June 01, 2015 |
No.________________________ |
AM |
Chambers 1st Floor, City Hall |
M. Farris, Chief
of Legislative Services |
Gulliford, Chair |
Aide: Juliette Williams |
Jones, Vice Chair |
Auditor: H Reber,K Billy, K. Sherman |
Boyer |
General Counsel: Peggy Sidman |
Joost |
of Research: Jeff Clements |
Lumb |
Teresa Eichner |
Redman (arr. 9:06)
Schellenberg (dep. 12:00 PM)
Meeting Convened: 9:01 AM Meeting Adjourned: 1:00 PM
Recess: 11:28 – 11:37 a.m.
If a person decides
to appeal any decision made by the Council with the respect to any matter
considered as such meeting, such person will need a record of the proceedings,
and for such purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of
the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony
and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
2015-258 Jason Gabriel - OGC
Steve Durden - OGC
2015-367 Jim Robinson -
Public Works
John Crescimbeni
Greg Anderson
The next regular meeting will be held Monday, June 15, 2015
chairman announced that he would be deferring all long-term (6 months or more)
mayoral appointments in order to allow them to be referred to Mayor-elect
Curry’s transition team for review and comment.
Item/File No. |
Title/History |
1. 2014-704 |
RESO Encouraging Council President to
consider Replacing Current City Council Appointees to the Police & Fire
Pension Bd of Trustees with George Robbins &
John Thompson. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Schellenberg) |
1. 10/28/2014 CO Introduced: R |
11/3/2014 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 11/12/2014 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Summary |
2. 2014-722 |
ORD Approp
$1,000,000 from Gen Fund - Transfers from Fund Balance for Legislative
Counsel for the City Council on the Issue of Pension Litigation; Waive Sec
108.505 (Special Counsels), Ord Code, to allow
Council Executive Comm to make Selection; City
Council shall Confirm any Selection & Engagemt
Letter for Legislative Counsel; Request 1-Cycle Emerg
Apv. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Schellenberg) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 11/25/14 |
1. 11/12/2014 CO Introduced: R,F |
11/17/2014 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
11/18/2014 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 11/25/2014 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F |
Summary DEFER |
3. 2014-769 |
RESO Reaffirming & Reauthorizing
General Counsel to Commence Litigation to Determine the Legal Validity of Establishmt of the Police & Fire Pension Fund Senior
Staff Voluntary Retiremt Plan & Determine if
the Bd of Trustees of the Fund Mismanaged or took
Unauthorized Actions in Creating said Plan. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM
Schellenberg) |
1. 11/25/2014 CO Introduced: R |
12/1/2014 R Emerg/Approve
7-0 |
2. 12/9/2014 CO REREFERRED; R |
Summary DEFER |
4. 2015-98 |
ORD-MC Repealing Chapt
1 (Gen Provisions) of Article 7 (Departments), City Charter, & Move
Chapter 1 Provisions to a New Article 24 (Departments). (Johnston)
(Introduced by CM Boyer) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 2/24/15 |
1. 2/10/2015 CO Introduced: R,F |
2/17/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2/18/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 2/24/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F |
7-0 |
5. 2015-107 |
ORD RE Propty
Purchased by City as Recipient of Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)
Monies from a Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) Grant
& as the Purchasing Entity for the 13 Counties of NE Fla; Declaring such
UASI Propty to be Surplus & Auth
the Dir of Fire & Rescue Dept to Transfer the
UASI Propty to County Agcys
or Governing Bodies Currently in Possession of such UASI Propty;
Waive Sec 122.812, Ord Code, to allow for said
