Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-75


Sponsor: Council Member Hyde


Date of Introduction: January 23, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: F


Date of Analysis: January 26, 2007


Type of Action: Ordinance Code amendment


Bill Summary: The bill amends Ordinance Code Chapter 180 – Duval County Job Opportunity Bank – to provide that the Bank may apply for any federal, state or local grants which advance it policies, goals and objectives, and that any such grants as may be received are appropriated for their intended use by the Bank without need of further action by Council.


Background Information: The Job Opportunity Bank provides funding for financial assistance to increase the education and job skills of Jacksonville residents and better prepare them to succeed in the workforce.  The bank is funded in part by contributions from recipients of City economic development incentives, by City appropriations, and by grant funds.


Policy Impact Area: Workforce preparation


Fiscal Impact: None


Analyst: Clements