


City Council Chamber, 1st floor, City Hall

February 26, 2019

4:00 p.m.


Location: City Council Chamber, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street


In attendance: Council Members Scott Wilson (Vice President), Greg Anderson, Danny Becton, Lori Boyer, Anna Lopez Brosche, Al Ferraro, Terrance Freeman, Reginald Gaffney, Bill Gulliford, Tommy Hazouri, Jim Love, Joyce Morgan, Sam Newby, Matt Schellenberg, Randy White


Also: Peggy Sidman, Paige Johnston, Shannon Eller, Stephen Durden – Office of General Counsel; Kyle Billy and Kim Taylor – Council Auditor’s Office; Carol Owens and Jessica Matthews  – Legislative Services Division; Steve Cassada – Council Staff Services; Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Jordan Elsbury and Chiquita Moore – Mayor’s Office; John Pappas – Public Works Department;  Bill Killingsworth and Folks Huxford – Planning and Development Department; Kirk Wendland and Ed Randolph – Office of Economic Development


Meeting Convened: 4:02 p.m.


Vice President Wilson called the meeting to order and asked for the committee chairs’ reports.


NCSPHS Committee: Council Member Newby reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.


TEU Committee: Council Member Ferraro reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.


Finance Committee: Council Member Anderson reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.


Rules Committee: Council Member Hazouri reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.


LUZ Committee: Council Member Schellenberg reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.

Shannon Eller of the Office of General Counsel explained that the applicant for the zoning exception that is the subject of the appeal addressed by 2018-765 has requested to withdraw the application; if Council agrees, they should remand the issue back to Planning Commission for reconsideration and possible recommendation to withdraw. Mr. Schellenberg said that he has heard from the appellant on the issue who doesn’t want the bill withdrawn. Council Member Boyer explained the multiple options for dealing with the appeal. The bill will be moved to grant the appeal as marked on the agenda. Mr. Schellenberg announced that 2019-11 (small scale land use amendment on Hubbard Street) has to be moved and disposed of before 2018-670 (rezoning on Hubbard Street) can be handled.


Council Member Gulliford announced that he will offer a floor amendment on 2019-55 (amending the Solid Waste Code regarding landfill host fees) to add an omitted fee schedule, which will be handed out at the meeting.


Vice President Wilson announced that there will be a 3-item addendum of bills for introduction.  He also announced that on 2018-271 the LUZ Committee’s second substitute will be moved and on 2019-23 the Finance Committee substitute will be moved.


Deputy General Counsel Peggy Sidman explained the Council Rules regarding public comment, addressing questions raised at the last Council meeting. Rule 3.605 requires that all remarks be addressed to the Council as a whole and not to any individual council member. Rule 3.601 says that public hearings are designed to elicit comments and observations from the public to the council as a whole, not to other attendees in the audience, viewers watching the meeting on television, etc. It is within the purview of the presiding officer to remind public speakers about the Council Rules and ask that their remarks comply with those rules. Council Member Gulliford noted that the staff will be distributing different colored cards for public hearings and public comments this evening. Mr. Wilson said that since public hearings have been moved earlier on the agenda, he will be reminding speakers interested in those hearings to get their cards turned in early in the meeting.


Council Member Boyer urged the Council staff and leadership to develop a formal policy for dealing with public records requests, particularly for requests that generate huge numbers of records, many of which will need redaction of non-public information. She believes that a standard methodology needs to be developed to deal with estimating the time spent on and cost of searching for records, determining who handles redactions using what standard, etc. Apparently public records requests made regarding council members’ records are no longer being handled by the City’s CARE system staff.


Meeting adjourned: 4:23 p.m.


Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research Division

904-630-1405   jeffc@coj.ent

2.26.19     Posted 5:00 p.m.


Tape:   City Council agenda meeting 2.26.19 – LSD