Transfer. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 2/24/15 |
1. 2/10/2015 CO Introduced: R,F,RCDPHS |
2/17/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2/18/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer; 2/18/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 2/24/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F, RCDPHS |
Summary Fact Sheet WITHDRAW
7-0 |
6. 2015-122 |
RESO Honoring & Commending Former
JSO Director Jimmy Holderfield & Mr. Jose Cruz on their Bravery &
Quick Action in Apprehending the Perpetrator of a Hit-and-Run Accident. (Clements)
(Introduced by CM Daniels) |
1. 2/10/2015 CO Introduced: R |
2/17/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 2/24/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
7-0 |
7. 2015-127 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt
220 (Vehicles for Hire), Ord Code; Updating Regs re: Licensing, Background Checks, Min Standards for
Vehicle Inspections & Insurance Requiremts;
Creating Chapt 222 (Transportation Network
Companies), Creating Regs for Operations Including
Licensing, Background Checks, Min Standards for Operators, Vehicle
Inspections, Min Insurance Requiremts, Records
Retention & Confidentiality; Creating Code Enforcemt,
Civil Remedies, Violations, Seizure, Impoundmt
& Forfeiture Regs & Provide Authority to
JSO, City Parking Div & Jax Airport Authority
to Seize & Impound or Immobilize Vehicles used in Violation of Chapt 222. (Diebenow) (Introduced by CM Schellenberg)
(CPAC #6 Apv) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 2/24/15 |
1. 2/10/2015 CO Introduced: R,F,TEU |
2/17/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer; 2/17/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2/18/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 2/24/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F, TEU |
3/2/2015 TEU Sub/Rerefer
5-0; 3/2/2015 R Sub/Rerefer 6-0 |
3/3/2015 F Sub/Rerefer
7-0 |
3. 3/10/2015 CO SUBSTITUTE/ Rerefer; R, F, TEU |
Summary DEFER |
8. 2015-150 |
Interlocal Agreemt bet
City & JEA that provide $120,000,000 Pymt to
City & City's Apv of the "JEA Interlocal Partnership Terms" as Defined in the Interlocal Agreemt; Amend Secs 21.04 & 21.07, Article 21 (JEA), City Charter,
re Assessmt Calculation of JEA Annual Pymt to City; Designate Oversight by Finance Dept.
(Hodges) (Req of Mayor & JEA) Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 21.11,
City Charter & CR 3.601 - 4/14/15 |
1. 2/24/2015 CO Introduced: R,TEU,F |
3/2/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer; 3/2/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
3/3/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 3/10/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, TEU, F |
3. 4/14/2015 CO PH Only |
Summary Fact Sheet DEFER |
9. 2015-253 |
ORD-MC Repealing Sec 116.910
(Residence within City Preferred), Chapt 116
(Employees & Employee Benefits), Ord Code &
Creating New Sec 116.910 (Residence within City Required), Requiring New
Employees of the City to live within Duval County beginning 1/1/16.
(Johnston) (Introduced by CM Crescimbeni) (CPAC #6 Deny) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/28/15 |
1. 4/14/2015 CO Introduced: R,F |
4/20/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
4/21/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 4/28/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F |
Summary DEFER |
10. 2015-258 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt
121 (Police & Firefighters Pension Plan), Ord
Code; Amend Secs 121.102(e) & 121.113; Create
New Secs 121.211 thru 121.214 for "Group II
Members; Attach Actuarial Impact Statemt. (Sidman)
(Introduced by CM Boyer) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/28/15 & 5/12/15,
5/26/15 |
1. 4/14/2015 CO Waive C.R.
