CLAY YARBOROUGH PRESIDENT, 2014-2015 DISTRICT 1 (904) 630-1389 |
Tuesday June 09, 2015
MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of Tuesday May 26, 2015
(All Committees meet on the 1st Floor of City Hall)
R |
Rules |
Monday |
1 9:00 am Agenda Mtg 8:30 CM Gulliford |
Transportation, Energy & Utilities |
Monday |
2:00 pm Agenda Mtg 1:30 CM Brown |
Finance Recreation, Comm Dev & Public Health & Safety |
Tuesday Tuesday |
9:00 am Agenda Mtg 8:30 CM Clark 2:00 pm Agenda Mtg 1:30 CM Redman |
Land Use & Zoning |
Tuesday |
5:00 pm Agenda Mtg 3:00 CM Holt |
The Next Council Meeting will be Held June
23, 2015
To Access Council & Committee Agendas
on the Web:
If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the
Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, such person will
need a record of the proceedings, and for such purposes, such person may need
to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record
includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
Office of Mayor – Submitted Resolutions and Ordinances which were passed by the Council in Regular Session on May 26, 2015
JTA - Submitted the Operations Budget for Fiscal Year 2015/2016
North CPAC - Submitted the Planning Advisory Committee Recommendations for 2015-0254
Department of Finance - Submitted the Annual Fee Update and Analysis
Office of General Counsel - Submitted the OTC Community Development District 's Fiscal Year 2016 Proposed Annual Budget
Duval County Property Appraiser - Submitted the FY2016 Proposed Budget in accordance with Florida Statutes Section 195.087
JTA- Submitted the Mobility Works Program Project Report and JTA Better Jacksonville Project Report as of March 31, 2015
BY Council Member Redman Gulliford of Framed Resolution 2015-189-A Honoring
& Commending Rev Mark G Lemmenes for his Decades of Service in Ministry
& in Civic Affairs
PRESENTATION BY Council Member Gulliford of Framed Resolution 2015-124-A RESO Honoring & Commending J & D Maintenance & Services for Achieving Successing & thereby Graduating from JSEB
PRESENTATION BY Council Member Crescimbeni of Framed Resolution 2014-777-A RESO Honoring & Commemorating the Life & Accomplishments of Stafford Campbell
2014-143 |
2015-170 |
ORD-Q Designating the Elena Flats Bldg at 122 E Duval St as a Landmark; Directing Entry on Zoning Atlas; Directing Notification of Designation. (Dist 4-Redman) (Abraham) (Req of Jax Historic Preservation Comm) (PD Apv) (Exparte- Crescimbeni) LUZ PH 4/7/15 & 5/20/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/25/15 & 5/12/15 1. 03/10/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 3/17/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 03/25/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ 4/7/2015 LUZ PH / APPROVE 3. 04/14/2015 CO REREFERRED: LUZ 5/12/2015 CO PH Only 6/2/2015 LUZ Approve 5-2 |
2015-279 |
ORD-Q Rezoning Propty on Dunn Ave bet V.C. Johnson & Simmons Rd (6.45± Acres) - PUD to PUD (Assisted Living Facility & CO Dist Type Uses) - Charles E & Alice E Lovelady. (Dist 8-Lee) (Glick) (LUZ) LUZ PH 6/2/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601- 5/26/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/5/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ 05/26/2015 CO PH Only 6/2/2015 LUZ PH/Approve 7-0 |
2015-280 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 2809 Clydo Rd (1.58± Acres) - IBP to IL - Leslie R & Randall E Lockwood. (Dist 5-Boyer) (Echols) (LUZ) LUZ PH 6/2/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601- 5/26/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/5/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ 05/26/2015 CO PH Only 6/2/2015 LUZ PH/Approve 7-0 |
2015-281 |
ORD-Q Rezoning Propty along Shark Rd W bet Shark & Flounder Rds (29 Acres) - PUD to RR-Acre) - Var Owners. (Dist 11-Holt) (Grandin) (Introduced by CM Holt) LUZ PH 6/2/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601- 5/26/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/5/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ 6/2/2015 LUZ PH Withdraw 7-0 |
2015-282 |
ORD-Q Rezoning Propty on Nocatee Parkway bet US 1 & Crosswater Parkway (1991.0± Acres) - PUD to PUD (Dev Neighborhoods, Villages & Town Ctrs) - Var Owners. (Dist 13-Gulliford) (Lewis) (LUZ) LUZ PH 6/2/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601- 5/26/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/5/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ 05/26/2015 CO PH Only 6/2/2015 LUZ PH/Amend/Approve 7-0 |
2015- 61 |
ORD Approp $65,000 from Gen Fund - GSD (Fire Operations) Acct to fund a 4th Neighborhood Accountability Bd Site in Arlington, to Increase the Number of 1st Time Non-Violent Offenders Able to Participate in the Teen Court; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2015-2016; Designate Oversight by Court Administration. (BT 15-032) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 2/10/15 1. 01/27/2015 CO Introduced: F,RCDPHS 2/3/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2/3/2015 RCDPHS Read RCDPHS 2. 2/10/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Withdraw 5-0 6/2/2015 F Withdraw 8-0 |
2015- 98 |
ORD-MC Repealing Chapt 1 (Gen Provisions) of Article 7 (Departments), City Charter, & Move Chapter 1 Provisions to a New Article 24 (Departments). (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Boyer) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 2/24/15 1. 02/10/2015 CO Introduced : R,F 2/17/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 2/18/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 02/24/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: R, F 6/1/2015 R Approve 7-0 6/2/2015 F Approve 8-0 |
2015-107 |
ORD RE Propty Purchased by City as Recipient of Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Monies from a Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) Grant & as the Purchasing Entity for the 13 Counties of NE Fla; Declaring such UASI Propty to be Surplus & Auth the Dir of Fire & Rescue Dept to Transfer the UASI Propty to County Agcys or Governing Bodies Currently in Possession of such UASI Propty; Waive Sec 122.812, Ord Code, to allow for said Transfer. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 2/24/15 1. 02/10/2015 CO Introduced : R,F,RCDPHS 2/17/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 2/18/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2/18/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 02/24/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: R, F, RCDPHS 6/1/2015 R Withdraw 7-0 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Withdraw 5-0 6/2/2015 F Withdraw 8-0 |
2015-122 |
RESO Honoring & Commending Former JSO Director Jimmy Holderfield & Mr. Jose Cruz on their Bravery & Quick Action in Apprehending the Perpetrator of a Hit-and-Run Accident. (Clements) (Introduced by CM Daniels) 1. 02/10/2015 CO Introduced : R 2/17/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 02/24/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: R 6/1/2015 R Approve 7-0 |
2015-270 |
ORD Approp $833,534.81 from Nuisance Abatemt Spec Lien Rev Fund ($408,432.06 to Municipal Code Compliance for Nuisance Abatemt Contracting to Remove Propty Code Violations City-Wide & $425,102.75 to Public Works Mowing & Maint for Mowing & Tree Removal Svcs); Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2015-2016. (BT 15-056) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/12/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : TEU,F 5/4/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/5/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: TEU, F 6/1/2015 TEU Approve 5-0 6/1/2015 F Approve 5-0 |
2015-288 |
