CHERYL L. BROWN                                                                                                         117 WEST DUVAL STREET, SUITE 425

            DIRECTOR                                                                                                                                                                                 4TH FLOOR, CITY HALL

   OFFICE (904) 630-1452                                                                                                                                                          JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA  32202

     FAX (904) 630-2906                                                                                                                                                                                                              



Joint Rules and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – Ordinance 2014-386

November 25, 2014

3:00 p.m.


Location:  City Council Chamber, 1st floor, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street,

Finance Committee:  Council Members Richard Clark (Chair), Matt Schellenberg, Lori Boyer, Reggie Brown (arr. 3:07), John Crescimbeni (arr. 3:06), Kimberly Daniels, Bill Gulliford, Ray Holt and Council President Clay Yarborough  Excused: Doyle Carter

Rules Committee: Council Members Bill Gulliford (Chair), Warren Jones (arr. 3:09), Johnny Gaffney, Stephen Joost, Robin Lumb, Don Redman, Matt Schellenberg and Council President Clay Yarborough


Also: Council Members Greg Anderson and Jim Love; Kirk Sherman, Kyle Billy, Phillip Peterson and Brian Parks – Council Auditor’s Office; Juliette Williams – Legislative Services Division; Jason Gabriel, Peggy Sidman, Paige Johnston, Steve Durden – Office of General Counsel; Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Chris Hand, Teresa Eichner and Margo Klosterman – Mayor’s Office; Jim Linn – Lewis, Longman and Walker (special pension counsel); Ronnie Belton, Glenn Hansen and Joey Greive – Finance Department


Meeting Convened:  3:00 p.m.


2014-386 (amending the Police and Fire Pension Fund benefits)

Council Member Schellenberg withdrew his proposed amendments # 1, 2 and 5.


Schellenberg amendment #3: Mr. Schellenberg explained that the intent of his amendment is to close the DROP program to any new participants as of January 1, 2015, or the date on which the new agreement becomes effective. Committee members discussed the value of the DROP plan to retirees and its cost to the City. Ms. Boyer pointed out that the committees yesterday took action that changed the rate of return on DROP investments and felt that action dealt sufficiently with DROP issues.

Schellenberg #3: Finance – failed 1-9    Rules – failed 1-7


Schellenberg amendment #4: COLA increases begin after 5 years of retirement

Schellenberg #4: Finance – failed 3-6   Rules – approved 5-3


John Keane/PFPF amendment #1: amend the Ordinance Code in Sec. 121.107 to provide that a person may purchase time service credit in the PFPF from service earned in another governmental retirement system provided that the service being connected was not used for entitlement to pension benefits in the other jurisdiction.


Mr. Keane explained that a conflict exists between the provisions of the Florida Statutes and the General Employees’ Pension Plan, which allow the connection of pension time service from another jurisdiction if not used for retirement entitlement, and the PFPF ordinance, which prohibits such connection if the employee was vested in the previous employer’s plan, even if a full refund of contributions was taken and no retirement benefit existed. He described several recent instances where police officers who were members of the Jacksonville Beach and Atlantic Beach police departments and vested in those plans, albeit very briefly before a full refund of employee contributions, could not connect their time service to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. Several committee members expressed general agreement with the intention of the amendment but expressed reservations about injecting new and unstudied issues into the discussion of 2014-386 at the last minute.

John Keane/PFPF #1: Finance – failed 3-6   Rules – approved 5-3


John Keane/PFPF amendment #2: Amend Sec. 121.209 (DROP) to clarify the time at which a member is considered to be eligible to choose participation in the DROP plan by changing the word “election” to “commencement” and changing the timing of forfeiture of DROP eligibility for failure to make an election to join from 32 years of service to 31 years.


Committee members reiterated their earlier reservations about taking up new issues at the last minute without any background information or assurances from the Council Auditor and the Office of General Counsel that the proposal does not have any unforeseen financial consequences. Several suggested that since the amendment involves an Ordinance Code amendment, it can be considered in separate legislation that does not impact on the agreement contemplated in 2014-386.

John Keane/PFPF #2: Finance – failed 4-6   Rules – failed 4-4


Council Member Crescimbeni stated that the minutes of the November 24th joint committee meeting appear to incorrectly reflect the committees’ action with regard to Gulliford amendment #2 and suggested a comparison of the minutes with the full text of the amendments produced by Deputy General Counsel Peggy Sidman and correction of the minutes if necessary.


The committees discussed how best to proceed with forwarding their recommendations to the full council for consideration, including whether to roll all of the amendments into a substitute bill to report to the council at this evening’s meeting for re-referral to the committees, or whether to keep the bill in the committees until all the changes can be reviewed and digested and take a vote to transmit to the council at the next regular committee meetings.


Motion: recommend approval of 2014-386 as amended to date

Finance – failed 4-6    Rules – failed 2-7


The bill remains in both committees for a vote on recommendation at the next regular meetings.


Meeting Adjourned: 3:54 p.m.


Minutes:  Jeff Clements, Council Research Division

               11.26.14   Posted 12:00 p.m.

Tapes:      Special CIP Committee – LSD


Materials:  Special CIP Committee handouts
