Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2006-1364
Sponsor: Council President at the
request of General Employees Pension Board of Trustees
Date of Introduction: November 28, 2006
Committee(s) of Reference: F
Date of Analysis: December 1, 2006
Type of Action: Ordinance Code amendment
Bill Summary: The bill amends Ordinance
Code Chapter 120 – General Employees and Corrections Officers Pension Plan – to
change the commencement date of retiree cost of living adjustments (COLAs) from
April 1st to January 1st of the year in which eligibility
NOTE: The bill contains two typographical errors on
page 2, line 15 – “102.206” should be “120.206”.
Background Information: Retirees are entitled to
receive a 3% COLA beginning in the 5th year after their retirement. The commencement date for the COLA for any
retiree achieving their 5th year anniversary within a fiscal year is
the first pay period after April 1st of that fiscal year. This amendment would push the commencement
date back 3 months to the first pay period after January 1st for all
retirees reaching eligibility within that fiscal year. The change will make the timing of the COLA
coincide with the annual increase in health, dental and vision insurance
premiums that take effect January 1 for retirees who continue to purchase those
benefits after retirement. The pension
system’s actuary calculates that the cost of the change will increase the
City’s required pension contribution by 0.13% of payroll, or $316,260 in the
first year of implementation.
Policy Impact Area: Pension benefits
Fiscal Impact: Estimated by the pension
fund’s actuary at $316,260 in the year of implementation.
Analyst: Clements