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Rules Committee Agenda Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2012
9:30 a.m.
Topic: Rules Committee agenda meeting
Location: Conference Room A, City Hall –
In attendance: Council Members Clay Yarborough (Chair), Jim
Love, Greg Anderson, Lori Boyer, Matt Schellenberg
Janice Billy, Sean Costigan and
Heather Reber – Council Auditor’s Office; Peggy Sidman, Steve Rohan and Dylan
Reingold – Office of General Counsel; Jessica Deal, Mia Jones – Mayor’s Office; Marilyn Allen – Legislative Services Division;
Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Sheriff John Rutherford and Maxine Person –
Sheriff’s Office; Dr. Delphia Williams – Behavioral and Human Services
Department; Connie Holt, BeLinda Peeples, Donna Barrow and Kevin
Kuzel– ECAs; Rachel Welsh – Council Staff Services; Sheriff John Rutherford and
Maxine Person – Sheriff’s Office; Tony Bates – Concerned Taxpayers of Duval
Meeting Convened: 9:33 a.m.
Chairman Yarborough reviewed
the Council Auditor’s marked agenda which showed 8 items to be deferred, 32
items ready for action (4 recommended for withdrawal, 1 requested for emergency
action); and 12 items for second reading and re-referral.
2012-116 (supporting J-bill
to change method of appointing Police and Fire Pension Fund board): the
committee discussed whether this bill should be withdrawn; Steve Rohan said
that the J-bill has already been filed for next year and
the action contained in this bill will need to done at some point, not
withdrawn. Council Member Gulliford will
have a substitute to propose.
2012-387 (appointment of
2012-450 (appropriating $6.1
million in Sheriff’s Office budget savings):
Peggy Sidman noted that the Finance Committee approved a substitute at
last Friday’s budget hearing.
2012-451 (changing the method
of settling street addressing errors/conflicts): the bill has been approved by
the 911 Addressing Committee and other interested parties and will move the
decision on appeals from City Council to the Planning Commission.
2012-477 (appointment of
Robert Spohrer to the Jaxport board): will be delayed until 11:00 a.m. until
Council Member Schellenberg can be present for discussion.
2012-491 (providing straw
ballot referendum on method of selection of one member of the Police and Fire
Pension Fund board): the Chair will leave it to Council Member Crescimbeni to
advocate for how he wants to proceed.
2012-522 (transferring
property and assets to the St. Johns River Ferry Commission): emergency action
is requested.
2012-499 (renaming Goodby’s
Lake Boat Ramp for the late John Lowe): needs to be amended to include an
Ordinance Code waiver regarding the prohibition against naming public
facilities for persons who have been deceased for less than 5 years.
2012-468 (authorizing study
of new location for Supervisor of Elections facility): there will be two
amendments – one recommended by the Council Auditor and one by Chairman
Meeting Adjourned: 9:41 a.m.
Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research
8.20.12 Posted 11:30 p.m.
Tapes: Rules agenda meeting– LSD
Materials: Auditor’s marked Rules agenda