ORD Auth Increase in Employee Cap of Environmental Quality Div of 1 Position thru Deletion of Environmental Enforcemt Administrator Position & Creation of 2 Environmental Quality Technician Positions. (RC 15-135) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/12/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 5/5/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/5/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F, RCDPHS 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Withdraw 6-0 6/2/2015 F Withdraw 8-0 |
2015-289 |
ORD Apv Subordination of Parcel 811.2, a Drainage Easemt in Baldwin bet U.S. 301 & Rails to Trails to FDOT to allow FDOT to Construct a Bypass around City of Baldwin; Auth a Subordination Agreemt. (Dist 11-Holt) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/12/15, 6/9/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : TEU,F 5/4/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/5/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: TEU, F 5/19/2015 F Approve 6-0 6/1/2015 TEU Approve 5-0 |
2015-311 |
ORD-MC Repealing Ord 2013-167 in its Entirety; Amend Chapt 120 (Gen Employees & Corrections Officers Retiremt Plans), Secs 120.202 & 120.502 to Remove Provisions re Appt Employees Hired on or after 7/1/13 within Ofc of Ethics, Compliance & Oversight. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Crescimbeni) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : R,F 5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: R, F 6/1/2015 R Approve 6-0 6/2/2015 F Approve 8-0 |
2015-312 |
ORD Approp $6,500 from Environmental Protection Fund to allow 10 Members of EQD Staff & Personnel from Jax Sheriff's Ofc to receive on-site Training in Noise Measuremt Procedures from Rutgers Univ; Waive Sec 360.602, Ord Code, to allow Monies from Environmental Protection Fund to be used for Training; Designate Oversight by Regulatory Compliance Dept. (BT 15-069) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : R,TEU,F 5/18/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: R, TEU, F 6/1/2015 R Approve 7-0 6/1/2015 TEU Approve 5-0 6/2/2015 F Approve 8-0 |
2015-323 |
ORD Waiving Portion of Sec 106.201(a) (Final Annual Budget; Time of Submission), Chapt 106 (Budget & Acctg Code), Ord Code, to allow Mayor to Deliver his Budget Message on 7/20/15 at 9 AM prior to the Rules Comm Mtg. (Sidman) (Introduced by CP Yarborough) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : R,F 5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: R, F 6/1/2015 R Approve 7-0 6/2/2015 F Approve 9-0 |
2015-328 |
ORD Amend Ord 2014-617-E to Modify the Area for Striping & Parallel Parking Spaces by Replacing the Exhibits attached to the Legislation with Revised Exhibits to exclude Pine St from Van Wert to Dancy from the Designated Area; Designate Oversight by Public Works Dept; Directing Distribution of Legislation. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Love) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : TEU 5/18/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: TEU 6/1/2015 TEU Approve 6-0
2015-330 |
ORD Apv Isle of Palms Spec Dist Proposed FY 2015/2016 Budget. (Johnston) (Introduced by Council President, per Ord 2011-724-E) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : F 5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F 6/2/2015 F Approve 9-0 |
2015-331 |
ORD Apv Harbour Waterway Spec Dist Proposed FY 2015/2016 Budget. (Johnston) (Introduced by Council President, per Ord 2010-725-E) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : F 5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F 6/2/2015 F Approve 9-0 |
2015-333 |
ORD-MC Repealing Ord 2007-167-E & Amend Sec 92.22 (Existing Community Dev Dists), Ord Code, to remove Avenues Walk Community Dev Dist. (Sidman) (Introduced by CP Yarborough) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : F 5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F 6/2/2015 F Approve 9-0 |
2015-334 |
ORD Engaging an Independent Auditor to provide an Annual Audit of City & Certain other Funded Progs for 3 Yrs, for yrs ending Sept 30, 2015, 2016 & 2017 under the Single Audit Approach; Apv Independent Auditor Agreemt with Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC; Apv Prof Fees. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Schellenberg) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : F 5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F 6/2/2015 F Approve 9-0 |
2015-344 |
RESO Conf Appt of Christopher M Ruen as Member of Context Sensitive Streets Standards Comm as a Retail Business Rep for 1st Term exp 7/31/18. (Merritt) (Introduced by CP Yarborough) 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : R 5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: R 6/1/2015 R Approve 6-0 |
2015-345 |
RESO Conf Appt of Sandy L Robinson, Ph.D. as Member of Duval County Job Opportunity Bd, Replacing Barbara A Darby, for 1st Full Term exp 12/31/17. (Merritt) (Introduced by CP Yarborough) 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : R 5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: R 6/1/2015 R Approve 7-0 |
2015-349 |
RESO Opposing Seismic Air Gun Testing in the Atlantic Ocean; Supporting Fed Legislation for a Moratorium on Testing; Directing Distribution of Reso. (Abraham) (Req of Mayor) 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : R 5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: R 6/1/2015 R Withdraw 6-0 |
2015-386 |
RESO Congratulating & Commending Paxon School for Advanced Studies for winning the 21st Annual National Lifesmarts Championship in Seattle, Washington on 4/21/15. (Jackson) (Introduced by CM Jones) 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : R 6/1/2015 R Approve 6-0 |
2015-387 |
RESO Honoring & Commending Betty Burney & I'm a Star Foundation for receiving the U.S. Conference of Mayors' 1st Place Award. (Mitchell) (Introduced by CM Brown & Co-Sponsored by CM Gulliford) 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : R 6/1/2015 R Approve 6-0 |
2015-388 |
RESO Honoring & Commending Tyanna Elise Jones for her outstanding Performances on American Idol Season 14 & Finishing in the top 5. (Mitchell) (Introduced by CM Carter & Brown) 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : R 6/1/2015 R Approve 6-0 |
2015-389 |
RESO Mourning the Passing & Celebrating the Life & Career of William "Billy" S Howell of Atlantic Beach. (Jackson) (Introduced by CM Gulliford) 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : R 6/1/2015 R Approve 6-0 |
2015-390 |
RESO Reappt Henry W Cook as Member of Jax - Duval County Council on Elder Affairs as Dist 14 Rep for 1st Full Term exp 6/30/17. (Merritt) (Introduced by CM Love) 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : R 6/1/2015 R Approve 7-0 |
2015-391 |
RESO Commending & Congratulating The Dallas Graham Branch Library on the occasion of it's 50th Anniversary of Svc to Community.(Clements) (Introduced by CM Lee) (Co-Sponsored by C/P Yarborough & CM Carter) 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : R 6/1/2015 R Approve 6-0 |
2015-395 |
RESO Auth Economic Dev Agreemt with Metal Container Corp to support Expansion of Operations; Recommend Apv by Fla Dept of Economic Opportunity as a QTI Business; Evidence City Local Financial Support of $45,000 under QTI Tax Refund Prog & State Match of $180,000 for total of $225,000 for 75 Jobs; Auth REV Grant of $12,000,000; Designate Oversight by OED; Timeline for Execution of Agreemt by Company; Request 2-Reading Apv. (Sawyer) (Req of Mayor) 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F 6/2/2015 F Amend/Approve 6-0 |
2015-350 |
RESO Opposing Seismic Air-Gun Testing in the Atlantic Ocean. (Clements) (Introduced by CM Crescimbeni) 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : R, JWW 5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/19/2015 JWW Approve 9-1 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: R 6/1/2015 R Approve 3-3 6/1/2015 R Reconsider/Approve 4-3 |
