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Rules Committee Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2012 10:00 A.M. |
Chambers 1st Floor, City
Hall |
Farris, Chief of Legislative Services |
Bishop, Chair |
Assistant: Philip Zamarron |
Crescimbeni, Vice Chair |
Attorney: Peggy Sidman |
Boyer |
Asst: Jeff Clements |
Gaffney |
Auditor: Sean Costigan & Janice
Billy |
Holt |
Administration: Jessica Deal |
Schellenberg |
Yarborough |
Meeting Convened 10:02 A.M. Meeting Adjourned 12:31
Holland, Supv of Elections (2012-188)
Phillips, SOE Office (2012-188)
Choy (2012-177)
Snell (2012-178)
Tipping, Jr (2012-179)
Wilkes (2012-182)
Boree, Dir, Parks & Rec (2012-145)
Jones, Mayor’s Ofc (2012-157)
Whitaker (2012-171)
Belton, CFO
Colbert, Mayor’s Ofc
Hastings, TDC (2012-155)
Bates – Concerned Taxpayers
Patterson, Fla Times Union
NOTE: The next regular meeting will be held April
16, 2012
Item/File No. |
Title/History |
1. 2011-440 |
RESO Recognizing (1) Importance of Council Rules, (2) Obligation
of Council Member Attendance at Council & Committee Mtgs, (3) Harm to
Public & Honor of Council when Members leave Committee Mtgs without
Approval; (4) with Regret a Rules Comm Mtg of 6/20/11 where 4 Members Left
without Notice or Permission of the Chair; Censuring the 4 Council Members
who left the 6/20/11 Meeting without Notice or Permission. (Rohan)
(Introduced by Council Rules Chair Lee) (Sponsored by C/M Johnson) |
1. 6/28/2011 CO
Introduced: R |
7/18/2011 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 7/26/2011 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary DEFER |
2. 2011-441 |
ORD Making Findings re Importance of Council Mtg
Attendance; Recognizing Existing Council Rules 2.202 (Attendance; Voting)
& 4.501 (Absence from Meetings); Amend Part 5 (Decorum) of Chapt 4
(Procedures), Creating New Rule 4.506 (Penalties) to Authorize Removal from
Council Committees & Censure. (Rohan) (Introduced by Council Rules Chair
Lee) (Sponsored by C/M Johnson) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601
- 7/26/11 |
1. 6/28/2011 CO
Introduced: R |
7/18/2011 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 7/26/2011 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary DEFER |
3. 2012-103 |
RESO Conf Appt of Roland N.C. Udenze, Replacing Mai Dinh
Keisling, to the Art in Public Places Comm as a Lay Citizen for Planning Dist
2, for 1st Full Term exp 12/31/14. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor) |
1. 2/14/2012 CO Introduced:
R |
2/21/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 2/28/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary WITHDRAW 7-0 |
4. 2012-116 |
RESO of Council Support for Local Bill J-1 for 2013 State
Legislative Session, Amending Sec 22.02 (Membership) Article 22 (Jax Police
& Fire Bd of Trustees), City Charter, Providing 3 Members instead of 2
shall be Apptd by City Council & Eliminates the Trustee Elected Member.
(Rohan) (Introduced by CM Gulliford) |
1. 2/14/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
2/21/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 2/28/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary DEFER |
5. 2012-131 |
RESO Conf Appt of Elaine D Spencer as Chief of Housing
& Community Dev Div of the Neighborhoods Dept. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) |
1. 2/14/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
2/21/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 2/28/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary DEFER |
6. 2012-145 |
ORD Approp $817,262 to move Salaries & Benefits for 6
Positions, with Revenue & Operating Budgets, from Admin-Spec Svcs Dept
Fund to the Admin-Parks & Rec Dept Fund, due to City Reorg. (BT 12-044)
(RC 12-055) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601
- 3/13/12 |
1. 2/28/2012 CO
Introduced: R, F,RCDPHS |
3/6/2012 RCDPHS
Read 2nd & Rerefer; 3/6/2012 F
Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 3/13/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F, RCDPHS |
Summary Fact Sheet Boyer amendment: take the $36,883 (JCCI study and reduced
auto allowance) proposed to be moved to the Mayor’s Executive Operating
Contingency and place it in Parks Maintenance budget. The committee discussed at length the process of the
administrative reorganization (Phase 1 and Phase 2) and their desire not to
enact reorganization items on a piecemeal basis. A presentation was requested of the administration
of where the reorganization process stands and what it planned for both the
current fiscal year and the upcoming fiscal year. Jessica Deal stated that
Deputy CAO Karen Bowling is meeting with department heads and will be holding
a final reorganization workshop in early May, after which a presentation will
be made to Council. . Council Member
