CHERYL L. BROWN                                                                                                         117 WEST DUVAL STREET, SUITE 425

            DIRECTOR                                                                                                                                                                                 4TH FLOOR, CITY HALL

   OFFICE (904) 630-1452                                                                                                                                                          JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA  32202

     FAX (904) 630-2906                                                                                                                                                                                                              



Finance Committee Budget Hearing #11 Minutes  - amended

September 5, 2013

2:00 p.m.


Location:  City Council Chamber, 1st floor, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street,


In attendance:  Council Members Greg Anderson (Chair), Reginald Brown , Richard Clark, John Crescimbeni, Johnny Gaffney, Stephen Joost, Matt Schellenberg, Robin Lumb, Clay Yarborough

Also: Council Members Jim Love, Kimberly Daniels


Also: Janice Billy, Kim Taylor, Kyle Billy, Tommy Carter,, Brian Parks, Philip Peterson - Council Auditor’s Office; Carol Owens – Legislative Services Division; Peggy Sidman – Office of General Counsel; Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Michelle Barth  and Margo Klosterman – Mayor’s Office; Glenn Hansen and Angela Moyer - Budget Office


Meeting Convened:  2:02 p.m.


Chairman Anderson announced that the committee would take up the Mayport Ferry budget, then various cleanup items, then council members may offer budget amendments for consideration.


Mayport Ferry

Kyle Billy of the Council Auditor’s Office presented the ferry’s budget which was approved by the ferry commission earlier this week.  Council Member Crescimbeni, Chair of the St. Johns River Ferry Commission, explained the budget, noting that a $449,715 General Fund subsidy will be needed to balance the budget for FY14.  The ferry will be shut down for the month of December 2013 so the ferry can be put in dry dock for a complete Coast Guard-mandated inspection.  Mr. Crescimbeni introduced ferry ambassadors in the audience.  He stated that negotiations are on-going with the JTA as another funding source and this proposed budget may be amended before final approval on September 24th.  Council Member Gaffney opposed a JTA subsidy to the ferry when the authority is preparing to raise bus fares on senior citizens.


Committee members debated the value of the ferry and where it should be most appropriately funded.  Two of the three Beaches cities and Nassau County contributed funding to the ferry in FY13 but have not yet committed to funding in FY14.  Members discussed the priority of funding the ferry versus funding other important community needs.


Motion: on the Council Auditor’s Mayport Ferry handout p. 3, approve Council Auditor’s recommendation #1 - approved 6-3


Motion (Clark): call the question – fails 4-5


Motion: on the Council Auditor’s Mayport Ferry handout p. 3, approve Council Auditor’s recommendation #2 - approved 6-3


References from this point refer to Council Auditor’s handout “Wrap-Up Items”


Motion: on p. 2, approve Council Auditor’s recommendation #2 to waive Sec. 634.102 of the Ordinance Code that requires that at least 25% of the Court Cost Courthouse Trust Fund must be used for courthouse maintenance purposes – approved


Council Member Yarborough discussed CAO item #6 regarding the notice requirement for closing fire stations and libraries.  An ordinance has been drafted and will be introduced next Tuesday to waive the notice posting requirement so that the public will not be unduly alarmed by seeing closure notices on facilities that the Finance Committee has recommended for restored funding.  Council Member Brown asked for a clarification of the definition of the term “substantial change in use” of those facilities.


Motion: on p. 2, approve Council Auditor’s recommendation #3 to place $90,000 for the manatee study contract on the carry-forward Schedule AF – approved


Motion: on p. 2, approve Council Auditor’s recommendation #4 to restore part-time hours and overtime funding for Group Health from Group Health’s fund balance rather than from the Special Council Contingency – approved


Motion: on the Council Auditor’s handout entitled Additional Wrap Up Items/Possible Floor Amendments, approve item #7 to remove the waiver language from the budget ordinance regarding borrowing for purchase of fleet vehicles (the City will not be borrowing for the vehicles) – approved


Motion: on p. 3, approve Council Auditor’s recommendation #10 to privatize the parts operation of Fleet Management – approved


MPS parking garages: Kyle Billy explained that the City’s early purchase option for the City-subsidized parking garages expires on December 31st of this year.  If the City notifies MPS that it is exercising the option to purchase before the end of this year the cost will be $52 million; if the early option period expires then the price increases to $60 million on January 1, 2014. CFO Ronnie Belton stated that the City is in ongoing negotiations with MPS and will provide the Council with recommendation on the purchase by October 1st.


Kim Taylor announced that the Special Council Contingency account currently stands at negative $49,623,293 (1.1377 mill equivalent).