2015-354 |
RESO Conf Mayor's & Council President's Joint Appt of Paula D Wright as Member of Jax Journey Oversight Comm, Replacing Fred E "Fel" Lee, Jr, for Term exp 12/31/2019. (Sidman) (Introduced by CP Yarborough & at Req of Mayor) 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : R 5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: R 6/1/2015 R Amend/Approve 7-0 |
2015-357 |
RESO Conf Mayor's & Council President's Appt of Charles Griggs to the Chairmanship of the Jax Journey Oversight Comm, Replacing Curtis Hart for Term exp 12/31/18. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : R 5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: R 6/1/2015 R Amend/Approve 7-0 |
2014-557 |
ORD re Continuation Grant; Approp $316,670.91 ($314,807.81 in Accumulated Prog Income & Reallocating $1,863.10 from Concluded Demolition Proj) to City's NSP1 (Neighborhood Stabilization Prog 1) Redev & Admin Strategies; Auth Funds Carryover from Yr to Yr. (BT 14-091) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 8/27/14 1. 08/12/2014 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 8/19/2014 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 8/19/2014 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 08/27/2014 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F, RCDPHS 1/21/2015 F Amend/Approve 7-0 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Amend/Approve 7-0
2014-558 |
ORD re Continuation Grant; Approp $553,050.51 in Accumulated Prog Income to City's NSP3 (Neighborhood Stabilization Prog 3) Redev & Admin Strategies; Auth Funds Carryover from Yr to Yr. (BT 14-092) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 8/27/14 1. 08/12/2014 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 8/19/2014 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 8/19/2014 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 08/27/2014 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F, RCDPHS 1/21/2015 F Amend/Approve 7-0 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Amend/Approve 7-0 |
2014-674 |
ORD Approp $2,256,024 in HOME Investmt Partnership Prog Funding to provide Activities that Build, Buy &/or Rehab Affordable Housing for Rent or Homeownership & Provide Direct Rental Assist to Low-Income Persons; Auth Funds Carryover from Yr to Yr; Auth Positions. (BT 15-004) (RC 15-003) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/28/14 1. 10/14/2014 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 10/21/2014 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 10/21/2014 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 10/28/2014 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F, RCDPHS 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Amend/Approve 7-0 1/21/2015 F Approve 7-0 |
2015-6 |
2015-258 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt 121 (Police & Firefighters Pension Plan), Ord Code; Amend Secs 121.102(e) & 121.113; Create New Secs 121.211 thru 121.214 for "Group II Members; Attach Actuarial Impact Statemt. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Boyer & Co-sponsored by CM Crescimbeni) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/28/15 1. 04/14/2015 CO Introduced : R,F 4/20/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 4/21/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 04/28/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: R, F 3. 5/12/2015 CO PH Dischg R, F/Amend-Rerefer; R, F 6/1/2015 R Amend(2)/Approve 6-0 6/2/2015 F Amend/Approve 8-0 |
2015-304 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt 121 (Police & Firefighters Pension Plan[PFPP]), Ord Code; Create Sec 121.101(F); Amend 121.107(D) (Credit for Broken Svc, Continuous Svc, Partial Yrs Transferability & Svc as a Fla State Certified Police Officer or Fire Fighter); Amend Sec 121.102(E) (PFPP's) Create New "Group II Member" Category based on Date of Hire on or After Effective Date of this Ord & Sec 121.113(A)(1), 121.113(A)(2), & (B) (Calculation of Pension Contributions for Police & Fire Pension Fund [PFPF]) Revising the Contribution Percentages of Existing PFPP Members; Create Secs: 121.114 (Unfunded Actuarial Liability; Mutual Contributions) to Outline the Mutual Obligations of the City & the PFPF Bd of Trustees in Addressing the Unfunded Liability; 121.115 (Supplemental Share Plan); 121.116 (Bd of Trustees Investmt Authority) to Outline the Board's Investmt Authority; 121.117 (Exec Dir Administrator) to Outline Qualifications for Future Exec Administrators of PFPF; 121.118 (Use of Gen Counsel) to Outline PFPF's use of Gen Counsel; 121.201A to create "Group I Members"; 121.201B for "Group II Members" to Outline Pension Benefits Extended to each Group; Amend Secs 121.204 (Surving Spouse's Benefits), 121.206 (Children's Benefits);121.209 ("DROP" for Group I Members; Create 121.211 (BACKdrop FOR Group II Members; Create New Part 5 (Financial Investmt & Adv Comm); Create New Part 6 (Ethics, Fiduciary Responsibilities & Best Practices); Amend Article 22 (Jax Police & Fire Pension Bd of Trustees), City Charter; Attach Actuarial Impact Statemt; Provide Sunset Provision; Provide Effective Date of Ord until Permanent Funding Source has been Provided by Mayor & Enacted Ord by Council. (Benson) (Introduced by CM Gulliford & Co-sponsored by CM Daniels) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/12/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : R,F 5/4/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/5/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 5/12/2015 PH/Discharge R, F/Amend/Rerefer R,F 6/1/2015 R Amend/Approve 5-2 (Schellenberg, Boyer) 6/2/2015 F Amend/Approve 6-3 (Schellenberg, Crescimbeni, Boyer) |
2015-308 |
Reconciling Accts & Performing Gen Financial Cleanup; Approp $589,722,522
from var Subfund Accts: 114 - Fair Share Sector Transp Improvemts (Sec
111.530, Ord Code); 1D9 - Park Maint & Improvemts; 31D - 1996B Excise Tax
Rev Bonds; 31J 1995 Sunshine State Constrn Bonds; 64P Balis Estate Trust
Fund; 363 - 2004 Excise Tax Rev Bonds (Autumn); 414 - 1998 Excise Tax Rev
Bonds - Parking; 44F Solid Waste Pollution Remediation; 115 Gate Parkway
Extension; 310 2001B Excise Tax Rev Bonds; 31P 2002 Guarantee Entitlemt
Constrn Bonds; 331 Grant Capital Improvemt Projs; 325 - St Andrews Church
Renovation; 322 Gen Capital Projs; 321 River City Renaissance Pay-as-you-Go;
31L Capital Proj Rev Bond for Admin Costs of Bond Issuance; 141 Streets &
Highways 5-Yr Rd Prog; AFT0001-01 Capital Projs - Subfund Level; Activity
PW0001-01 Streets & Highways 5-Yr Rd Prog Subfund Level; 143 Local Option
Gas Tax; Amend 2014-468-E (Banking Fund) to De-Auth Borrowing. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Boyer, Anderson, Love,
Crescimbeni, Gulliford & Schellenberg) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/12/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : TEU,F,RCDPHS 5/4/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/5/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/5/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: TEU, F, RCDPHS 6/1/2015 TEU Amend/Approve 5-0 6/2/2015 F Amend/Approve 8-0 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Amend/Approve 7-0 |
2015-321 |
ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming Portion of an Opened & Improved R/W (RE #168368-0500) on Mayport Crossing Blvd at Req of Naval Continuing Care Retirement Foundation, d/b/a Fleet Landing; Declaring Parcel Surplus; Waive Sec 122.424, Ord Code, to Convey Parcel to Applicant at Appraised Value of $132,300; Rsving All Utilities Easemt over Parcel in Name of City & JEA. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : R,TEU,F 5/18/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: R, TEU, F 6/1/2015 R Approve 7-0 6/1/2015 TEU PH/Approve 6-0 6/2/2015 F Amend/Approve 8-0 |
