


City Council Chamber, 1st floor, City Hall

June 11, 2019

4:00 p.m.


Location: City Council Chamber, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street


In attendance: Council Members Greg Anderson, Danny Becton, Lori Boyer, John Crescimbeni, Al Ferraro, Terrance Freeman, Reginald Gaffney, Tommy Hazouri, Jim Love, Sam Newby, Ju’Coby Pittman, Matt Schellenberg, Randy White, Scott Wilson

Excused: Council Members Aaron Bowman, Bill Gulliford, Joyce Morgan, Anna Lopez Brosche


Also: Peggy Sidman, Paige Johnston, Shannon Eller, Jason Teal – Office of General Counsel; Kim Taylor – Council Auditor’s Office; Carol Owens, Jessica Matthews and Crystal Shemwell – Legislative Services Division; Steve Cassada – Council Staff Services; Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Sam Mousa, Brian Hughes – Mayor’s Office; Bill Killingsworth and Folks Huxford – Planning and Development Department; Joey Greive and Angela Moyer – Finance and Administration Department; Stephanie Burch – Neighborhoods Department; Kirk Wendland – Office of Economic Development


Meeting Convened: 4:04 p.m.


Vice President Wilson called the meeting to order and announced that, due to several excused absences, the council will be very close to having a bare quorum to transact business. He will rearrange the agenda to move action items to the front of the agenda to ensure a quorum for action before some members have to depart early. He thanked NAIOP for providing dinner for the council members this evening.


Mr. Wilson asked for the committee chairs’ reports.


NCSPHS Committee: Council Member Newby reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.


TEU Committee: Council Member Ferraro reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.


Finance Committee: Council Member Anderson reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.


Rules Committee: Council Member Hazouri reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting. Council Member Anderson noted that 2019-453 (RD Apv & Auth Mayor to complete the Conversion of Certain Financial Reconciliations in order to Effectuate the use of The Enterprise Resource Planning Financial System) had been drafted at the request of the Finance Committee. Ms. Boyer said it is her intention to request the bill be taken up as a one-cycle emergency and acted upon in committee next week.


LUZ Committee: Council Member Schellenberg reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting. The LUZ amendment will be moved on 2018-661(Amend the Beach Community Development District's Boundary, to Remove Approx 25.41 Acres from said District).

Mr. Schellenberg asked that 2019-346 (RESO Appt Matt Schellenberg as Member of the 2019 Charter Revision Comm) be pulled from the Consent Agenda so he can abstain from voting on his own appointment. He also suggested that the council have a moment of prayer at the beginning of the meeting for Council Member Gulliford who is in the hospital.

Council Member Gaffney announced that he will be  holding a noticed meeting tomorrow at 1 p.m. with members of the School Board regarding the proposed sales tax referendum. He wants to invite JEA to the next Finance Committee meeting to discuss the newspaper reports regarding a potential $3 billion budget shortfall over the next 10 years and how they plan to deal with it

Council Member Anderson confirmed that 2019-346 and 2019-354 need to be pulled from the Consent Agenda.

Council Member Crescimbeni said that he will have questions for the attorney or Mr. Schellenberg on 2019-279 (RESO-Q re Appeal filed by Susan Arnstein, Murray (Lad) F. Hawkins, III, Ethel (Eddi) Parsons, and Roberta S. Thomas, Appealing Final Order of Planning Commission Apv Zoning Exception Appl E-19-13 for Auto Storage Yard, Bus & Tractor Storage, Bldg Trades Contractor with Outdoor Storage at 5918 Commerce St.). He has questions about the conditions added by the committee and the trigger mechanism for a 2-year performance clock. He also believes the site plan may be deficient. He also said that he has received a great deal of constituent comment about 2019-353 (RESO Appt Scott Shine as Member of the 2019 Charter Revision Comm), so he will consider pulling the bill from the consent agenda and re-referring to committee. On 2019-333 (ORD Auth & Apv Mayor & Corp Sec. to Execute & Deliver an Agreemt btwn the City of Jax & the Wildlife Rescue Coalition of Northeast Florida, Inc. for Lease of Propty within the Arlington Lions Club Pk) he posed questions to the Wildlife Rescue Coalition that have not been answered yet. He believes there were deed restrictions involved in the original purchase of the park property but hasn’t had time to delve into that. He will either propose deferral or will vote no on the bill. Sam Mousa said that Parks and Recreation Director Daryl Joseph will be present to try and answer questions.

With regard to 2019-380 (school sales tax referendum), Council Member Hazouri said that he asked the School Board to send him their facilities master plan so the council could have that in advance but has not received it yet. He understood they had a workshop today and may still be fine tuning the plan. Kimberly Miller, Director of Government Relations for the school district, said that hard copies of the document were delivered to the Council offices at 3:30 today in addition to by e-mail.

Vice President Wilson described the rearrangement of the agenda to move the action items to the beginning of the meeting.

Brian Hughes of the Mayor’s Office discussed the enforcement of the recent legislation on simulated gambling facilities. The City was award of 23 facilities that did not have Certificates of Use (COUs) as of yesterday and JSO and Code Enforcement delivered legal notices to cease and desist within 7 days or face shutdown and building condemnation. Anyone present on a condemned property is subject to arrest. Stephanie Burch, Director of the Neighborhoods Department, said that 19 notices were served yesterday, 2 facilities were discovered to have COUs, 1 was vacant, and 1 appeared to be closed. 13 of the 19 served properties had building code or fire prevention code issues. Mr. Hughes said that teh 6 month amortization period for those facilities holding COUs starts August 1. When that period expires, the City will undertake the same enforcement activity with them as it did with the non-COU businesses yesterday. Council Member Ferraro said he hears from constituents that some of these simulated gambling establishments are operating in the back rooms of businesses and have no paperwork, and asked what complainants should do. Ms. Burch recommended reporting them to the Neighborhoods Department which will investigate and take appropriate action.

Meeting adjourned: 4:34 p.m.


Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research Division

6.11.19     Posted 5:30 p.m.


Tape:   City Council agenda meeting 6.11.19 – LSD