Bill Type and Number:  Ordinance 2007-171


Sponsor:  Council President at the Request of the Mayor


Date of Introduction:  February 13, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference:  F; ECID


Date of Analysis:  February 15, 2007


Type of Action:  Appropriation


Bill Summary:  This bill appropriates $1,250 in private funds from Publix Supermarkets Charities to the City’s Victim Services Division to enhance the operations of the Intimate Violence Enhanced Services Team (InVEST).  Provision is made for the carryover of appropriated funds into the 2007-2008 fiscal year.


Background Information:  InVEST has been in operation since 1999, with the purpose of preventing and reducing domestic homicides in Jacksonville.  The funds will be used to provide necessary household and children’s supplies, and personal hygiene items, to clients with children who are without available resources and are relocating to a safe new residence.  Also included will be a list of phone numbers for key community services agencies, and a cell phone with 2 months of pre-paid service if the client does not have a phone.  The funds will provide relocation supplies for approximately 10 clients, and no City match is required.


Policy Impact Area:  Community Services; Private Donations


Fiscal Impact:  $1,250 is appropriated by this ordinance


Analyst:  Campbell