AMEND(FL)/Refer; R,F; 4/14/2015 CO Introduced: R,F |
4/20/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
4/21/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 4/28/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F |
3. 5/12/2015 CO Ph-Dischg;
R,F-Amend-Rerefer; R, F |
Summary Council Member Boyer explained that
her intent is to create a benefit package for new hires only in a bill that
does not deal with PFPF governance, finance, or benefit levels for current
employees. She intends this bill to comply with the Florida Supreme Court’s
ruling in the Scott v. Williams decision regarding
changes to the Florida Retirement System benefit while collective bargaining
is ongoing. Some committee members questioned the City’s ability to
unilaterally adopt a benefits package without collective bargaining. General
Counsel Jason Gabriel stated that the bill acts as a An amendment by Council Member Boyer
to provide that the bill would only become effective if 2015-304 failed to
become fully effective and implemented was approved. AMEND(2)/APPROVE
6-0 Amending
the Ordinance Code to create a new pension benefits package for newly hired
police officers and firefighter |
11. 2015-304 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt
121 (Police & Firefighters Pension Plan[PFPP]), Ord
Code; Create Sec 121.101(F); Amend 121.107(D) (Credit for Broken Svc,
Continuous Svc, Partial Yrs Transferability &
Svc as a Fla State Certified Police Officer or Fire Fighter); Amend Sec
121.102(E) (PFPP's) Create New "Group II Member" Category based on
Date of Hire on or After Effective Date of this Ord
& Sec 121.113(A)(1), 121.113(A)(2), & (B) (Calculation of Pension
Contributions for Police & Fire Pension Fund [PFPF]) Revising the
Contribution Percentages of Existing PFPP Members; Create Secs:
121.114 (Unfunded Actuarial Liability; Mutual Contributions) to Outline the
Mutual Obligations of the City & the PFPF Bd of
Trustees in Addressing the Unfunded Liability; 121.115 (Supplemental Share
Plan); 121.116 (Bd of Trustees Investmt
Authority) to Outline the Board's Investmt
Authority; 121.117 (Exec Dir Administrator) to Outline Qualifications for
Future Exec Administrators of PFPF; 121.118 (Use of Gen Counsel) to Outline
PFPF's use of Gen Counsel; 121.201A to create "Group I Members";
121.201B for "Group II Members" to Outline Pension Benefits
Extended to each Group; Amend Secs 121.204 (Surving Spouse's Benefits), 121.206 (Children's
Benefits);121.209 ("DROP" for Group I Members; Create 121.211 (BACKdrop FOR Group II Members; Create New Part 5
(Financial Investmt & Adv
Comm); Create New Part 6 (Ethics, Fiduciary
Responsibilities & Best Practices); Amend Article 22 (Jax Police &
Fire Pension Bd of Trustees), City Charter; Attach
Actuarial Impact Statemt; Provide Sunset Provision;
Provide Effective Date of Ord until Permanent
Funding Source has been Provided by Mayor & Enacted Ord
by Council. (Benson) (Introduced by CM Gulliford) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/12/15 |
1. 4/28/2015 CO Introduced: R,F |
5/4/2015 R Deferred/Read 2nd & Rerefer |
5/5/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/12/2015 CO Ph-Dischg;
R,F-Amend-Rerefer; R,F |
Summary Police and Fire Pension Fund
Administrator John Keane recommended that the bill be amended to utilize the
GASB Rule 67 standard for calculating investment expenses; the Council
Auditor’s Office recommends the use of a money-weighted return on investment calculation.
Chief Assistant General Counsel
Stephen Durden answered questions from the committee about the structure of
the benefit package and the mechanism for accelerating pay-down of the
accrued unfunded liability. The committee asked Mr. Keane about the PFPF’s use
of the “chapter” funds and the potential for their use as an additional
contribution toward the pay-down of the UAAL. The group discussed the merits
of an extended pay-down period over a number of years versus issuance of
bonds to provide the means to make an immediate net present value
contribution. A motion by Council Member Joost to
calculate the net present value of the City UAAL contribution from the
Gulliford proposal and bond that amount immediately for contribution failed
2-5. A motion by Council Member Boyer to
leave $5 million in the pension stabilization account as a buffer was
approved 7-0. A motion by Council Member Jones to
provide that the employee contribution required of police officers would not
be increased until their 3% pay reduction was restored died for lack of a
second. Council Members Boyer and
Schellenberg expressed opposition to the bill on the grounds that the recent
court ruling on the Sunshine Law violation of the so-called “30 year
agreement” invalidates that agreement and frees the City to engage in direct
collective bargaining with the police and fire unions, which they believe is
the proper path forward. AMEND(3)/APPROVE
5-2 (Schellenberg, Boyer) 1.
Utilize the money-weighted rate of return for calculating account earnings
for backdrop members and drop members with less than 20 years of service. 2.
Utilize revised schedule of UAAL payments by City and PFPI 3.