Bishop noted that the mayor’s preliminary budget for FY12-13 is due very
shortly in May. The committee discussed the Mayor’s budgetary transfer
powers. He may transfer up to
$750,000 administratively within the General Fund via transfer directive
(TD); amounts over $750,000 require a budgetary transfer (BT) with City
Council approval. Crescimbeni motion: Substitute - delete everything from
the bill except the Boyer amendment re: allocation of the $36,883 SUB/APPROVE 7-0
(Change one of the fund transfers and delete remainder of bill) |
7. 2012-155 |
RESO Appt Steven J Grossman as Member of Duval County
Tourist Dev Council as a Tourist Industry Rep, Replacing Julie A Dion, for
1st Term exp 6/30/15. (Welsh) (Introduced by CP Joost) |
1. 2/28/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
3/5/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 3/13/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary APPROVE 3-4
(FAILED) (Bishop, Gaffney, Crescimbeni, Yarborough) |
8. 2012-157 |
RESO Conf Appt of Vincent Cameron to the Civil Svc Bd,
Replacing Ricky B Wallace, for 1st Full Term exp 6/30/14. (Sidman) (Req of
Mayor) |
1. 2/28/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
3/5/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 3/13/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary DEFER |
9. 2012-158 |
RESO Conf Appt of Lisa Strange Weatherby to the JEA,
Replacing Jim Gilmore, for 1st Full Term exp 2/28/16. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor) |
1. 2/28/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
3/5/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 3/13/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary DEFER |
10. 2012-159 |
RESO Conf Appt of Walter P Bussells to the JEA, Replacing
Julian E Fant, III, for 1st Full Term exp 2/28/16. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor) |
1. 2/28/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
3/5/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 3/13/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary DEFER |
11. 2012-171 |
ORD Auth Economic Dev Agreemt bet City, JEDC &
Caterpillar Work Tools, Inc for Expansion of Operations; Recommending Apv by
Fla Dept of Economic Opportunity as a QTI Business; City Support of $23,400
as Local Financial Support under QTI Tax Refund Prog & State Match of
$93,600, a Total of $117,000 for 39 Jobs; Designate Oversight by JEDC;
Timeline for Execution of Agreemt by Company; Waive Reso 2006-119-A, Public
Investmt Policy, that Requires Average Wage of at least 115% of State or
County Average Wage. (Rowland) (Request of JEDC) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601
- 3/27/12 |
1. 3/13/2012 CO
Introduced: R,F,RCDPHS |
3/19/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
3/20/2012 RCDPHS
Read 2nd & Rerefer;
3/20/2012 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 3/27/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F, RCDPHS |
Summary Fact Sheet Joe Whitaker of the JEDC described the project and
Caterpillar Work Tools’ other location options. Committee members asked numerous questions
about JEDC’s process for verifying job creation and capital investment by
incentive recipients. Council Member
Gaffney urged more commitment by incentive recipients to hire workers from
within the Enterprise Zone and expressed dismay that the current
administration seems solely concentrated on downtown development to the
detriment of the rest of the city. Council Members Holt, Boyer and Crescimbeni proposed
amendments to require use of specific, independently verifiable documents
(such as tangible personal property tax records and state UC6 unemployment
insurance forms) to document recipient compliance with incentive agreements. AMEND/APPROVE
5-2 (Gaffney, Yarborough) (Add Contract Terms) |
12. 2012-177 |
RESO Conf Appt of Brandon Nakoa Choy to the Art in Public
Places Comm as a Cultural Council Rep, Replacing Allison Korman Shelton, for
Unexp Term exp 12/31/12. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor) |
1. 3/13/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
3/19/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 3/27/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary APPROVE 7-0 |
13. 2012-178 |
RESO Conf Appt of Clifford Denmon Snell as a HAR
Contractor to the Constrn Trades Qualifying Bd, Replacing John W Bentley for
1st Full Term exp 9/30/14. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor) |
1. 3/13/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
3/19/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 3/27/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary APPROVE 7-0 |
14. 2012-179 |
RESO Appt Richard A Tipping, Jr as Member of Bldg Codes
Adjustmt Bd replacing Joseph R Frisco, Jr for Partial Term exp 9/30/13.
