Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2006-352


Sponsor: Council Member Self:


Date of Introduction: March28, 2006


Committee(s) of Reference: F; ECID; TEUS


Date of Analysis: March 31, 2006


Type of Action: Appropriation; CIP Amendment; Ordinance Code Waiver


Bill Summary: This ordinance appropriates $250,000 from the Public Works Department to the Parks, Recreation, Entertainment & Conservation Department to construct certain improvements to Leonard Abess Park (in Council District 2); transferring parklands from the Parks Department to the Public Works Department to provide for required drainage pons for the expansion of Girvin Road; the ordinance amends the 2005-2010 Five Year Capital Improvement Program, approved by Ordinance 2005-808-E, to authorize a Priority 1 Status for the "Leonard Abess Park Improvements" project; waiving Chapter 126 to contract with Pop Warner, Inc. to construct park improvements; authorizing the Mayor and Corporation Secretary to execute and deliver documents to implement the purpose of this ordinance.


Background Information: The City has committed $16,534,000 towards the improvement of Girvin Road, including $2,982,200 for the purchase of right-of-way, paying in excess of $100 per acre for right of way acquisition of lands.  The City owns property near Girvin Road that is currently being used as passive parklands.  The Public Works Department's Real Estate Division has determined that $250,000 for 5.8 acres of the parklands that Parks would transfer to Public Works is a reasonable acquisition cost. Public Works would convert the 5.8 acres of wetlands and passive parklands into two retention ponds to be used in conjunction  with the Better Jacksonville Girvin Road Project. Once installed, Public Works would maintain the ponds, though the property will still be a part of Abess Park.   The $250,000 that Parks would receive from Public Works would  be used to make improvements to Leonard Abess Park.  Chapter 126, Ordinance Code, is waived by this ordinance so that the park improvement project can be directly contracted with Pop Warner, Inc.


 Policy Impact: Parks, Recreation, Entertainment & Conservation/Public Works/Better Jacksonville Plan


Fiscal Impact: This ordinance appropriates $250,000


Analyst: Jackson