Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-179


Sponsor: The Council President pursuant to Chapter 92, Ordinance Code:


Date of Introduction: February 13, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference:  ECID; LUZ


Date of Analysis: Februray16, 2007


Type of Action: CCD Amendment


Bill Summary: This ordinance amends the OTC Community Development District’s boundary pursuant to Section 190.046, Florida Statutes, pursuant to Chapter 92, Ordinance Code; to add an additional 1.14 acres to the OTC Community Development District.  Provision is made for severability.  The OTC Community Development District is located in Council District 11.


Background Information: The City Council enacted Ordinance 1198 in November 2006 that established the OTC Community Development District that comprised 98.27 acres then called Oakland Town Center, which was a part of the Village of Argyle Forest DRI.  Pursuant to Chapter 92, Ordinance Code, and Section 190.046, Fla. Stat., the CDC’s Board of Supervisors petitioned to City to amend the District’s boundaries to add approximately 1.14 acres to the District.  The District Board has paid a fee of $1,500 to defray the City’s costs in reviewing and considering the matter.


Policy Impact: Planning & Development/Community Development Districts


Fiscal Impact: Undetermined


Analyst: Jackson