CHERYL L. BROWN                                                                                                   117 WEST DUVAL STREET, SUITE 425

DIRECTOR                                                                                                                                            4TH FLOOR, CITY HALL

OFFICE (904) 630-1452                                                                                                                        JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202

FAX (904) 630-2906                                                                                                                                                 



Rules Committee Agenda Meeting Minutes

October 20, 2015

1:30 p.m.

Topic: Rules Committee agenda meeting


Location: Conference Room A, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street,

Suite 425


In attendance: Council Members Matt Schellenberg (Chair), Sam Newby, Doyle Carter, Tommy Hazouri, Garrett Dennis


Also: Council Member Lori Boyer; Heather Reber – Council Auditor’s Office; Peggy Sidman – Office of General Counsel; Ali Korman Shelton – Mayor’s Office; Juliette Williams – Legislative Services Division; Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Mike Weinstein – Finance Department; Jim Piggott – WJXT TV4; David Chapman – Financial News and Daily Record; Kevin Kuzel - ECA


See attached attendance sheet for additional attendees


Meeting Convened: 1:30 p.m.


Chairman Schellenberg called the meeting to order and reviewed the Auditor’s marked agenda which included 14 items marked for deferral, 18 items ready for action (2 as emergencies) and 5 items for second reading and re-referral.


The Chairman announced that the bills would be taken up in the following order:

2015-713, -714, -672, -673, -649, -668, -674, -648, -669, -670, and -671.


Peggy Sidman noted that 2015-713 and -714 (confirming mayoral appointments to the JEA board) marked on the agenda for amendment to include emergency language are resolutions that do not need to have emergency language included and therefore do not need amendments.


2015-671 (confirming appointment of Donald M. Adkinson to the Planning Commission): Kevin Kuzel informed the Chairman that Council Member Love has prepared a statement that he wishes to be read into the record when the committee takes up this bill.


Meeting Adjourned: 1:37 p.m.


Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research

             10.20.15 Posted 2:30 p.m.

Tapes:  Rules agenda meeting– LSD


Materials: Auditor’s marked Rules agenda
