Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2006-352
Sponsor: Council Member Self:
Date of Introduction: March28, 2006
Committee(s) of Reference: F; ECID; TEUS
Date of Analysis: March 31, 2006
Type of Action: Appropriation; CIP
Amendment; Ordinance Code Waiver
Bill Summary: This ordinance appropriates
$250,000 from the Public Works Department to the Parks, Recreation,
Entertainment & Conservation Department to construct certain improvements
to Leonard Abess Park (in Council District 2); transferring parklands from the
Parks Department to the Public Works Department to provide for required
drainage pons for the expansion of Girvin Road; the ordinance amends the
2005-2010 Five Year Capital Improvement Program, approved by Ordinance
2005-808-E, to authorize a Priority 1 Status for the "Leonard Abess Park
Improvements" project; waiving Chapter 126 to contract with Pop Warner,
Inc. to construct park improvements; authorizing the Mayor and Corporation
Secretary to execute and deliver documents to implement the purpose of this
Background Information: The City has committed
$16,534,000 towards the improvement of
Impact: Parks, Recreation, Entertainment & Conservation/Public
Fiscal Impact: This ordinance appropriates