Council Member amendments

Chairman Anderson announced that he would begin with amendments presented in writing, then take up oral amendments afterward.  Council members will have 3 minutes to propose their amendments and the committee will have 15 minutes to debate each proposal.

Motion (Anderson):: dedicate 0.25 mills ($10.7 million) to paying down the City’s unfunded pension liability by placing the funds in a designated Special Council Contingency fund for that purpose – fails 1-8 (Anderson in favor)


Council Member Lee opposed tying the millage rate to pension issues, which the Council voted not to do when it defeated the Mayor’s pension reform proposal.  Her preference is to allocate the additional resources provided by the additional authorized millage to public safety, parks and recreation, and other essential public services. Committee members opposed the proposal as a piecemeal attempt at dealing with a far larger problem that will require much more research and debate.


Motion (Joost): restore funding for 2 civil service positions eliminated from the Military Affairs, Veterans and Disabled Services Division at a cost of $119,945 from Special Council Contingency


Amendment (Schellenberg): restore $119,945 to the department’s budget but prohibit its use for funding positions – fails 3-6


Amendment (Crescimbeni): restore the 2 positions from the vacancy list and eliminate 2 other positions added to the department during FY13 by means of position reclassifications


Motion (Schellneberg): call the question – approved


The Joost motion as amended by the Crescimbeni amendment was approved


Motion (Joost): restore $350,000 to the Cultural Services Grant program from the Special Council Contingency fund – approved 5-4


Motion (Gaffney): appropriate $163,908 from Special Council Contingency to reopen the Brentwood branch library


Amendment (Lumb): also appropriate $102,193 to reopen the Maxville branch library


The Gaffney motion as amended by the Lumb amendment was approved 5-4


Motion (Crescimbeni): appropriate $324,091 from Special Council Contingency to the Jacksonville Journey budget to restore funding for LISC – fails 4-5


Motion (Crescimbeni): appropriate $277,633 from the Special Council Contingency fund to restore $277,633 for the Ex Offender Employment Program – fails 4-5


Motion (Schellenberg): appropriate $3,800 from the Special Council Contingency fund to permit restoration of an accidentally omitted position in the Parks and Recreation Department – approved


Motion (Anderson for Love): appropriate $5.1 million from Special Council Contingency to the Public Works Department fund construction of the Parramore Road project and amend the CIP to make the project a funded project in FY14 – fails 2-4


Motion (Anderson for Boyer): change the funding source for the $150,000 project for Losco Road trail signage from the District 5 Loblolly account and have the Parks and Recreation Department bring the Finance Department a list of all of the contractually mandated expenditures from the citywide Loblolly account for purposes of a floor amendment to add those projects to the CIP before final passage – approved


Motion (Schellenberg): add the LaSalle Street Outfall to the CIP at a total cost of $7 million with $2 million allocated to FY15 – approved


Council Member Lee urged a complete overhaul of the CIP development process so that projects cannot be removed from the program without City Council’s approval.  Projects cannot be allowed to disappear before they’re completed or affirmatively discontinued.


Motion (Anderson for Boyer): restore the Metropolitan Park Redevelopment project to the CIP at a total project cost of $13,878,534, with no funding for FY14 – approved


The committee expressed surprise at finding that the funding for the Metro Park project had been reallocated to an economic development project on Riverside Avenue by a prior ordinance last December.


Motion (Anderson for Daniels): appropriate $800,000 from Special Council Contingency fund to restore funding for the early learning initiatives budget of the Jacksonville Children’s Commission and restore 6 employee positions associated with that funding – fails 2-5


The committee discussed the Children’s Commission’s early learning programs, what services are provided in-house by the JCC, what is contracted out, and how the funding for this early learning initiative relates to the $1.4 million for early learning also allocated to the JCC through the Jacksonville Journey program.


Motion (Anderson for Lee): appropriate $56,350 from Special Council Contingency an authorize 2,600 part-time hours to keep the Carvill Community Center open and staffed at the FY13 level


Amendment (Yarborough): allocate $56,350 from the Blue Cypress community center to restore full funding for operation of the Carvill Community Center and allocate the remainder back to Special Council Reserve – approved


Motion (Anderson for Holt): appropriate $60,510 from fair share investment earnings and $31,304 from Duval Road project investment pool earnings to provide $91,814 to the Duval Road expansion project to fill a shortfall in JIA CRA tax increment funding for the project – approved


Motion (Yarborough): appropriate $1,058,498 to the Public Works Department for preventive maintenance purposes, utilizing $229,694 from JEA utility rebates to the City and $828,804 from Special Council Contingency – approved 3-2


In response to questions from Council Member Crescimbeni, Public Works Director Jim Robinson and Brian Parks and Robert Campbell of the Council Auditor’s Office described their meeting earlier this week to clarify questions posed by the committee at an earlier budget hearing regarding the number of position vacancies in the department’s employee cap and a comparison of the department’s current and proposed budget at various points in the budget process. Council Member Crescimbeni questioned the seemingly inordinate length of time it takes the department to fill vacant positions, which Mr. Robinson attributed in part to problems dealing with the Employee Services Department.