2015-322 |
ORD Apv Jax/Duval County Affordable Housing Assistance Prog Local Housing Assistance Plan for FY's 2015-2016, 2016-2017 & 2017-2018. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 5/19/2015 F
Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/19/2015
RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F,
RCDPHS 6/2/2015
RCDPHS Amend/Rerefer 7-0 6/2/2015 F
Amend/Rerefer 9-0 |
2015-325 |
ORD Amend Ord 2014-481-E to Reallocate Funds &
Change Funding Amts for Partnering Agcys providing Svcs thru the Cover
Jacksonville Grant; Auth Flexibility in Reallocating Funding; Provide for
Retroactive Appl. (BT 15-068) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 5/19/2015 F
Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/19/2015
RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F,
RCDPHS 6/2/2015
RCDPHS Amend/Approve 7-0 6/2/2015 F
Amend/Approve 9-0 |
2015-336 |
ORD Approp $50,676.50 from Economic Dev Capital Projs - Other Constrn Costs Town Ctr - Planning Dist 5 to the Corresponding Planning Dist 1 Acct for Constrn Drawing for Five Points Town Ctr Concept Plan, at Total of $90,000; Auth Funds Carryover to Subsequent FY's. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Lumb) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/19/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F, RCDPHS,TEU 6/1/2015 TEU Approve 6-0 6/2/2015 F Approve 9-0 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Approve 6-1 (Bishop) |
2015-340 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt 179 (Mortgage Foreclosure Reg), Ord Code, Amend Secs 179.102 (Definitions), 179.104 (Inspection & Registration of Vacant Real Propty by Mortgage Holding Mortgages in Default) & 179.106 (Security Requiremts); Increasing Registration Fee from $150 to $250; Requiring an Annual Renewal Fee; Provide a Fine of $500 for those Mortgagees who do not Register per Chapt 179; Create New Secs 179.110 re Adoption of Policy by the Housing & Community Dev Div for Authorized Use of Funds in Registry & Declaring a Public Purpose for Expenditure of Funds; 179.111 for Expenditure of Funds & Provide for Internal Tracking & Compliance; 179.112 for Auditing Rights, Inspection of Books & Records & Monthly & Annual Reports; Provide for Adoption by Council of Policy for Expenditure of Funds; Review of Registration Fee & Other Fees Annually following 1st 2 Yrs of Enactmt. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Lee, Jones, Gulliford, Crescimbeni, Anderson, Love & Bishop) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/19/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F, RCDPHS 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Amend/Approve 6-0 6/2/2015 F Amend/Approve 9-0 |
2015-341 |
ORD Approp $1,329,439.48 ($1,188,253.56 from Flood Mitigation Assistance Prog & $141,185.92 from 6 Local Propty Owners) to Acquire 6 Repeatedly Flooded & Damaged Proptys) thru the Severe Repetitive Loss & FEMA Flood Mitigation Assist Prog to continue Restoration of Health of the Floodplain in the Wills Branch Creek Repetitive Loss Area in Vicinity of Bakersfield Dr & Navaho Ave; Auth Funds Carryover to Subsequent FY's; Auth Fed-Funded Subgrant Agreemt with Fla Div of Emerg Mgmt to rcv Grant Funds; Auth Div of Emerg Preparedness to enter Agreemts with Owners of the Proptys for the Expenses to Acquire Proptys, Demolish Structures & Slabs & Remove Debris; Auth a Declaration of Restrictive Covenant with FEMA for the Proptys upon Acquisition of Proptys by City; Auth Part-Time Hrs; Designate Oversight by Div of Emerg Preparedness. (BT 15-055) (RC 15-145) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/19/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F, RCDPHS 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Amend/Approve 6-0 6/2/2015 F Amend/Approve 9-0 |
2015-383 |
RESO Apv Updates to the Concurrency & Mobility Mgmt System (CMMS) Handbook for the City, as Referenced in City's CMMS Ord, Chapt 655, which Provides the Local Structure for Administering Chapt 163, Part II, F.S. & as Required in Sec 655.122, Ord Code. (Grandin) (LUZ) 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 6/2/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-384 |
RESO Requesting & Urging the U.S. HUD Dept to Suspend Issuance of Section 8 Project Based Assistance at Eureka Garden Apts until Owner & Mgmt take Substantial Proactive Steps to secure Safety of Apartment Complex; Forward Reso to NE Fla Congressional Delegation. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Jones) 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : R,RCDPHS 6/1/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-385 |
RESO Conf Appt of Terrance E Freeman as Member of Duval County Election Advisory Panel, Replacing Katherine S Carithers. (Merritt) (Introduced by CM Yarborough) 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : R 06/01/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-401 |
RESO Conf Appt of John Zona III to Downtown Dev Review Bd as a Duval County Resident replacing Roland Udenize for a 1st Full Term exp 6/30/16. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor) 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : R 06/01/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-368 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 2070 Imeson Rd (1.94± Acres) - AGR to IL - Robert M & Betty J Smith. (Dist 10-Brown) (Popoli) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 7/21/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/23/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 6/2/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-369 |
ORD-Q Rezoning Propty on St Johns Bluff Rd S bet UNF Drive & JTB Blvd (15.0± Acres) - PUD to PUD (TopGolf - Commercial Uses) - Mary Virginia Skinner Jones - Trustee. (Dist 4-Redman) (Hetzel) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 7/21/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/23/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 6/2/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-370 2015-374 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 3531 Royal Circle (4.70± Acres) RLD-60 to PUD (Wells Estates - Single & Multi-Family Residential Dev) - Arthur J Wells, Jr. (Dist 1-Yarborough) (Hetzel) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 7/21/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/23/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 6/2/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer ORD Granting the CON Appl of Hrustic Brothers, Inc Materials & Diversion Facility; Providing for Conditions; Incorporating Exhibits. (McCain) (Introduced By CP Pursuant to Chapt 380, Ord Code. TEU PH Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 7/28/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced: TEU 6/2/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-378 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt 656 (Zoning Code), Subpart C (Procedures for Rezoning & Amends to Zoning Code), Sec 656.124 (Notice of Public Hearing by Council Comm) & Subpart D (Zoning Exceptions, Variances & Waivers, Amends to Final Order, Appeals of Written Interpretations of the Director & Appeals of Final Orders of the Commission), Sec 656.137 (Notice of Public Hearings) to Amend Titles & Require Notice to be mailed 14 Days in Advance of Planning Comm Meeting at which an Appl for Rezoning will be Heard; Amend Council Rule 3.601 (Public Hearings: Council), re Notice of Rezoning. (Grandin) (Introduced by CM Crescimbeni) LUZ PH - 7/21/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 166.041(3)(c)(2), F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/23/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 6/2/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-412 |
