







Monday July 16, 2012

Tape No.________________________

 4:00 P.M.        


Council Chambers 1st Floor,  City Hall

Dana Farris,

Chief of Legislative Services





Kimberly Daniels, Chair

Legislative Aide: Juliette Williams

Don Redman, Vice Chair

Asst. Council Auditor: Janice Billy

Greg Anderson

Attorney: Steve Rohan

John Crescimbeni

Administration: Jessica Deal

Warren Jones

Research: John Jackson

Jim Love


Matt Schellenberg




                        Meeting Convened  4:05 P.M. Meeting Adjourned 5:20 P.M.




If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, such person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.






                     Loree French – General Counsel 2012-394

                    Jarik Conrad – Dir Employee Services 2012-394                    


                    Bob Harmon – Duval Health Director


                    Annalee McPhilomy – lack of spraying of mosquitos









NOTE:  The next regular meeting will be held Monday, August 6, 2012



Item/File No.




1.  2011-692

ORD Approp $1,495,905 ($1,295,905 from AES Cedar Bay Cogeneration Settlemt Fund & $200,000 from Archie Dickinson Park) for City's Contribution toward Acquisition Cost of the Land; Provide for Appraisal by Real Estate Div; Auth Execution of Option Agreemt for Sale & Purchase for 288 Acres of Environmentally Sensitive Land; Provide for Reverter of Funds; Amend Ord 2011-406-E (CIP) to Increase Budget for "Thomas Creek Battlefield Phase I" Proj. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Holt & Co-Sponsored by CM Love, Crescimbeni)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 11/8/11


1. 10/25/2011 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS


    11/1/2011 RCD Read 2nd & Rerefer;    11/1/2011 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 11/8/2011 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS













2.  2012-69

ORD Approp $257,253 ($12,131 from Town Ctr Plan Dist 3, $282 from St Nicholas Town Ctr - Pickwick Pk, $33,060 from St Nicholas Town Ctr Tree Protection Trust, $15,008 from PW Capital Projs Town Ctr - Plan Dist 3, $196,772 from PW Capital Projs Town Ctr - Plan Dist 3) to Return Funds to Source of Origin; Amend Ord 2011-406-E (CIP) to Deauth "St Nicholas Town Ctr" Proj. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Redman)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 2/14/12


1. 1/24/2012 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS


    2/7/2012 RCD Read 2nd & Rerefer;    2/7/2012 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 2/14/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS












3.  2012-128

ORD Approp $125,000 from Old Kings Rd Landfill Mitigation Acct to Purchase Propty Adjacent to Scott Park for Future Parking Lot & Sports Facility; Apv City's Purchase of Land along 2800 Block of Hamilton Cir, bet Longleaf St & Vernon Rd; Provide for a Reverter. (Dist 10-Brown) (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Brown)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 2/28/12


1. 2/14/2012 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS


    2/22/2012 RCD Read 2nd & Rerefer;    2/22/2012 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 2/28/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS













4.  2012-213

ORD-MC Amend Sec 5.08, City Charter & Council Rules 3.301 & 3.305 & Create Rule 3.306 to allow for Council Apv of Certain Economic Dev Incentive Legislation after 1 or 2 Readings; Amend Sec 180.105, Ord Code (Funding of the Duval County Job Opportunity Bank) to Delete Provisions Requiring Recipients of City Economic Dev Incentives to Contribute Funds to the Job Opportunity Bank; Auth the Economic Dev Investmt Policy of the City re Economic Incentives Funded by City; Replacing Former Incentive Policy; Auth Downtown Historic Preservation & Revitalization Trust Fund Guidelines; Replacing Former Trust Fund Guidelines. (Rowland) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/10/12


1. 3/27/2012 CO  Introduced: R,F,RCDPHS


    4/2/2012 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


    4/3/2012 RCD Read 2nd & Rerefer;    4/3/2012 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 4/10/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F, RCDPHS



BILL SUMMARY       R: Defer












5.  2012-274

RESO Declaring Council's Support for Implementation of a High Crime Area Neighborhood Security Camera Prog; Urging Sheriff to Budget for & Implement said Prog. (Rohan) (Introduced by CM Brown)


1. 4/24/2012 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS


    5/1/2012 RCD Read 2nd & Rerefer;    5/1/2012 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 5/8/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS












6.  2012-296

ORD-MC Amend Secs 60.105 (Functions, Powers & Duties), & 400.101 (Statemt of Policy), Chapts 402 (Equal Employmt Opportunity, 406 (Public Accommodations) & 408 (Fair Housing), Ord Code. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Jones)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/22/12


1. 5/8/2012 CO  Introduced: R,RCDPHS


    5/14/2012 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


    5/15/2012 RCD Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 5/22/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, RCDPHS



BILL SUMMARY          R: Defer













7.  2012-364

ORD-MC Repeal Sec 516.101 (Downtown Dev Agcy Boundaries), Ord Code; Create New Chapt 55 (Economic Dev), Part III (Downtown Investmt Authority) to serve as Community Redev Agcy for Downtown; Provide for Community Redev within Existing Downtown Area (the Southside & the Downtown Northbank Community Redev Areas); Create New Sec 111.640 (Redev Trust Fund of Downtown Investmt Auth); Amend Chapt 122 (Public Propty), Part 4 (Real Propty), Subpart C (Community Redev Real Propty Dispositions), Sec 122.434 (Procedure for Disposition of Community Dev Propty); Amend Chapt 500 (Community Redev - Policies & Procedures), Secs 500.102 (Definitions) & 500.104 (Exercise of Powers by JEDC); Amend Chapt 656 (Zoning Code), Part 3 (Schedule of Dist Regs), Subpart H (Downtown Overlay Zone & Downtown Dist Regs), Sec 656.361.2 (Downtown Overlay Zone & Downtown Dist Regs), Sec 656.361.2  (Downtown Overlay Zone Map & Boundaries) & Sec 656.361.3 (Definitions); Provide for Apv of Execution of a Form Redev &/or Economic Dev Agreemt; Provide for Apv of Execution of a Form Ground-Lease Agreemt; Amend Sec 17.06 (Applicability of Civil Svc Syst to Employees of Consolidated Govt) of Article 17 (Civil Svc) of City Charter, to Correct Civil Svc Exemptions. (Gabriel) (Req of Mayor) (PC & PD Apv)

LUZ PH Pursuant to Sec 656.123, Ord Code - 6/19/12, 7/17/12

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/12/12


1. 5/22/2012 CO  Introduced: R,F,RCDPHS,LUZ


    6/4/2012 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


    6/5/2012 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer;    6/5/2012 RCD Read 2nd & Rerefer;    6/5/2012 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 6/12/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F, RCDPHS, LUZ



BILL SUMMARY           Fact Sheet       R: Defer





8.  2012-394

ORD re Default by City's Pre-Tax Flexible Spending Provider, EBS/Atlanta; Requiring Cessation of Certain Payroll Deductions, Return of Certain Deposited Funds & a Demand upon the Provider; Designate Employee Svcs Dept as Monitor; Provide that City is Responsible for Employee Losses; Provide for New Contract Limitations & Requiremts; Req Emerg Apv. (Daniels) (Introduced by CM Daniels)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 7/24/12


1. 6/26/2012 CO // Introduced: R,F, PHS (CP added 7/9/12)



BILL SUMMARY              R: Read 2nd & Rerefer




9.  2012-396

ORD Approp $1,000,000 ($689,882 from Nuisance Abatemt Assessmt, $73,224 from Interest Sanitary Assessmt, $121,520.50 from Demolition Assessmt, & $115,373.50 from Code Violation Fines) to Nuisance Abatemt Lien Spec Rev Fund for Nuisance Abatemt Contracting City-Wide; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2012-2013. (BT 12-080) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 7/24/12


1. 6/26/2012 CO  Introduced: TEU,F, PHS (per CP 7/9/12)



BILL SUMMARY              Fact Sheet             TEU: Read 2nd & Rerefer




10.  2012-403

ORD Auth Agreemt with Shands Jacksonville Med Ctr, Inc & a Ltr of Agreemt with State of Fla thru its Agcy for Health Care Admin, re Pymt & Distribution of City's $23,775,594 Indigent Health Care Contract Obligation for FY 2012-2013. (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 7/24/12


1. 6/26/2012 CO  Introduced: F, PHS (per CP 7/9/12)


                               BILL SUMMARY                    Fact Sheet


                               READ 2ND & REREFER


                              ***** Item may be added to the agenda at the discretion of the Chair.*****