Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-26
Sponsor: The Council President at
the request of the Mayor:
Date of Introduction: January 9, 2007
Committee(s) of Reference: F; TEUS
Date of Analysis: January 12, 2007
Type of Action: Appropriation
Bill Summary: This ordinance appropriates
$190,000 from the State of Florida Child Support Enforcement Division for the Jacksonville Sheriff’s
Office Warrant Unit to hire outside process servers to serve child support
enforcement papers in child support cases and serve writs of attachment in
child support cases.
Background Information: $100,000 is allocated for
the utilization of private process servers for the service of process in child
support case; $90,000 is allocated for JSO’s Office Warrant Unit to serve writes
of attachment in child support cases.
Provision is made to carry the funds over to Fiscal Year 2007-2008.
Policy Impact: Jacksonville Sheriff’s
Fiscal Impact: This bill appropriates