(Welsh) (Introduced by CP Joost) |
1. 3/13/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
3/19/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 3/27/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary DEFER |
15. 2012-182 |
RESO Appt Alisa D Wilkes as Member of Bldg Codes
Adjustment Bd, Replacing Robert A Rubens for 1st Term exp 9/30/14. (Welsh)
(Introduced by CP Joost) |
1. 3/13/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
3/19/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 3/27/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Bill Summary DEFER |
16. 2012-188 |
ORD Apv Revision of all Voting Precinct Boundaries in
Duval County following Reapportionmt/Redistricting Amends set by Ord
2011-554-E; Apv Renumbering of all Voting Precincts; Apv Precinct Polling
Place Locations for all Precincts; Provide for Precinct Maps on File &
Online. (Rohan) (Req of Supv of Elections) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601
- 3/27/12 |
1. 3/13/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
3/19/2012 R Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2. 3/27/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Summary Fact Sheet Sean Costigan of the Council Auditor’s Office conveyed a
request from the Supervisor of Elections for an amendment to add back 3
precincts (2 in District 8, 1 in District 7) to the 197 listed and to change
1 precinct location for the next election. Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland explained the
process of drawing the new precincts and the reduction from 250 precincts to
197 (200 with the proposed amendment) for efficiency and cost savings
purposes. The committee discussed the
number of precincts per district, which range from 13 to 18 (20 if the
requested amendment is approved). C/M
Holt suggested basing number of precincts on the number of voters who
actually turn out rather than total registration. Mr. Holland said that voter turnout varies
widely from precinct to precinct and election to election, and they have to
plan prudently for the largest possible turnout so as not to inconvenience
voters. Amendment (Crescimbeni): restore the 1 requested precinct in District 7 – approved. AMEND/APPROVE
7-0 |
17. 2012-197 |
ORD Naming the Green Space bet New Duval County
Courthouse, Adams, Broad & Pearl Streets as
"Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Square". (Sidman) (Introduced by
CM Clark) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601
- 4/10/12 |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R,TEU |
Bill Summary READ 2ND
18. 2012-198 |
ORD-MC Amend Sec 122.605 (Review, Amendmt, Adoption &
Approp by City Council) of Part 6 (CIP) of Chapt 122 (Public Propty), Ord
Code to Conform Code to Long Standing Practices re Amends to CIP. (Rohan)
(Introduced by CM Gulliford) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601
- 4/10/12 |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R,F |
Bill Summary READ 2ND
19. 2012-201 |
ORD Conf Appt of Twane Duckworth as City's Risk Manager;
Waive Provision of Sec 24.402 (Div Chief) re 5 Yrs Experience in Insurance
& Risk Mgmt Activities, Including Workers Comp, Automobile & Gen
Liability Matters, at the Prof Level. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601
- 4/10/12 |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
Bill Summary READ 2ND
20. 2012-203 |
ORD-MC Amend Sec 22.02 (Membership) of Article 22 (Jax Police
& Fire Pension Bd of Trustees), City Charter, to Provide that 3 instead
of 2 shall be Apptd by City Council, Eliminating the Trustee Elected Bd
Member; Providing for Unnamed Replacemt of Nathaniel Glover, Jr, for Unexp
Term exp 10/15/14; Providing for Unnamed Replacemt of Barbara Jaffe for Unexp
Term exp 12/1/14; Providing for Unnamed Replacemt of Peter D Sleiman for
Remainder of Unexp Term exp 6/1/14. (Rohan) (Introduced by CM Crescimbeni
& Gulliford) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601
- 4/10/12 |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
Bill Summary READ 2ND
21. 2012-204 |
RESO Conf Appt of James M Robinson as Dir of Public Works
Dept. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
Bill Summary READ 2ND
22. 2012-205 |
RESO Conf Mayor's & Council Pres Reappt of Charles L
Griggs as Member of Jax Journey Oversight Comm for 2nd Term exp 12/31/15.
(Welsh) (Introduced by CP Joost & at Req of Mayor) |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
Bill Summary READ 2ND
23. 2012-206 |
RESO Conf Mayor's & Council Pres Reappt of Terrance
Freeman as Member of Jax Journey Oversight Comm for 2nd Term exp 12/31/15.
(Welsh) (Introduced by CP Joost & at Req of Mayor) |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
Bill Summary READ 2ND
24. 2012-207 |
RESO Honoring & Congratulating the Bolles Bulldogs
Football Team on Winning the Class 4A State Football Championship, the
Bulldogs' 11th State Title. (Clements) (Introduced by CM Joost &
Crescimbeni) (Sponsored by CM Carter) |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
Bill Summary APPROVE 7-0 |
25. 2012-208 |
RESO Declaring May 2012 as Asian-American & Pacific
Islander Heritage Month. (Clements) (Introduced by CM Crescimbeni) |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
Bill Summary APPROVE 7-0 |
26. 2012-210 |
RESO Honoring & Commending Jax Attorneys William J
Sheppard, Lyman T Fletcher, Jack G Hand, Jr, Henry Lee Adams, Jr & Hugh
Carithers for Forming Florida's 1st Integrated Law Practice in 1972.
