CHERYL L. BROWN                                                                                                   117 WEST DUVAL STREET, SUITE 425

DIRECTOR                                                                                                                                            4TH FLOOR, CITY HALL

OFFICE (904) 630-1452                                                                                                                        JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202

FAX (904) 630-2906                                                                                                                                                 



Rules Committee Agenda Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2015

1:30 p.m.

Topic: Rules Committee agenda meeting


Location: Conference Room A, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street,

Suite 425


In attendance: Council Members Matt Schellenberg (Chair), Sam Newby (arr. 1:35), Anna Lopez Brosche, Tommy Hazouri, Jim Love, Garrett Dennis


Also: Council Members Greg Anderson and Lori Boyer; Heather Reber – Council Auditor’s Office; Peggy Sidman and Susan Grandin – Office of General Counsel; Ali Korman Shelton – Mayor’s Office; Crystal Shemwell – Legislative Services Division; Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Mike Weinstein and Joey Greive – Finance Department; Folks Huxford – Planning and Development Department; Kirk Wendland – Office of Economic Development; Dan Macdonald, Leeann Krieg, Jenny Busby and Kevin Kuzel – ECAs; Paula Shoup – Duval Legislative Delegation; Rachel Merritt – Council Staff Services


Meeting Convened: 1:30 p.m.


Chairman Schellenberg called the meeting to order and reviewed the Auditor’s marked agenda which included 13 items marked for deferral, 22 items ready for action (1 withdrawal) and 14 items for second reading and re-referral.


2015-594 (expressing Council’s support for legislative bill J-1 to provide exceptions to space and seating requirements for liquor licenses in several Riverside/Avondale commercial character areas): Council Member Love indicated that one of two House representatives will sponsor the bill – Rep. Fant or Rep. Fullwood. In response to a question from Chairman Schellenberg, Deputy General Counsel Peggy Sidman explained that the Duval Legislative Delegation has a rule against taking up proposed J-bills that don’t have a delegation sponsor, but the delegation also has a long-standing practice by which the Chair of the delegation will act as the sponsor for J-bills that don’t otherwise have a sponsor. In response to a question, Director of Planning and Development Folks Huxford reported that he has had informal discussion with the owner of Five Points Village about potential interest in amending the bill to include that property as well.


Council Member Wilson asked the Chair to take up 2015-613 (resolution declaring the City’s intent to achieve Bicycle Friendly Community designation) early in the meeting.


Meeting Adjourned: 1:37 p.m.


Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research

             9.15.15 Posted 4:00 p.m.

Tapes:  Rules agenda meeting– LSD


Materials: Auditor’s marked Rules agenda
