Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-96


Sponsor: The Council President at the request of the Jacksonville Housing Commission:


Date of Introduction: January 23, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference:  F; ECID


Date of Analysis: January 26, 2007


Type of Action: Appropriation


Bill Summary: This ordinance appropriates accumulated SHIP Program income to fund owner-occupied rehabilitation and certain administrative costs. The bill appropriates $5,250,000 from the Jacksonville Housing Commission’s State Housing Initiatives Partnership (“SHIP”) funds obtained from SHIP Housing Assistance Administration/Transfers from Fund Balance, to be transferred to SHIP Homeowner Rehabilitation/Transfers from Fund Balance ($5,000,000), to SHIP Housing Assistance/Administration/Permanent and Probationary salaries ($125,000.00), and to SHIP Housing Assistance Administrative/Miscellaneous Services and Charges ($125,000.00).  The funds are to carryover to Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 


Background Information: SHIP funds are grants to local communities that enable those communities to provide for affordable housing needs. 


Policy Impact: Housing and Neighborhoods Department/Housing Services Division/State Housing Initiative Program.


Fiscal Impact: The bill appropriates $5,250,000


Analyst: Jackson