(Jackson) (Introduced by CM Jones & Co-sponsored by CM Crescimbeni) |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
Summary Fact Sheet APPROVE 7-0 |
27. 2012-211 |
RESO Commemorating the Life & Mourning the Loss of
Episcopal Head of School Dale Regan. (Clements) (Introduced by CM Redman
& Co-sponsored by CM Crescimbeni) |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R |
7-0 (Council Sponsorship) |
28. 2012-212 |
ORD-MC Repealing Article 24 (the JEDC), City Charter,
Chapt 55 (Economic Dev), Ord Code & Sec 516.101 (Downtown Dev Agcy
Boundaries; Recreating Chapt 55 (Economic Dev); Amend Sec 111.155 (Sports
& Entertainmt Bd Trust Fund); Create New Secs 111.640 (Redev Trust Fund
of Jax Downtown Investmt Authority Trust) & 111.645 (Economic Dev Closing
Fund); Amend Sec 250.514 (Requiremts for Plans & Specifications); Amend
Secs 656.314 (Central Business Dist) & 656.321 (Business Park Category);
Providing for Approval of an Economic Dev Agreemt & a Ground-Lease
Agreemt; Approp $1,000,000 to Effectuate this Ord; Amend Sec 17.06
(Applicability of Civil Svc Syst to Employees of Consolidated Govt) of
Article 17 (Civil Svc) to Correct Civil Svc Exemptions; Providing for
Organizational Chart for Economic Dev. (BT 12-059) (Laquidara) (Req of Mayor) LUZ PH Pursuant to Sec 656.123 - 4/17/12 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601
- 4/10/12 |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R,F,RCDPHS,LUZ |
Summary Fact Sheet READ 2ND
29. 2012-213 |
ORD-MC Amend Sec 5.08, City Charter & Council Rules
3.301 & 3.305 & Create Rule 3.306 to allow for Council Apv of Certain
Economic Dev Incentive Legislation after 1 or 2 Readings; Amend Sec 180.105,
Ord Code (Funding of the Duval County Job Opportunity Bank) to Delete
Provisions Requiring Recipients of City Economic Dev Incentives to Contribute
Funds to the Job Opportunity Bank; Auth the Economic Dev Investmt Policy of
the City re Economic Incentives Funded by City; Replacing Former Incentive
Policy; Auth Downtown Historic Preservation & Revitalization Trust Fund
Guidelines; Replacing Former Trust Fund Guidelines. (Rowland) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601
- 4/10/12 |
1. 3/27/2012 CO
Introduced: R,F,RCDPHS Bill
Summary Fact Sheet READ 2ND
Council Member Holt discussed
the City’s recently released RFP for a public facilities operator and noted
that it included the Equestrian Center in the list of facilities to be managed,
despite the Council’s decision in adopting the current year’s budget to seek an
independent operator for that facility at no cost to the City (i.e. a local
not-for-profit organization). The
current SMG contract is a cost-plus contract and if that’s what the new RFP
calls for, that would not meet the Council’s intent for the Equestrian Center. Council Member Crescimbeni questioned why the
administration issued the RFP when the work of the Finance Audit Subcommittee
and Council Auditor’s Office on the SMG contract are not complete and their
findings are not available to inform the drafting of the RFP. He also questioned the 28 day response
deadline and whether that offers a fair opportunity for interested companies to
prepare a proper response.
CFO Ronnie Belton stated that
the administration wants to see what the marketplace has to offer and prefers
not to bid the venues out separately.
They want to see what a comprehensive operator has to offer first before
making any venue-specific decisions. He
did note that the Jacksonville Jaguars have a contractual right to participate
in the selection of the operator of EverBank Field, so that part of the process
will necessarily be somewhat different than that for the other facilities. The City held a pre-REP conference last week
and got relatively little discussion or questions from potential
responders. There are relatively few
companies with the size and experience to handle a portfolio of facilities like
the City has to manage and they are the big names in the management field. Twenty eight days is sufficient for those
experienced companies to prepare a successful response.
Council Member Schellenberg
urged the administration to open up the process and seek a broader range of
proposers. Alternatively, the City
should also consider the option of hiring staff and taking the venue management
function back in-house as it did before SMG was hired in the early 1990s. Council Member Holt repeated his request to
break out the Equestrian Center from the other venues and consider its
management separately. Council Member
Crescimbeni requested a General Counsel’s opinion on the ability of the City to
issue a separate stand-alone RFP for management of the Equestrian Center while
the current RFP includes it in the full list of 6 venues for which proposals
are sought. If that can be done
separately and simultaneously, then he is prepared to offer a resolution to
that effect.
Council Member Schellenberg
asked why Peter Sleiman is still on the Police and Fire Pension Fund board
despite being ineligible to serve due to non-residency and urged the Rules
Committee to take action to see that he is removed. Council Member Crescimbeni noted that he and Council
Member Gulliford have filed legislation that would remove and replace all three
Council President appointees to the board.
Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research Division
4.3.12 Posted 11:00 a.m.
Tapes: Rules meeting– LSD
Materials: Rules agenda