RESO Conf Appt of Lindsey C. Brock, III as Member of St Johns River Ferry Comm replacing Aaron L. Bowman, for a First Full Term exp 6/30/18. (Johnston) (Introduced by CP Yarborough) 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: R |
2015-421 |
RESO-Q Apv Appl for Track III Communication Tower Permit (CTW-15-01); Filed by RG Towers, LLC; Propty located at 1340 Chaffee Rd S. (Dist 12-Carter) (Grandin) (LUZ) LUZ PH – 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: LUZ |
2015-402 |
ORD Adopt Small Scale FLUM Amend to 2030 Comp Plan – 7403 Argyle Forest Blvd btwn Rampart Rd and Brooks Dr(3.24± Acres) - LDR to CGC – Argyle Property Group, Inc. (Appl# 2015C-009) (Dist 14-Love) (Reed) (LUZ) (Rezoning 2015-403) LUZ PH - 8/4/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187(2), F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 7/28/15 & 8/11/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: LUZ |
2015-403 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 7403 Argyle Forest Blvd btwn Rampart Rd and Brooks Dr (3.24± Acres) - PUD to CCG-1 – Argyle Property Group, Inc. (Dist 14-Love) (Glick) (LUZ) (Small Scale 2015-402) LUZ PH - 8/4/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 7/28/15 & 8/11/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: LUZ |
2015-404 |
ORD Conf Appt of Thomas Cline Jr. as Inspector General pursuant to 602.304, Ord Code for a Term of 4 yrs expiring July 6, 2019. Requesting One-Cycle Emerg Apv. (Sidman) (Introduced by CP Yarborough) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 6/23/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: R, F |
2015-405 |
ORD Apv Certain Fees of Medical Examiner in the "Fee Schedule for Medical Examiner Svcs & Records". (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/23/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: F, RCDPHS |
2015-406 |
ORD Granting Appl of Coastal Recycling Services, LLC for Renewal of CON for Operation of its Construction & Demolition Debris Processing and Recycling Facility. (McCain) (Introduced by Council President Pursuant to Chapt 380, Ord Code) TEU PH Pursuant to Chapter 380, Ord Code - Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: TEU |
2015-407 |
ORD Approp $6,000 Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvemt Grant Awarded by Dept of Justice for Funding of Part-Time hours for Autopsy Technicians & Investigators; Designate Oversight by Ofc of Grants & Contract Compliance. (BT 15-077) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/23/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: F, RCDPHS |
2015-408 |
ORD Transferring $34,348.95 from Insurance Claims for equip and supplies damaged by flooding in the Toxicology Lab to operating supplies to purchase equip and supplies the Medical Examiner was not able to purchase with FY15 funds because such funds were used to pay for the flood damages. (BT 15-076) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/23/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: F, RCDPHS |
2015-409 |
ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming Portion of R/W of Almeria Ave, a 60’ wide R/W North of Atlantic Blvd at rqst of Episcopal High School of Jax, subj to reservation unto City of Jax & JEA of perpetual and non-exclusive easements over the closed R/W for Ingress & Egress and for all utilities.(Dist 2-Bishop)(McCain) (Req of Mayor) TEU PH Pursuant to Sec. 336.10, F.S - Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: TEU |
2015-410 |
ORD Auth Constrn & Maint Agreemt with FDOT; FDOT will undertake at no cost to the City, Proj SR 152 (Baymeadows) from Freedom Commerce Pkway to Country Day School Dr in Council Dists 5 & 13.(McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/23/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: TEU, F |
2015-411 |
ORD Auth Constrn & Maint Agreemt with FDOT; FDOT will undertake at no cost to the City, Proj SR 13 (Acosta Bridge); Bicycle Improvemts in Council Dists 4 & 9.(McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/23/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: TEU, F |
2015-413 |
ORD Approp $315,000 from North Fla TPO for the Landfill Acquisition – Compressed Natural Gas conversion proj currently underway, as initiated by BT 15-078; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2015-2016. Amend 2015-2019 Five-Year Capital Improvemt Prog to provide additional funding to Proj entitled “Landfill ACQ – Compressed Natural Gas Conversion; Providing for Oversight by the Solid Waste Div of Dept of Public Works. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/23/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: TEU, F |
2015-414 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 14254 & 14236 Mt. Pleasant (12.84± Acres) – RR-ACRE to RLD-60 – Helen A. Anderson & James Brady Young (Dist 2-Bishop) (Popoli) (LUZ) LUZ PH – 8/4/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 7/28/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: LUZ |
2015-415 |
ORD-Q re Sign Waiver Appl SW-15-03 at 11663 & 11665 Fort Caroline Rd by Holy Spirit Parish of Jax to Increase Maximum Size of Sign from 50’ to 60’, Allow for Internal Illumination and Reduce the Minimum Setback from 20’ to 0’ in RR Dist. (Dist 1-Yarborough) (Hetzel) (LUZ) LUZ PH – 8/4/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 7/28/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: LUZ |
2015-416 |
ORD-Q re Sign Waiver Appl SW-15-02 at 270 Kernan Blvd N by East Pointe Baptist Church, Inc. to Allow for Illumination or change from External to Internal Lighting in RR Dist.(Dist 2-Bishop) (Popoli) (LUZ) LUZ PH – 8/4/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 7/28/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: LUZ |
2015-417 |
ORD-Q re Waiver of Minimum Rd Frontage Appl WRF-15-06 at 2848 Claire Lane by Carol Yelinek/Yelinek Living Trust, from 160' to 35' in RR-ACRE Dist. (Dist 6-Schellenberg) (Davis) (LUZ) LUZ PH – 8/4/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 7/28/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: LUZ |
2015-418 |
ORD-Q re Waiver of Minimum Rd Frontage Appl WRF-15-07 at 14971 Yellow Bluff Rd by Ila Jean Creech & Robert J. Creech, from 80' to 0' in RR Dist. (Dist 11-Holt) (Echols) (LUZ) LUZ PH – 8/4/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 7/28/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: LUZ |
2015-419 |
ORD-Q re Administrative Deviation Appl AD-15-29 at 2848 Claire Ln, by Carol Yelinek/Yelinek Living Trust, to Reduce Required Minimum Lot Area from 87,120’ to 83,635’ in RLD-90 Dist. (Dist 6-Schellenberg) (Davis) (LUZ) LUZ PH – 8/4/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 7/28/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: LUZ |
2015-420 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 11367 Panther Creek Pkway(5.61± Acres) – PUD to PUD – Panther Creek Golf Club, Inc. (Dist 12-Carter) (Lewis) (LUZ) LUZ PH – 8/4/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 7/28/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: LUZ |
2015-422 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt 120 (Gen Employees & Corrections Officers Retiremt Plans), Part II (The Gen Employees Retiremt Plan), Sec 120.201 (Definitions), to include as Eligible for Membership within the Gen Employees Retiremt Pension Plan those Employees of the Jax Police & Fire Pension Fund Bd of Trustees.(French) (Introduced by CM Gulliford) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/23/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: R, F |
2015-423 |
