Bill Type and Number:
Ordinance 2004-1043Sponsor: Council Member Alvarez
Date of Introduction: September 28, 2004
Committee(s) of Reference: F; PHSU; RCD
Date of Analysis: September 30, 2004
Type of Action: Appropriation; Title Transfer; Interlocal Agreement Authorization
Bill Summary: This bill appropriates $200,365 from the Trailridge Landfill Mitigation Fund to (1) provide funds in the amount of $191,262 to the Town of Baldwin to assist with funding the construction of an IGA grocery store on U.S. 301 south of U.S. 90; (2) reimburse the Town of Baldwin $2,903 for 911 emergency telephone system capital costs incurred; and (3) provide funds in the amount of $6,200 to a Motor Pool Vehicle Replacement account to reimburse the salvage value of a 1996 vehicle. The 1996 Ford F-350 is declared to be surplus to City needs, and the appropriate City officials are authorized to transfer title to the Town of Baldwin at no cost. Disposition of this property is also authorized, with any inconsistent provisions of Chapter 122, Ordinance Code, being waived. Expenditure of the funds appropriated for the grocery store is made contingent upon the execution of an interlocal agreement between the City of Jacksonville and the Town of Baldwin, and no funds for this project may be released prior to agreement execution by all parties. The Jacksonville Economic Development Commission is required to execute and administer the interlocal agreement for the City.
Background Information: Monies in the Trailridge Landfill Mitigation Fund are to be used in mitigating the adverse effects of the landfill on the surrounding community. The Town of Baldwin has requested financial assistance with the grocery store construction, and has also obtained funding through a Community Development Block Grant from the State Dept. of Community Affairs.
Policy Impact Area: Landfill Mitigation; Town of Baldwin; Surplus Property; Interlocal Agreements
Fiscal Impact: $200,365 is appropriated by this ordinance
Analyst: Campbell