Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007 - 161


Sponsor: Council President at the request of the Sheriff


Date of Introduction: February 13, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: F, A, TEUS


Date of Analysis: February 16, 2007


Type of Action: Amending Chapter 37 (Office of the Sheriff)


Bill Summary: The bill amends various sections of Chapter 37, the Office of the Sheriff.  Specifically, it corrects the title of the office charged with developing recruiting procedures from the Director of Police Services to that of the Office of Personnel and Professional Standards as used in Section 37.203.  Secondly, it revises Section 37.301 to state that when a member of the office might warrant suspension or dismissal, the Sheriff shall empanel the Sheriff's Disciplinary Hearing Board.  Currently, this is on the opinion of the Sheriff.  A final major change is to require that none of the Hearing Board members can be related per Civil Service Rules to the accused officer and the manner in which the hearing is conducted shall be as stipulated by specific collective bargaining agreement.


Background Information: The proposed changes codify current practices of the Sheriff's Office and those of the Sheriff's Disciplinary Hearing Board along with requirements in existing collective bargaining agreements.


Policy Impact Area: Sheriff's office


Fiscal Impact: Undetermined


Analyst: Weiss