Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-42


Sponsor: LUZ Committee


Date of Introduction: January 9, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: LUZ


Date of Analysis: January 12, 2007


Type of Action: DRI amendment


Bill Summary: The bill amends the River City Marketplace DRI to add “office” as a primary use, to adopt a use conversion table, and to permit development of up to 35% of the area currently designated for light industrial as commercial uses.  The bill also finds that these modifications do not constitute a substantial deviation from the original DRI.


Background Information: The change to add “office” as a primary use on 21.5 acres is a return to the original DRI’s specifications; an amendment in 2003 changed “office” from a primary use to an ancillary use in commercial portions of the DRI.  The new conversion table would permit commercial uses to be converted to office, up to a maximum of 50,000 square feet, at a rate of 1.000 sq. ft. of office per 1.7159 sq. ft. of commercial use.  A map amendment would increase the amount of light industrial area that could be developed in commercial uses from 25% to 35%, which must be deducted from other allowable commercial uses within the DRI and must not increase the overall development intensity.


Policy Impact Area: DRI amendment


Fiscal Impact: None


Analyst: Clements