ORD Approp $108,102.18 from Moncrief Creek Flood Control to Riverview Area Drainage to provide additional funding for Riverview Drainage Improvemt Projs located in Dist 8; Providing for Carryover from FY to FY; Amend 2015-2019 CIP apv by ORD 2014-467-E to increase funding for Proj “Riverview Area Drainage” (Johnston)(Introduced by CM Lee) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/23/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: R, TEU, F |
2015-424 |
ORD Apv 1st Amend to Dev Agreemt with 4851 Collins Rd, LLC to extend duration of Dev Agreemt to 1/29/20 (CCAS 45941.1 & 71325), Collins Apartments (13.45± Acres) at 4851 Collins Rd, for 209 Multi-Family Units, Subject to Performance Schedule & Pymt of Annual Renewal Fee to Reserve Traffic Circulation Capacity. (Dist 14-Love) (Grandin) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 8/4/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3225, F.S. & Sec 655.206, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 7/28/15 1. 6/9/2015 CO Introduced: LUZ |
2015-243 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 7275 Old Middleburg Rd S (12.39 Acres) - RR-Acre to RLD-60 - MNI Investment, LLC. (Dist 14-Love) (Hetzel) (LUZ) LUZ PH 5/20/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/12/15 1. 04/14/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 4/21/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 04/28/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ 05/12/2015 CO PH Only 5/20/2015 LUZ PH / APPROVE 6-0 3. 5/26/2015 CO POSTPONE to 6/9/2015 |
2015-283 2015-284 2015-285 2015-289 |
ORD-Q Amend Dev Order for Nocatee DRI Apvd by Ord 2001-13-E, as Amended by var Ords, Pursuant to NOPC dtd 3/13/15 by Paul M Harden on behalf of SONOC Co., LLC, which changes Elements in both Jax & St Johns County, & Identified & Adds an existing Access from Town Center North to Adjacent Proptys, Modifies Conversion Table Land Uses to Increase Max Allowable Retail to 300,000 Sq Ft, Decrease Min Allowable Ofc to 75,000 Sq Ft, Decrease Min Allowable Single Family to 770 Units, Decrease Min Allowable Multi-Family to 90 Units, Modifies Timing & Amt of Rec & Open Space to be Provides, Changes Timing of Conveyance of a School Site & Provides that Wetland Impacts Associated with Required Transp Constrn shall not be Counted in the 562 Acre Wetland Impact Limitation; Finding that Changes do not Constitute a Substantial Deviation from Original DRI, as Amended. (Parola) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 6/2/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, & Sec 380.06(19)(f), F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15, 6/9/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/5/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ 05/26/2015 CO PH Only 6/2/2015 LUZ PH/Approve 7-0 ORD-MC Apv "1st Amend to Campus Dev Agreemt dtd 7/12/2006" with UNF Bd of Trustees (CCAS/CRC No. 45686) to Extend Term of Contract 18 Mos & Repurpose the Fair Share Specific Proj Spec Rev Fund of said Agreemt; Amend Sec 111.535, Ord Code, to Codify the Specific Proj Acct for Funds Collected Pursuant to Existing Agreemt & any Amends Thereto & Stating Specific Purpose. (Dists 3-Clark & 4-Redman). (Grandin) (Introduced by CM Clark) LUZ PH - 6/2/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3225, F.S. & Sec 655.206, Ord Code - 6/9/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/5/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ 6/2/2015 LUZ Amend(2)/Approve 7-0 ORD Apv 1st Amend to "New Horizon Place" Proj with New Horizon Place, Inc to Extend Duration to 4/8/18 (CCAS No. 70917), Approx 8.487± Acres at NE Corner of Philips Hwy & Philips Industrial Blvd, for 78,000 Sq Ft of Warehouse Uses, Subject to Performance Schedule & Pymt of Annual Renewal Fee to rsv Traffic Circulation Capacity. (Dist 13-Gulliford) (Grandin) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 6/2/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3225, F.S. & Sec 655.206, Ord Code - 5/26/15, 6/9/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/5/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ . 05/26/2015 CO PH Only 6/2/2015 LUZ PH/Approve 7-0 ORD Apv Subordination of Parcel 811.2, a Drainage Easemt in Baldwin bet U.S. 301 & Rails to Trails to FDOT to allow FDOT to Construct a Bypass around City of Baldwin; Auth a Subordination Agreemt. (Dist 11-Holt) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/12/15, 6/9/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : TEU,F 5/4/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer 5/5/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: TEU, F 5/19/2015 F
Approve 6-0 6/1/2015
TEU Approve 5-0 |
2015-320 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 140 Celery Ave S. (1.92± Acres) - IBP to IL - Falcon Punch, LLC. (Dist 12-Carter) (Popoli) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601- 6/9/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-326 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 5 Proptys on Forest Blvd, including 3364, 3418 & 3446 (6.70± Acres) - PUD to PUD (Commercial Uses) - Forest's Properties, Inc. (Dist 4-Redman) (Davis) (LUZ) LUZ PH 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601- 6/9/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-327 |
ORD-MC Creating New Sec 656.421 (Donation Collection Bins Prohibited), Subpart B (Misc Regs), Chapt 656 (Zoning Code), Ord Code, to Prohibit Placemt of Donation Collection Bins within Duval County & Provide for Removal & Recovery of Costs upon Removal of said Bins after 60 Days from Effective Date. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Bishop) LUZ PH - 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166.041(3)(c)(2), F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 & 6/23/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-337 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt 656 (Zoning Code), Ord Code, Creating New Sec 656.421, to Estab a Permanent Process for Permitting Backyard Hens in certain Residential Dists with a One Time Fee of $25; Provide for Sunset of Pilot Prog; Provide that Existing Permits Remain Valid; Designate Oversight by Planning & Dev Dept. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Carter) (Sponsored by CM Redman) LUZ PH - 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166.041(3)(c)(2), F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 & 6/23/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-338 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt 656 (Zoning Code), Ord Code, Parts 3 (Schedule of Dist Regs), 4 (Supplementary Regs), 7 (Nonconforming Lots, Uses & Structures, 12 (Landscape & Tree Protection Regs), 13 (Sign Regs), & 15 (Communication Tower & Antenna Regs), Ord Code, to Include a Residential Office (RO) Zoning Dist & set for Dev Standards for same. (Abraham) (Introduced by CM Love) LUZ PH - 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166.041(3)(c)(2), F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 & 6/23/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-339 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 14321 Van Zile Ave (3.60± Acres) - PUD to RLD-50 - Van Zile LLP. (Dist 3-Clark) (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Clark) LUZ PH - 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15, 6/23/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-359 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 9455 103rd St (19.1± Acres) - PUD to PUD (Kimber's Cove Apartments) - WRH Addison Landing, LLLP. (Dist 12-Carter) (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Carter) LUZ PH - 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced: LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Amend/Rerefer 5-0 2. 5/26/2015 CO AMEND/Rerefer; LUZ |
