Compiled by:  Research Division

Full text of amendments and substitutes available via Legislative Bill Search system at




(ORD-Q Rezoning at 8016 & 8036 Hogan Rd btwn Parental Home Rd & Elaina Dr from CRO to PUD): rezoning approved subject to one condition:

(1)   The applicant shall not request changes to the Written Description, the Site Plan, or the Landscape Plan through the PUD Minor Modification process.  Any changes to the Written Description, the Site Plan, or the Landscape Plan shall require a rezoning.

Attaches a Revised Exhibit 3 (revised written description); attaches a Revised Exhibit 4 (revised site plan); attaches a new Exhibit 5 (landscape plan).






(ORD-Q Rezoning at 0, 10833,10845, 10859 Philips Hwy, & 10923 McLaurin Rd Btwn Manorwood Ct & Timberwood Dr from IL, RR-Acre & CCG-2 to PUD): attaches a Revised Exhibit 3 (revised written description).






(ORD-Q Rezoning at 17110 Brandy Branch Rd. btwn U.S. 301 & Canal St. from PUD to PUD): rezoning approved subject to conditions:

(1)  Ground Signage along New Brandy Branch Road shall be limited to one (1) monument-style sign, not to exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height.

(2)  All sag lenses, drop lenses and convex lenses shall be prohibited. Illumination levels at all property lines shall not exceed one-half (.5) foot candles (f.c.) when the building or parking areas are located adjacent to residential areas, and shall not exceed one (1.0) f.c. when abutting other non-residential properties. All lighting lamp sources within parking and pedestrian areas shall be metal halide, compact fluorescent or LED. The maximum light pole height in all parking areas shall not exceed thirty (30) feet. An exterior lighting design plan, including a photometrics plan and pole and fixtures schedules, shall be submitted at the time of Verification of Substantial Compliance for review and approval by the Planning and Development Department.

(3)  The developer shall mount light fixtures on canopies so that the lens cover is recessed or flush with the bottom surface (ceiling) of the canopy.

(4)  Along the western property line, an eight (8) foot high, 100% opaque vinyl fence, and an evergreen screen consisting of 2.5 inch caliper, 25 gallon, Florida No. 1 trees spaced ten (10) feet on center, shall be planted. Permitted trees include Southern Magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora; Southern Red Cedar, Juniperus silicola; Nellie Stevens Holly, Ilex ‘Nellie R. Stevens’; and Leyland Cypress, Cupressocyparis leylandii.

(5)  Along the northern property line, for a distance of 500 feet from the western property line, excluding any driveway openings (fence and trees shall be setback 15 feet from the right of way), an eight (8) foot high, 100% opaque vinyl fence, and an evergreen screen consisting of 2.5 inch caliper, 25 gallon, Florida No. 1 trees spaced ten (10) feet on center, shall be planted. Permitted trees included Southern Magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora; Southern Red Cedar, Juniperus silicola; Nellie Stevens Holly, Ilex ‘Nellie R. Stevens’; and Leyland Cypress, Cupressocyparis leylandii.”

Attaches a Revised Exhibit 3 (revised written description).






(ORD Approp $313,060.00 from Insured Progs Retained Earnings (JXSF581) to increase FY 19 Budget for Risk Mgmt Admin - Professional Svcs by $263,060.00 & Sub Object 04519 - Premium Paid - Propty by $50,000.00):

1. Include “to accounts” in explanation of appropriation.

2. Pg. 2, line 13: strike “2018” and insert “2019”.






(ORD Approp $50,000.00 Grant Award from The Duffield Family Foundation D/B/A Maddie's  Fund to Support a Maddie's Shelter Medicine Internship):

1. Include “to accounts” in explanation of appropriation.

2. Pg. 1, line 28: insert “to” before “support”.






(ORD-MC re Chapters 80 (Public Svc Grant Council) & 118 (City Grants); Estab the 2019-2020 Categories of most vulnerable persons & needs for Public Svc Grant Approps.):

1. Pg. 1, line 10: strike “Definitions” and insert “Organization and Proceedings”.

2. Correct definition on page 3, lines 21-22.

3. Pg. 3, line 27: strike “General Provisions” and insert “Public Service Grants”.

4. Pg. 11, line 30: strike “Exhibit 1” and insert “Exhibit 3”.

5. Revise all references to state “Most Vulnerable Persons and Needs”.






(ORD Approp $64,379.93 from Mobility Fees collected in Mobility Zone 8 to add Bicycle Lanes on Bowden Rd btwn the I-95 Ramps & Spring Park Rd):

1. Pg. 1, line 11 strike “increase” and insert “provide”

2. Correct project name to “Bowden Road – Bike Improv: Spring Park to I-95”

3. Remove CIP Amendment Language

4. Remove CIP Information Sheet

5. Attach Revised Exhibit 1 (revised BT) to reflect new project name and number

6. Change 2010 Mobility Plan to 2030 Mobility Plan






(ORD Approp $160,000 from Dept of Homeland Security thru FL Div of Emerg Mgmt for the Homeland Security Grant Prog to purchase 2 trailers with barriers):

Correct explanation of appropriation to include “to” account






(ORD Approp $278,952.16 in avail Revenue & Reserves to provide addnl funding to complete the Cuba Hunter Park Public Art Neighborhood Proj. and fund projects listed on the Conservation Report):

1. Correct appropriation amount to $278,862.16

2. Correct explanation of appropriation section






(ORD Approp $350,000.00 to purchase Playground Equipmt for Lonnie Miller Regional Park):

1. Correct scriveners errors throughout the bill

2. Correct years of CIP to 2019-2023

3. Attach Revised Exhibit 3 (revised park improvement agreement) to:

- Correct appropriation amount to $65,593.41 for BJP Council District 10 Bond funds

- Change approval of accounting/report format from Council Auditor to Department

- Include audit rights for the Council Auditor

- Update indemnification and insurance provisions







(ORD-MC re Safety & Crime Reduction; Creating New Chap 78 (Safety & Crime Reduction Commission), Ord Code, to establish The Safety and Crime Reduction Commission):

1. Pg. 5, line 21: strike “Commission” and insert “Commissions”

2. Pg. 7: correct name of NCSPHS Committee

3. Revise Charter Section reference for Administrator position





Contact:           Jeff Clements, Chief of Research (904) 630-1405 or