2 Amendment to bill and a third may be proposed. |
12. 2015-310 |
ORD-MC Amend Sec 603.301 (Procedures)
of Chapt 603 (Children's Curfew), Ord Code, to provide Protection for Children in Custody
of the Sheriff for Curfew Violations; Provide Temp Changes for 90 Days to
Definition of "Curfew Hours" to Lengthen the Hours of Curfew;
Request Emerg Apv on 2nd
Reading. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Daniels) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R,RCDPHS |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
5/19/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, RCDPHS |
Summary Undersheriff Dwain Senterfitt
expressed opposition to lengthening the hours of the curfew. DEFER |
13. 2015-311 |
ORD-MC Repealing Ord
2013-167 in its Entirety; Amend Chapt 120 (Gen
Employees & Corrections Officers Retiremt
Plans), Secs 120.202 & 120.502 to Remove
Provisions re Appt Employees Hired on or after
7/1/13 within Ofc of Ethics, Compliance &
Oversight. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Crescimbeni) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R,F |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F |
Summary Fact Sheet APPROVE
6-0 |
14. 2015-312 |
ORD Approp
$6,500 from Environmental Protection Fund to allow 10 Members of EQD Staff
& Personnel from Jax Sheriff's Ofc to receive
on-site Training in Noise Measuremt Procedures from
Rutgers Univ; Waive Sec 360.602, Ord Code, to allow Monies from Environmental Protection
Fund to be used for Training; Designate Oversight by Regulatory Compliance
Dept. (BT 15-069) (McCain) (Req of Mayor & CM
Jones) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R,TEU,F |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer; 5/18/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer |
5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, TEU, F |
Summary Fact Sheet APPROVE
7-0 |
15. 2015-321 |
ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or
Disclaiming Portion of an Opened & Improved R/W (RE #168368-0500) on Mayport Crossing Blvd at Req of
Naval Continuing Care Retirement Foundation, d/b/a Fleet Landing; Declaring
Parcel Surplus; Waive Sec 122.424, Ord Code, to
Convey Parcel to Applicant at Appraised Value of $132,300; Rsving All Utilities Easemt
over Parcel in Name of City & JEA. (McCain) (Req
of Mayor) TEU PH Pursuant to Sec. 336.10, F.S -
6/1/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R,TEU,F |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer; 5/18/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer |
5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, TEU, F |
Summary Fact Sheet APPROVE
7-0 |
16. 2015-323 |
ORD Waiving Portion of Sec 106.201(a)
(Final Annual Budget; Time of Submission), Chapt
106 (Budget & Acctg Code), Ord
Code, to allow Mayor to Deliver his Budget Message on 7/20/15 at 9 AM prior
to the Rules Comm Mtg. (Sidman) (Introduced by CP
Yarborough) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R,F |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F |
7-0 |
17. 2015-329 |
ORD Naming a Segment of Planned
Extension of R.G. Skinner Parkway "E-Town Parkway"; Waive Requiremts of Sec 745.105(g), Ord
Code re Requiremt that all Street names shall be
for Entire Length of Street. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Gulliford) TEU PH Pursuant to Chapt 745 Ord Code - 6/1/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R,TEU |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer; 5/18/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, TEU |
Summary DEFER |
18. 2015-344 |
RESO Conf Appt of Christopher M Ruen as
Member of Context Sensitive Streets Standards Comm
as a Retail Business Rep for 1st Term exp 7/31/18.