2015-361 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt 804 (Jax Traffic Code), Sec 804.709 (Unlawful to alter License Plates, Citations, Mobile Home Stickers, or Validation Stickers; Penalty), Ord Code; Amend Subsec (b) to auth Public Parking Officer to issue a Warning or Citation to the Propty Owner where the Covered Vehicle is Located. (Shaw) (Introduced by CM Brown) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : R,TEU,F 6/1/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/1/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-362 |
ORD Approp $65,000 from Gen Fund - GSD Acct to the Teen Court Progs Trust Fund for a 4th Neighborhood Accountability Bd Site in Arlington, Increasing the number of 1st-Time Nonviolent Offenders able to Participate in Teen Court; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2015-2016; Designate Oversight by Court Admin. (BT 15-032) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-363 |
ORD Approp $90,725 from Spec Law Enforcemt Trust Fund for (1) $20,000 to Youth Quake Live; (2) $10,000 to Metro Kids Konnection; (3) $20,725 to Women's Center of Jax & (4) $40,000 to Fresh Ministries. (BT 15-073) (McCain) (Req of Sheriff) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-364 |
ORD Approp $12,454.64 from Community Svc Grants, No Local Match, to Increase the Respite for Elders Living in Everyday Families Prog, Providing 1,661 Addnl hrs of Respite Care & Companionship Svcs for Seniors; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2015-2016; Designate Oversight by Parks, Rec & Community Svcs. (BT 15-075) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-365 2015-366 |
ORD Tranferring $2,655,223 from Public Allocation Subfund ((5A1) Rev from Collected Bldg Maint Fee to the Gen Fund Reimburse Gen Fund (011) for Pymts Made to Banking Fund Loans from Gen Fund on Behalf of the Public Bldg Allocation Sub-Fund (BT 15-072) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing to Chapter 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 6/9/2015 1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: F 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer ORD Auth Increase in Employee Cap of Bldg Inspection Div from 89 to 91 to allow Addn of 2 Prof Engineer Positions. (BT 15-165) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : TEU,F 6/1/2015 TEU Withdraw 6-0 6/2/2015 F Withdraw 9-0 |
2015-367 |
ORD Auth the Traffic Signal Maint & Compensation Agreemt with FDOT, Including Exhibit A to Agreemt; Designate Oversight by Public Works Dept; Req 1-Cycle Emerg Apv. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : R,TEU,F 6/1/2015 R Emerg/Approve 6-0 6/1/2015 TEU Emerg/Amend/Approve 6-0 6/2/2015 F Emerg/Amend/Approve 9-0 |
2015-371 |
ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming a Portion of Lafayette St R/W, S of Albert St & N of Arlington Xway at Req of Fresh Ministries, Inc, Subject to Reservation to City, JEA & FDOT of an Easemt for Ingress & Egress & for All Utilities. (Dist 7) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) TEU PH Pursuant to Sec. 336.10, F.S - 6/15/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : TEU 6/2/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-372 |
ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming an Unopened & Unimproved Alley bet Landon Ave & Kings Ave at Req of Wade M Hampton on Behalf of Patty J & William J Lawton. (Dist 9-Jones) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) TEU PH Pursuant to Sec. 336.10, F.S - 6/15/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : TEU 6/2/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-373 |
ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming a Portion of a 10' Wide Alley R/W, NE Side of Dancy St, bet Park & Walsh Sts at Req of JPM, Avondale, LLC, Subject to Reservation to City & JEA of Easemt for Ingress & Egress & for All Utilities. (Dist 14-Carter) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) TEU PH Pursuant to Sec. 336.10, F.S - 6/15/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : TEU 6/2/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-375 |
ORD Auth 1st Amend to Joint Use Agreemt apvd by Ord 2012-260-E with Clara White Mission, Inc for use of North Riverside Community Ctr to amend Effective Date of Agreemt; Request Administration Pursue Default Remedies should 1st Amend not be Executed by Clara White Mission within 30 Days of Effective Date. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Jones) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-376 |
ORD-MC Amend Sec 123.102 (Fees Established), Chapt 123 (Public Fees), Ord Code, to amend Existing & to Estab new Fees to be Charged by Duval County Health Dept. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Jones) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-377 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt 518 (Jax Propty Safety & Maint Code), Part 2 (Improved or Unimproved Lots & Exterior Conditions of Residential & Commercial Proptys), Sec 518.203 (Junk & Abandoned Vehicle Parking or Storage Prohibited), Ord Code, to Re-Name the Sec as "Prohibited Outdoor Storage"; Strike Existing Language & Insert New Language to Prohibit Outdoor Storage of Certain Items Including but Not Limited to Abandoned, Inoperative, Motor Vehicles, Freezers, Refrigerators, Junk, Rubbish & Garbage; Require that License Tag be Clearly Visible on Covered Vehicles. (Shaw) (Introduced by CM Jones & Co-sponsored by CM Yarborough) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-379 |
ORD Auth Amend #13 to Lease with Jacksonville Jaguars, LLC (JJL), to permit Naming of East & West Clubs for remaining Term of Lease, Auth JJL to hose Events at EverBank Field using the Stadium Bowl, provides Agreemts re use of Electronic Signage & Clarifies Obligations in Connection with Temp Seating installed on North End Zone Platform. (Sawyer) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-380 2015-381 |
ORD Auth Issuance of Healthcare Facilities Rev Bonds (UF Health Jacksonville Proj) of $20,000,000 to Finance, Refinance or Reimburse Shands Jacksonville Medical Center, Inc (SJMC) FOR Capital Improvemts to their Health Care Facilities & Related Financing Costs; Auth Delegated Negotiated Sale & Private Placemt of such Bonds; Auth Financing Agreemt among City, SJMC & Compass Mortgage Corp. (Stokes) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 147(f), Internal Rev Svc held by OED - Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer ORD Amend City's Public Investmt Policy apvd by Reso 2006-119-A & Ord 2012-213-E re Companies hiring Employees Residing within the Enterprise Zone; Direct OED to include Changes in all future Codified Policies. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Jones) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : R,F 6/1/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-382 |
ORD Apv Assignmt & Assumption of the City's Sports Facility Lease Agreemt with Baseball Jax, Inc dtd 4/1/2003 to Jacksonville Baseball, LLC. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-393 |
ORD Auth Issuance of Health Care Facilities Rev Bonds (Brooks Rehabilitation), Series 2015 not exceeding $130,000,000; Obtaining Funds for purpose of obtaining funds to loan to Genesis Health, Inc. D/B/A Brooks Rehabilitation, a FL not for profit corporation, to finance, reimburse or refinance all or a part of the costs of the Acquisition, Constrn, Equipping, Installation, Renovation & Expansion of Certain Capital Projs described herein; auth Loan Agreemt and an Interlocal Agreemt with Town of Orange Park, FL, the City of Palatka, FL and any other governmental entity with jurisdiction. (Foley & Lardner LLP & Assistant General Counsel) (Introduced by CP Redman) Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 147(f), Internal Rev Code by Dir of Economic Dev - Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-396 |
