Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007 - 4


Sponsor: Council President at the request of the Mayor


Date of Introduction: January 9, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: F, TEUS


Date of Analysis: January 12, 2007


Type of Action: Appropriation


Bill Summary: The bill appropriates $115,000 from the Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund for the purpose of conducting an organizational review of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office.


Background Information: Ordinance 2006-887 appropriated $155,000, with $115,000 coming from Contributions from Private Sources account, for the review.  Section 932-7055 of Florida Statutes provides that, for the 2006-2007 fiscal year only, the funds in a special law enforcement trust fund may be expended to reimburse the general fund of the municipality for moneys advanced from the general fund to the special law enforcement trust fund prior to October 1, 2001.  This provision expires July 1, 2007. 


Policy Impact Area: Sheriff's Office


Fiscal Impact: The bill appropriates $115,000 from the Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund.  This amount may be increased by amendment to the bill upon review of the received RFP packets and subsequent contract award.


Analyst: Weiss