Bill Type and Number:
Ordinance 2004-982Sponsor: Council Members Fullwood, Jenkins, Lockett-Felder, Yates, & Daniels
Date of Introduction: September 14, 2004
Committee(s) of Reference: F, GPATE
Date of Analysis: September 17, 2004
Type of Action: Appropriation
Bill Summary: The bill appropriates $250,000 from Council Operating Reserve and another $250,000 from an unspecified City account to fund an expansion of the City’s Wireless Internet Zone (WIZ) project. The expansion will add three new zones –
The funds will also be used to continue providing technical support and training to those within the existing 5 zones, along with the three new ones. The money will further be used to recruit an Executive Director and support staff, provide public relations and marketing, conduct cost-benefit research and grant writing. The bill also authorizes the Administration to enter into an agreement with JaxWIZ, Inc. and waives the provisions of Chapter122 to allow the City to donate surplus computers to the WIZ program.
Background Information: The five current zones are in the neighborhoods surrounding the Emmett Reed Center, Moncrief Twin Towers, Fairway Oaks apartments, Justina Road in Arlington, and 118th Street on the Westside. Over 375 homes and businesses, serving 1500 individuals, within these five areas have been provided computers. The Jacksonville Landing and parts of City Hall also have functioning wireless zones. According to a 2003 Wall Street Journal article, Jacksonville is one of only a few cities worldwide that had started creating Wireless Internet Zones for its citizens. More cities have begun broad projects since then. Also, most economic research studies on wages show a strong positive correlation between level of technical skills and income.
Policy Impact Area: Community Internet technology
Fiscal Impact: The bill appropriates $500,000. Previously, the Council appropriated $175,000 by 2002-156 and $250,000 by 2003-180.
Analyst: Weiss