Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007 - 0019


Sponsor: Council President at the request of the Mayor


Date of Introduction: January 9, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: F, TEUS


Date of Analysis: January 12, 2007


Type of Action: Appropriation


Bill Summary: The bill appropriates $624,907.43 of continuation grant money from the US Department of Homeland Security for purchase of and repairs of current Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) equipment and for training in State Fire Marshall approved USAR courses.


Background Information: USAR Sustainment accounts being credited are:

-          Operating Supplies -          $14,562.50

-          Employee Training -           36,000.00

-          Overtime -                         128,157.43

-          Specialized Equipment -   428,000.00

-          Repairs & Maintenance -    18,187.50


There are around 30 national USAR task forces located throughout the United States, trained and equipped to handle structural collapse.  A task force can be activated and deployed by FEMA to a disaster area and provide assistance in structural collapse rescue, or may be pre-positioned when a major disaster threatens a community. Each task force must have all its personnel and equipment at the embarkation point within six hours of activation. The task force can be dispatched and en route to its destination in a matter of hours.  Each task force is comprised of a number of specialists, and is divided into six major functional elements: search, rescue, medical, hazmat, logistics and planning.


Policy Impact Area: Fire & Rescue


Fiscal Impact: The bill appropriates $624,907.43 of federal grant money.


Analyst: Weiss