Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-0047


Sponsor: The Council President at the request of the Mayor:


Date of Introduction: January 9, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference:  F; TEUS


Date of Analysis: January 12, 2007


Type of Action: Property Purchase Approval


Bill Summary: This ordinance approves the Real Estate Department’s purchase acquisition of two parcels from J. P. Benjamin III, Inc., for an amount of $475,000.00.  The purpose of the purchase is to build a stormwater drainage pond for the Girvin Road Reconstruction Project.  The Mayor and Corporation Secretary are authorized to execute all closing documents and to take all necessary actions to effectuate the purchase.  No further Council action is required.  The project site straddles Council Districts 2 & 3.


Background Information: The two parcels that this legislation authorizes the Real Estate Division to acquire through an Option to Purchase are needed to construct a retention pond for the Girvin Road Reconstruction Project.  The executed Option is for the amount of $475,000.  The property has been appraised reflecting a total value of $410,000.


Policy Impact: Public Works/Real Estate Division


Fiscal Impact: This bill approves an Option to Purchase for the purpose of acquiring two (2) parcels for the sum of $475,000.


Analyst: Jackson