







Monday March 19, 2012

Tape No.________________________

2:00 P.M.


Council Chambers 1st Floor,  City Hall

Dana Farris,

Chief of Legislative Services





Greg Anderson, Chair

Legislative Aide: Juliette Williams

Richard Clark, Vice Chair Excused

Asst. Auditor: Heather Reber

Kimberly Daniels

Research Asst.: John Jackson

Johnny Gaffney

Attorney: Steve Rohan

Jim Love

Admin: Jessica Deal

Robin Lumb


Don Redman




                        Meeting Convened   2:00 P.M.            Meeting Adjourned 2:33 P.M.




If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, such person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.





















NOTE:  The next regular meeting will be held Monday, April 2, 2012



Item/File No.




1.  2012-101

ORD Apv 2nd Amend to Fair Share Contract with Signature Land, Inc, Assigned to Signature Parkway, LLP (CCAS# 49756, 48269, 70522, 45443, 70518 & 49756) re Improvemt of Duval Rd bet Main St & Airport Ctr Dr (1) Extending Improvemt Completion Date from 6/23/13 to 6/23/15; (2) Increasing Credit for Improvemt to $14,212,307 & (3) Allows Transfer of Credit throughout Applicable Mobility Zone. (Dist 11-Holt) (Reingold) (TEU)

TEU Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 655 Ord Code - 3/5/12

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 2/28/12


1. 2/14/2012 CO  Introduced: TEU


    2/21/2012 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 2/28/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; TEU







Attach revised agreement





2.  2012-102

ORD Apv 1st Amend to Fair Share Contract with Lem Turner Road Developers, LLC for "Thomas Creek" Proj (CCAS# 34051), 1087.6± Acres on SW Corner of Lem Turner & Pace Rds, Extending Duration 5 Yrs & Modifying Permitted Uses Consistent with the Thomas Creek Regional Activity Ctr. (Dist 8-Lee) (Reingold) (TEU)

TEU Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 655 Ord Code - 3/5/12

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 2/28/12


1. 2/14/2012 CO  Introduced: TEU


    2/21/2012 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 2/28/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; TEU


    3/5/2012 TEU PH Amend/Approve 7-0


3. 3/13/2012 CO REREFERRED; TEU












3.  2012-147

ORD Closing & Abandoning Portion of R/W for Drainage on Hood Rd, W of Ilah Rd, at Req of Curtis Hart for Collins Builders, LLC, Subject to Reservation of Drainage Easemt over Closed R/W for Drainage to allow Applicant & Adjacent Owners to Extend Respective Residential Proptys & Maintain the Drainage Easemt. (Dist 5-Boyer) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/13/12


1. 2/28/2012 CO  Introduced: TEU


    3/5/2012 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/13/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; TEU



BILL SUMMARY                     Fact Sheet









4.  2012-148

ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming a Portion of Floss Ave bet Wilkie Ln & Grayson St, an Unopened & Unimproved R/W, at Request of A.B. Ponder, to allow Extension of his Residential Propty. (Dist 12-Carter) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

TEU PH Pursuant to Sec. 336.10, F.S. - 3/19/12

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/13/12


1. 2/28/2012 CO  Introduced: TEU


    3/5/2012 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/13/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; TEU



BILL SUMMARY                      Fact Sheet






5.  2012-152

ORD Auth Acceptance of 4 Parcels of Fla DOT Surplus, at No Cost; Parcel 81 at 12125 San Jose Blvd, Parcels 112 & 113 on Cabeza Rd & Parcel 142 at 6827 Phillips Parkway Dr. (Dists 6-Schellenberg, 5-Boyer & 13-Gulliford) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/13/12


1. 2/28/2012 CO  Introduced: TEU,F


    3/5/2012 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


    3/6/2012 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/13/2012 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; TEU, F



BILL SUMMARY                       Fact Sheet







6.  2012-153

ORD Granting Appl of Mulliniks Recycling, Inc for Renewal & Modification of its CON to Operate a Constrn & Demolition Debris Processing Facility; Provide Conditions. (McCain) (Introduced by Council President Pursuant to Chapt 380, Ord Code)

TEU PH Pursuant to Chapter 380, Ord Code - 4/2/12

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/10/12


1. 2/28/2012 CO  Introduced: TEU


    3/5/2012 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/13/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; TEU



BILL SUMMARY                           Fact Sheet







7.  2012-154

ORD Granting Appl of AAction Recycling Corp for Renewal & Modification of its CON to Operate a Constrn & Demolition Debris Processing Facility; Provide Conditions. (McCain) (Introduced by Council President Pursuant to Chapt 380, Ord Code)

TEU PH Pursuant to Chapter 380, Ord Code - 4/2/12

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/10/12


1. 2/28/2012 CO  Introduced: TEU


    3/5/2012 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/13/2012 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; TEU



BILL SUMMARY                              Fact Sheet






8.  2012-173

ORD Approp $27,860 from Tree Protection & Related Expenses Trust Fund for Tree Planting, Installation & Maint on Crystal Springs Rd; Utilize Continuing Contract of Davey Tree Svc; Designate Oversight by Public Works Dept. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Carter)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/27/12


1. 3/13/2012 CO  Introduced: TEU,F







9.  2012-174

ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming 3 All Utility Easemts in Carver International S/D & Carver Manor S/D at Request of Carver International HOA to Address Title Related Concerns of Lending Institutions re Selling or Refinancing S/D Proptys. (Dist 10-Brown) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/27/12


1. 3/13/2012 CO  Introduced: TEU







10.  2012-175

ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming Portion of Unopened & Unimproved R/W in Jax Heights at Req of AFI Associates, Inc to Facilitate Future Dev. (Dist 14-Love) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

TEU PH 4/2/12

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/27/12


1. 3/13/2012 CO  Introduced: TEU







11.  2012-187

ORD Granting Appl of Sphinx Management, Inc for Initial CON to Operate the South Jacksonville Biomass Site; Provide for Conditions of Certificate. (McCain) (Introduced by Council President pursuant to Chapt 380, Ord Code)

TEU PH Pursuant to Chapter 380, Ord Code -

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 -


1. 3/13/2012 CO  Introduced: TEU


                               READ 2ND & REREFER




                          ****NOTE: Other items may be added at the discretion of the Chair.****