Bill Type and Number:  Ordinance 2006-739


Sponsor:  Council Member Jenkins


Date of Introduction:  June 27, 2006


Committee(s) of Reference:  ECID; R


Date of Analysis:  June 29, 2006


Type of Action:  Ordinance Code Amendment


Bill Summary:  This bill creates a new Section 604.111, Ordinance Code, concerning amusement gambling machines.  The term amusement gambling machine is defined as a machine that is a coin-, token-, or card-operated game that may entitle a person playing or operating the machine to receive points or coupons which may be exchanged for merchandise such as non-cash prizes, toys, and novelties.  The term does not include certain machines prohibited under Florida Statutes.  It is provided that amusement gambling machines may only be operated in establishments that are bona fide amusement centers (defined as an establishment that drives 50% of its revenue through one or a combination of (1) the sale of food ordered from a menu, prepared, and served for pay for consumption on premises only, and (2) the operation of video machines, pinball machines, pool tables, or other recreational machines or devices which do not entitle the person operating the machine to receive points or coupons).  It is further provided that any points, coupons, cash, or cash-equivalent winnings derived from an amusement gambling machine are prohibited from being redeemed for merchandise, prizes, toys, or novelties outside of the bona fide amusement center, and cannot be capable of being redeemed for alcohol or tobacco products.


Background Information:  The City is involved in litigation to determine whether amusement gambling machines are illegal under Florida Statutes.  The bill states that, while the courts are making this determination, the City desires to prohibit from operating within the City those establishments whose sole purpose is to provide amusement gambling machines.


Policy Impact Area:  Commerce and Industry; Amusement Gambling Machines


Fiscal Impact:  Undetermined


Analyst:  Campbell