Motion (Brown): list the Lonnie Miller Park water park project in the CIP, with a $4 million total cost and no allocation for FY14 – approved


Motion (Anderson for Boyer): restore $325,810 in Public Service Grant funding to restore the current year’s funding level, less $14,094 previously restored to the Sulzbacher Homeless Center, for a net restoration of $311,716 – fails 1-4


Council Member Clark said that the Council needs to make a concerted effort to consolidate all public service funding into one bucket so that it’s easy to identify exactly what is being spent every year.  Currently there are too many silos funding the same agencies and it’s hard to identify how much is allocated altogether.  Council Member Yarborough noted that the public service grants and cultural service grants have been held relatively harmless over the past several years even as other departments and personnel have been reduced.


Motion (Clark): identify and strike every unfunded position in the budget, including positions with a $1 salary as a placeholder – withdrawn


Council Member Yarborough asked if the committee wanted to restore the $338,000 in funding previously placed “below the line” from the Copy Center budget.  Council Member Crescimbeni suggested consideration of bringing all City printing work back in-house.


Phillip Peterson announced that the Special Council Contingency now stands at negative $51,023,305, a millage equivalent of 1.1698 mills. The total millage rate would be 11.2051.


2013-464 (budget ordinance): substitute the budget ordinance to appropriate $51,023,305 to the Special Council Contingency account and place the additional tax increment district revenue into cash carry-over accounts except for the Beaches tax increment district, the revenues from which will go directly to the Beaches cities, and to incorporate all of the actions taken by the Finance Committee on the budget to date  approved 4-1


2013-464: tentatively approve as amended – fails 4-1/deferred


Peggy Sidman and Cindy Laquidara explained the alternatives for the committee to consider in moving the budget bills, given that a 9-member committee requires 5 votes in one direction to report a bill out to the full Council, given that only 5 members are present. The committee could vote unanimously in the negative which would report the bill out, the Finance Committee could notice a special meeting for Monday, or the Council President could discharge the bill at next Tuesday’s council meeting for a vote.  Pursuant to state law and noticing requirements, the budget must be tentatively approved by the Council next Tuesday and advertised for final approval on the 24th.


2013-461 (millage levy for GSD minus the Beaches and Baldwin): amend to levy 11.2051 mills and calculate the corresponding rollback rate differential – approved 4-1


2013-461: tentatively approve as amended - fails 4-1/deferred


2013-462 (GSD millage levy for the beaches cities): amend to levy 7.9144 mills and calculate the corresponding rollback rate differential – approved 4-1


2013-462: tentatively approve as amended - fails 4-1/deferred


2013-463 (GSD millage levy for the Baldwin): amend to levy 9.4319 mills and calculate the corresponding rollback rate differential – approved 4-1


2013-463: tentatively approve as amended - fails 4-1/deferred


The committee was in recess from 8:26 to 8:44.


Council Member Lumb returned to the meeting. Acting Council President Yarborough appointed Council Members Bishop and Daniels as acting members of the Finance Committee for the remainder of tonight’s meeting.


2013-464 (budget ordinance): substitute the budget ordinance to appropriate $51,023,305 to the Special Council Contingency account and place the additional tax increment district revenue into cash carry-over accounts except for the Beaches tax increment district, the revenues from which will go directly to the Beaches cities, and to incorporate all of the actions taken by the Finance Committee on the budget to date – approved 7-1


2013-464: tentatively approve as amended – approved 7-1


2013-461 (millage levy for GSD minus the Beaches and Baldwin): amend to levy 11.2051 mills and calculate the corresponding rollback rate differential – approved 7-1


2013-461: tentatively approve as amended - approved 7-1


2013-462 (GSD millage levy for the beaches cities): amend to levy 7.9144 mills and calculate the corresponding rollback rate differential – approved 7-1


2013-462: tentatively approve as amended - approve 7-1


2013-463 (GSD millage levy for the Baldwin): amend to levy 9.4319 mills and calculate the corresponding rollback rate differential – approved 7-1


2013-463: tentatively approve as amended – approved 7-1


2013-465 (CIP ordinance): deferred


2013-466 (Banking Fund ordinance): deferred


2013-467 (5-year IT capital budget): deferred


Chairman Anderson thanked the committee and staff for great work in a difficult process.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.


Jeff Clements, City Council Research

Posted 9.5.13    9:00 p.m.