Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-175


Sponsor: Council Member Alvarez:


Date of Introduction: February 13, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference:  F; TEUS


Date of Analysis: February 16, 2007


Type of Action: First Amendment Authorization


Bill Summary: This ordinance approves and authorizes the Mayor and Corporation Secretary to execute all documents related to the First Amendment to Duval Station Road Realignment Agreement between Duval Station Signature, LLP and the City of Jacksonville, amending that agreement approved in Ordinance 2004-1378-E.  The project site is located in Council District 11.  The First Amendment extends the completion date of the right-of-way realignment of Duval Station Road.


Background Information: By Ordinance 2004-1378-E, the City of Jacksonville entered into an agreement with the developer, Duval County Station Signature, LLP, that provided for the developer to finance and construct a new road section that would better align Duval Station Road.  Per the agreement, the developer was to complete the new road within 24 months.  The First Amendment that this bill authorizes substitutes that date of “September 1, 2007” for the words “twenty-four (24) months from the effective date of this Agreement”.


Policy Impact: Roads/Public Works


Fiscal Impact: Undetermined


Analyst: Jackson