda; sign-in sheet - LSD