Bill Type and Number: Ordinance2004-1339

Sponsor: Council Member Hyde as Chairman and on behalf of the Special Courthouse Committee

Date of Introduction: December 14, 2004

Committee(s) of Reference: F, PHSU, GPATE

Date of Analysis: December 17, 2004

Type of Action: BJP Courthouse activities

Bill Summary: The bill establishes a number of directives on the plans to construct a new county courthouse, to wit:

Background Information: As part of the Better Jacksonville Plan, the City planned to construct a new county courthouse with an estimated cost of $190 million. The Delaney administration added an additional $21 million. Since design approval and start of site preparation, the cost has escalated to a current guaranteed maximum price (GMP) of $225.3 million. Thus, the Mayor recently terminated contracts with Skanska Dynamic Partners, the construction manager, and Cannon Design the architect. Earlier estimates placed the total GMP project budget at $267.9 million, a figure used in 2004-946. An estimated $27 million in non-recoverable funds have been invested in the project.

Policy Impact Area: Public Buildings/Courthouse

Fiscal Impact: The bill appropriates $50,000 from Council Reserve

Analyst: Weiss