October 3, 2016
1:30 P.M.
Lynwood Roberts Room
First Floor, City Hall
117 West Duval Street
Attendance: Council Members Al Ferraro (Chair), Anna Lopez Brosche, Reggie Brown; Council Member Jim Love was in attendance; Assistant General Counsel Paige Johnston; Kim Taylor, Council Auditor’s Office; Jordan Elsbury, Mayor’s Office; Philip Zamarron, Legislative Assistant; John J. Jackson, Yvonne Mitchell, Council Research Assistants, (see attached sign-in sheet for additional attendees).
The Chair, Council Member Al Ferraro, called the agenda meeting to order at 1:31 P.M. and requested that those in attendance identify themselves for the record.
Kim Taylor, Council Auditor’s Office, reviewed the marked agenda that the Council Auditor’s Office had prepared. There were four (4) items that were ready for action, seven (7) items that were being deferred, six (6) items that were being seconded and re-referred and one (1) item being withdrawn.
On Item #7, RESO 2016-536, Opposing Recent Changes to Fla’s Surface Water Quality Standards by the Fla Environmental Regulatory Comm & urging the Governor to Reconsider the Comm’s Recommendations…., Kim Taylor explained what the resolution and amendment entailed. The resolution’s sponsor, Council Member Jim Love, added his explanatory comments and noted that the Jacksonville Environmental Protection Board had voted to support the resolution.
There being no further business, the agenda meeting was adjourned at 1:36 p.m.
John J. Jackson, Council Research Division (904) 630-1729
Posted: 10.25.16 11:00 a.m.