Bill Type and Number: Resolution 2007-102


Sponsor: The Council President at the request of the Mayor:


Date of Introduction: January 23, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference:  F; TEUS


Date of Analysis: January 26, 2007


Type of Action: Easement Acceptance Authorization


Bill Summary: This bill authorizes the Mayor and Corporation Secretary to execute all documents related to the acceptance of a permanent drainage easement (closure) from the State of Florida, Department of Transportation (grantor), to the City of Jacksonville (grantee) for a right-of-way on New Kings Road in Council District 10 that will be used to create a holding pond.


Background Information: The easement for a pond site that the City accepts from FDOT by this legislation is for Parcel 803 in RE#084069-0000.


Policy Impact: Public Works/Real Estate Division


Fiscal Impact: Undetermined


Analyst: Jackson