Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-76
Sponsor: The Council President at
the request of the Mayor:
Date of Introduction: January 23, 2007
Committee(s) of Reference: F; ECID; JWW
Date of Analysis: January 26, 2007
Type of Action: Appropriation
Bill Summary: This ordinance appropriates
$28,200 from the Florida Department of Revenue, and $1,400 in in-kind support
to purchase boater safety education materials for community distribution, as
initiated by B.T. 07-077. The bill
provides that the funds be carried over to Fiscal Year 2007-2008.
Background Information: The local, City in-kind
contribution will be in the form of boater safety instruction, given by JSO’s
marine unit, at boat shows, fishing tournaments and other events that are
likely to attract boaters and waterways users.
Policy Impact: Jacksonville Sheriff’s
Office/Jacksonville Waterways/Boating
Fiscal Impact: This bill appropriates
$28,200 in State funds to the County and a local, in-kind contribution in the
amount of $1,400.