(Merritt) (Introduced by CP Yarborough) |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
6-0 |
19. 2015-345 |
RESO Conf Appt of Sandy L Robinson, Ph.D. as Member of Duval County
Job Opportunity Bd, Replacing Barbara A Darby, for
1st Full Term exp 12/31/17. (Merritt) (Introduced
by CP Yarborough) |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
7-0 |
20. 2015-346 |
RESO Conf Reappt of Mario Ernesto Decunto
to the Jax Human Rights Comm for 2nd Full Term exp 12/31/17. (Sidman) (Req of
Mayor) |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Summary Fact Sheet DEFER |
21. 2015-347 |
RESO Conf Reappt of Dr Victoria
Bryant-Riggins to the Jax Human Rights Comm for 1st
Full Term exp 12/31/17. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor) |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Summary Fact Sheet DEFER |
22. 2015-348 |
RESO Urging Sheriff to Utilize the
Curfew Provisions in Chapt 603 (Children's Curfew),
Ord Code, to Curb Violence. (Johnston) (Introduced
by CM Daniels) |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R,RCDPHS |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
5/19/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, RCDPHS |
Summary Undersheriff Dwain Senterfitt stated
that the Sheriff’s Office is already enforcing the curfew. DEFER |
23. 2015-349 |
RESO Opposing Seismic Air Gun Testing
in the Atlantic Ocean; Supporting Fed Legislation for a Moratorium on
Testing; Directing Distribution of Reso. (Abraham)
(Req of Mayor) |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Summary Fact Sheet WITHDRAW
6-0 |
24. 2015-350 |
RESO Opposing Seismic Air-Gun Testing
in the Atlantic Ocean. (Clements) (Introduced by CM Crescimbeni) |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R, JWW |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
4-3 (Lumb, Redman, Schellenberg) |
25. 2015-354 |
Mayor's & Council President's Joint Appt of
Paula D Wright as Member of Jax Journey Oversight Comm,
Replacing Fred E "Fel" Lee, Jr, for Term exp 12/31/2019. (Sidman) (Introduced by CP Yarborough
& at Req of Mayor) |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Summary Fact Sheet The committee posed questions to Ms.
Wright about Jacksonville Journey programs and expenditures. AMEND/APPROVE
7-0 1.
Term should expire 12/31/15 2.
Correct section in referenced Ord. should be 11/01/15 |
26. 2015-355 |
Mayor's & Council President's Appt of Coley
Jones to Jax Journey Oversight Comm for 1st Full
Term exp 12/31/18. (McCain) (Req
of Mayor) |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Summary Fact Sheet DEFER |
27. 2015-356 |
Mayor's & Council President's Reappt of Ricardo
A Bedoya to the Jax Journey Oversight Comm for 2nd
Full Term exp 12/31/18. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Summary Fact Sheet DEFER |
28. 2015-357 |
Mayor's & Council President's Appt of Charles
Griggs to the Chairmanship of the Jax Journey Oversight Comm,
Replacing Curtis Hart for Term exp 12/31/18.
(McCain) (Req of Mayor) |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R |
Summary Fact Sheet AMEND/APPROVE
7-0 1.
Term should expire 12/31/15 2.
Remove reference to Curtis Hart 3.
Should reference Section 11.1 of Ord. 2014-466-E instead of Section 13.1 of
2008-555-E |
29. 2015-358 |
ORD Approp
$75,000 from Gen Fund/Gen Svcs Dist
- Transfer Fund Balance Acct to First Tee of North Florida, Inc, to match PGA Tour's Donation to Purchase Capital
Items; Auth Agreemt with
First Tee to Purchase Capital Items; Designate Oversight by Parks, Rec & Community
Svcs; Invoke Exception of 126.107(g), Ord Code, for the Prof Svcs of
First Tee to purchase said Items. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Lee & Joost) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced: R,F,RCDPHS |
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer |
5/19/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer; 5/19/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F, RCDPHS |
Summary DEFER |
30. 2015-360 |
ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or
Disclaiming Portion of an Opened & Improved R/W on Van Wert Ave bet
Richmond St & the St Johns River at Request of John Surface at 3680
Richmond St & Charles Cousar at 3700 Richmond
St, allow said R/W to be Closed; Waive Sec 744.104 (Street Closing Appl), Ord Code, Requiring
Public Works Dept perform an Admin Review & rcv Favorable Replies from all Agcys
prior to Legislation for Closure being Submitted to Council; Rsving an All Utilities Easemt
over said Parcel in name of City & JEA. (Dist
14-Love) (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Clark) TEU PH Pursuant to Sec. 336.10, F.S -
6/1/15 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/26/15 |