ORD Pertaining to the JIA Comm Redev Area ("JIA/CRA") estab by ORD 93-159-57, finding that slum and blighted conditions exist and a necessity exists for the rehab, conservation, or redev of areas known as the Thomas Creek Parcel within the city; adding the Thomas Creek Parcel consisting of approx 1,108 acres into the JIA/CRA; dir Community Redev Agency actions. (Wyman Duggan/Susan Grandin) (CM Lee) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15, 6/23/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : RCDPHS, TEU 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/1/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-397 |
ORD Approp $240,000.00 to fund a marketing and River taxi sponsorship agreemt for the City of Jax River Taxi Svc, as initiated by Revised B.T. 15-_____; providing carryover funds from yr to yr until such funds are expended in accordance with marketing and River Taxi Sponsorship Agreement; Apv and Auth Mayor and Corp Sec to execute The Marketing and River Taxi Sponsorship Agreemt btwn City of Jax and Lakeshore Marine Svcs, LLC. (Hodges) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F,RCDPHS 6/2/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 6/2/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2015-399 |
ORD Approp $67,000 from General Fund Debt Svc interest to the Annual Independent Audit Acct for 2014 External Auditor Contract with McGladrey, LLP to complete the City's 2014 Single Audit; Ovesight by Council Auditor's Ofc; Request One Cycle Emerg (Sidman) (CM Clark) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F 6/2/2015 F Emerg/Amend/Approve 8-0 |
2015-400 |
ORD Approp $483,519 from Spec Council Contingency Banking Fund for a 90 day audit of the City of Jax Finances; Auth Mayor or his designee to execute and deliver for and on behalf of the city an engagement ltr with Ernst and Young, LLP ("EY") to conduct a Financial Audit of the City of Jax Finances, Auth OGC to prepare an Agreemt in compliance with the Engagemt Ltr; Requesting One Cycle Emerg Apv. (Sidman) (CM Clark) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 1. 05/26/2015 CO Introduced : F 6/2/2015 F Emerg/Amend/Approve 6-3 |
2015-62 |
2015-209 2015-210 |
ORD Adopt Small Scale FLUM Amend to 2030 Comp Plan - 6972 & 7010 Lenox Ave (1.88± Acres) - MDR to CGC - John Lundy. (Appl# 2015C-001) (Dist 12-Carter) (Lacayo) (LUZ) (PD Deny) (Rezoning 2015-210) LUZ PH 5/5/15 & 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187(2), F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/28/15 & 5/12/15 & 6/9/15, 6/23/15 1. 03/25/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 4/7/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 4/14/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ 4/28/2015 CO PH Addnl 5/12/2015 5/5/2015 LUZ PH Sub/Rerefer 6-0 3. 5/12/2015 CO PH Addnl 6/9/2015 Sub/Rerefer; LUZ ORD-Q Rezoning 6972 & 7010 Lenox Ave (1.88± Acres) - RMD-B to PUD (Bring Non-Conforming Business Use into Compliance) - John Lundy. (Lewis) (Dist 12-Carter) (LUZ) (PD Deny) (Small Scale 2015-209) LUZ PH 5/5/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/28/15 & 5/12/15 1. 03/25/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 4/7/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 04/14/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ 4/28/2015 CO PH Addnl 5/12/2015 05/12/2015 CO PH Contd 6/9/15: 6/9/15 |
2015-277 |
ORD Adopt Small Scale FLUM Amend to 2030 Comp Plan -
Propty at Glen Mawr Rd at I-95 South (0.20± Acre) - LDR to CGC - SLG
Investment Partnership, LLLP. (Appl# 2015C-002) (Dist 4-Redman) (Parola)
(LUZ) (Rezoning 2015-278) LUZ PH 6/2/15, 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187(2), F.S.
& Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 5/26/15 & 6/9/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/5/2015
LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-278 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 2030 Comp Plan - Propty at Glen Mawr Rd at I-95 South (0.20± Acre) -RLD-60 to CCG-1 - SLG Investment Partnership, LLLP. (Dist 4-Redman) (Popoli) (LUZ) (Small Scale 2015-277) LUZ PH 6/2/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601- 5/26/15 & 6/9/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/5/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-306 |
ORD Apv for Transmittal a Proposed 2015B Series Text Amend to the Future Land Use Element of the 2030 Comp Plan re Adding the Right to Proceed into Phase II & III of the Consolidated Downtown DRI as to any Proj for which a Site Specific NOPC is Adopted Acknowledging such Proj shall be Governed by City's Mobility Fee Syst. (Grandin) (Introduced by CM Boyer) LUZ PH - 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184, F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 6/9/15 & 6/23/15 1. 04/28/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/5/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/12/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-314 |
ORD Adopt Small Scale FLUM Amend to 2030 Comp Plan - 1494 & 1516 Morgan St & an Adjacent Propty (1.08± Acres) - MDR to CGC - Sidney & Bobbie Saunders. (Appl# 2015C-006) (Dist 9-Jones) (Lacayo) (LUZ) (Rezoning - 2015-315) LUZ PH 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187(2), F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 6/9/15 & 6/23/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-315 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 1494 & 1516 Morgan St & an Adjacent Propty & 1513 Beaver St W (1.16± Acres) - CCG-2 & RMD-A to PUD (Commercial & Residential) - Sidney & Bobbie Saunders. (Dist 9-Jones) (Hetzel) (LUZ) (Small Scale 2015-314) LUZ PH - 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 & 6/23/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-316 |
ORD Adopt Small Scale FLUM Amend to 2030 Comp Plan - 5322 Catoma St (4.96± Acres) - MDR to CGC - Linda Lee Ricker. (Appl# 2015C-007) (Dist 14-Love) (McDaniel) (LUZ) (Rezoning 2015-317) LUZ PH - 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187(2), F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 6/9/15 & 6/23/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-317 |
ORD-Q Rezoning 5322 Catoma St (4.96± Acres) - RMD-D to PUD (Outdoor Storage for RVs, Boats & Trailers) - Linda Lee Ricker. (Dist 14-Love) (Glick) (LUZ) (Small Scale 2015-316) LUZ PH - 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 & 6/23/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-318 |
ORD Adopt Large Scale FLUM Amend to 2030 Comp Plan - Propty on Philips Hwy bet SR 9B & Nocatee Parkway (646.39± Acres) - AGR-III, AGR-II, AGR-IV & LDR to LDR - Rasmus Holdings, LLLP & Annie F Williams QTip Trust. (Appl# 2014A-004) (Dist 13-Gulliford) (Parola) (LUZ) (Rezoning 2015-319) LUZ PH - 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187(2), F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 6/9/15 & 6/23/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
2015-319 |
ORD-Q Rezoning Propty on Philips Hwy bet SR 9B & Nocatee Parkway (830.20± Acres) - AGR, PUD & RR-Acre to PUD (Wells Creek - Clustered Dev of Single Family Community) - Rasmus Holdings, LLLP & Annie F Williams QTip Trust. (Dist 13-Gulliford) (Glick) (LUZ) (Small Scale - 2015-318) LUZ PH 6/16/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 & 6/23/15 1. 05/12/2015 CO Introduced : LUZ 5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer 2. 05/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ |
Pursuant to Ordinance 2009-895-E (b)
“No member of the public that has spoken at the first period public comments shall be allowed to speak
at the second period of public comments”.