Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2006-1363
Sponsor: Council President at the
request of the Mayor
Date of Introduction: November 28, 2006
Committee(s) of Reference: ECID
Date of Analysis: December 1, 2006
Type of Action: Ordinance Code amendment
Bill Summary: The bill amends Ordinance
Code Chapter 518 – Property Safety and Maintenance Code – to make numerous
changes, briefly summarized below:
- Amends definition of Unsafe Structure to remove
category of open and vacant structures and structures that have inadequate
light, air or sanitation.
- Amends inspection section to remove authorization
for voluntary advisory inspections of properties and the necessity for
issuance of a certificate of compliance after a violation is found and
- Amends service of violation notice section to
require such notice of violation to outline sufficient delivery and notice
- Adopts notice service requirements contained in Chapter
609, Ordinance Code as service requirements.
- Removes code enforcement liens from inventory of
outstanding liens.
- Defines and clarifies nuisance vegetation and
classifies unsanitary swimming pools, vacant and unsecured buildings and
graffiti as a public nuisance.
- Includes a new section outlining requirements for
boarding vacant structures.
- Provides new payment and enforcement of liens
- Absorbs Solid Waste enforcement of residential
responsibilities for trash collection and pickup into the Property Safety
- Clarifies notice section to property owner
concerning violations existing on property.
- Includes an appeal notification when a property
is ordered to be vacated.
- Clarifies removal of condemnation and violation
placards when defects have been corrected.
Background Information: The amendments clarify and
improve upon the existing code and provide enhanced violation notification and
lien processes.
Policy Impact Area: Property Safety Code
Fiscal Impact: Undetermined
Analyst: Clements