1. 5/12/2015 CO Introduced:
5/18/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer; 5/18/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer |
5/19/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer |
5/20/2015 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer |
2. 5/26/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, TEU, RCDPHS, LUZ |
Summary The Chair opened the floor to public
comment and several speakers expressed both support for and opposition to the
bill. DEFER |
31. 2015-361 |
ORD-MC Amend Chapt
804 (Jax Traffic Code), Sec 804.709 (Unlawful to alter License Plates,
Citations, Mobile Home Stickers, or Validation Stickers; Penalty), Ord Code; Amend Subsec (b) to auth Public Parking Officer to issue a Warning or
Citation to the Propty Owner where the Covered
Vehicle is Located. (Shaw) (Introduced by CM Brown) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 |
1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: R,TEU,F |
Summary Read
2nd & Rerefer |
32. 2015-367 |
ORD Auth
the Traffic Signal Maint & Compensation Agreemt with FDOT, Including Exhibit A to Agreemt; Designate Oversight by Public Works Dept; Req 1-Cycle Emerg Apv. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 |
1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: R,TEU,F |
Summary Fact Sheet Council Member Boyer noted that the
maintenance agreement was not yet available for review and requested that additional
information on the agreement be provided at the Finance Committee meeting
tomorrow. Public Works Director Jim Robinson explained the scope of work and
the revision to the reimbursement agreement. EMERG/APPROVE
6 - 0 |
33. 2015-381 |
ORD Amend City's Public Investmt Policy apvd by Reso 2006-119-A & Ord
2012-213-E re Companies hiring Employees Residing within the Enterprise Zone;
Direct OED to include Changes in all future Codified Policies. (Sidman)
(Introduced by CM Jones) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/9/15 |
1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: R,F |
Summary Read
2nd & Rerefer |
34. 2015-384 |
RESO Requesting & Urging the U.S.
HUD Dept to Suspend Issuance of Section 8 Project
Based Assistance at Eureka Garden Apts until Owner
& Mgmt take Substantial Proactive Steps to
secure Safety of Apartment Complex; Forward Reso to
NE Fla Congressional Delegation. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Jones) |
1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: R,RCDPHS |
Summary Read
2nd & Rerefer |
35. 2015-385 |
RESO Conf Appt of Terrance E Freeman as Member of Duval County
Election Advisory Panel, Replacing Katherine S Carithers.
(Merritt) (Introduced by CM Yarborough) |
1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: R |
Summary Read
2nd & Rerefer |
36. 2015-386 |
RESO Congratulating & Commending Paxon School for Advanced Studies for winning the 21st
Annual National Lifesmarts Championship in Seattle,
Washington on 4/21/15. (Jackson) (Introduced by CM Jones) |
1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: R |
6-0 |
37. 2015-387 |
RESO Honoring & Commending Betty
Burney & I'm a Star Foundation for receiving the
U.S. Conference of Mayors' 1st Place Award. (Mitchell) (Introduced by CM
Brown & Co-Sponsored by CM Gulliford) |
1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: R |
6-0 |
38. 2015-388 |
RESO Honoring & Commending Tyanna Elise Jones for her outstanding Performances on
American Idol Season 14 & Finishing in the top 5. (Mitchell) (Introduced
by CM Carter & Brown) |
1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: R |
6-0 |
39. 2015-389 |
RESO Mourning the Passing &
Celebrating the Life & Career of William "Billy" S Howell of
Atlantic Beach. (Jackson) (Introduced by CM Gulliford) |
1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: R |
6-0 |
40. 2015-390 |
RESO Reappt
Henry W Cook as Member of Jax - Duval County Council on Elder Affairs as Dist 14 Rep for 1st Full Term exp
6/30/17. (Merritt) (Introduced by CM Love) |
1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: R |
7-0 |
41. 2015-391 |
RESO Commending & Congratulating
The Dallas Graham Branch Library on the occasion of it's
50th Anniversary of Svc to Community.(Clements) (Introduced by CM Lee)
(Co-Sponsored by C/P Yarborough & CM Carter) |
1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: R |
6-0 |
42. 2015-401 |
RESO Conf Appt of John Zona III to Downtown Dev Review Bd as a Duval County Resident replacing Roland Udenize for a 1st Full Term exp
6/30/16. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor) |
1. 5/26/2015 CO Introduced: R |
Bill Summary Fact Sheet
2nd & Rerefer
Jeff Clements, Council Research Division
Posted 6.3.15 10:00 a.m.