April 30, 2012
1:30 P.M.
City Council Conference Room A
117 West Duval Street
Attendance: Council Members Greg Anderson (Chair), Jim Love, Robin Lumb; Steve Rohan, Dylan Reingold, Office of General Counsel; Heather Reber, Council Auditor’s Office; Jessica Deal, Tiffani Dailey, Administration; Stephen Smith, Planning & Development Department; Attorney Tom Ingram; Jeff Foster, Eric Fuller, Lin White, John Johnson, Public Works Department; Nick Sousa; Executive Council Assistants Scott Wilson, Sonia Johnson, Kevin Kuzel, Ricky Anderson; Juliette Williams, Legislative Aide; John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.
The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m. and proceeded to review the Council Auditor’s Office marked agenda.
The Chair announced that the sponsor of Item #1, ORD 2012-153, Granting Appl of Mulliniks Recycling, Inc. for Renewal & Modification of its CON to Operate a Constrn & Demolition Debris Processing Facility, had issues that he had previously raised resolved and that he wanted the Committee to act on the bill.
On Item #5, ORD 2012-202, Approp $9,120……to Fund Parking for City Council Members in the St. James Building Garage, the Chair announced that he had met with Council President Joost and that he was inclined to have the bill deferred until components of the proposed bill could be combined with components of another piece of legislation.
The Chair indicated that Council Member Schellenberg had requested that Item #8, ORD 2012-229, Apv 1st Amend to Fair Share Agreemt with Blue Way Developers for “Jax Retail & Office Park South” Proj, be deferred.
The Chair announced that Council Member Crescimbeni would attend the Committee meeting to share his thoughts on Item #2, ORD 2012-187, Granting Appl of Sphinx Management, Inc for Initial CON to Operate the South Jacksonville Biomass Site. The Chair will allow public comments on the item if both sides are present.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:40 p.m.
John J. Jackson, Council Research Division (904) 630-1729
Posted: 11:00 a.m.