Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-183


Sponsor: Council President at the request of the Mayor


Date of Introduction: February 13, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: R, F, A


Date of Analysis: February 14, 2007


Type of Action: Ordinance Code Amendment


Bill Summary: This bill amends Section 120.102, Ordinance Code, regarding administration of the City of Jacksonville Retirement System, adding an additional member to the board of trustees and changing the selection method for the citizen trustees and the chair.


Background Information: The membership of the City of Jacksonville Retirement System Board of Trustees currently includes the chair of either of the advisory committees for the General Employees or Corrections Officers, only on matters relating to the respective pension plan or both for matters of general concern.  This bill would allow both advisory committee chairs to consider all matters before the Board of Trustees.    Additionally, a member to eventually represent the retired Corrections Officers is added to the Board of Trustees. 


The selection method for the citizen trustees is changed from appointment by the City Council to joint appointment by the Mayor, City Council and the trustees.  The chair of the Board of Trustees will be selected annually by the board instead of the designation of the Mayor’s Chief Administrative Officer as chair.


Finally, the membership of the Corrections Officers’ Plan Advisory Committee is increased from three to five members.


Policy Impact Area: City of Jacksonville Retirement System Board of Trustees operations


Fiscal Impact: Undetermined


Analyst: Welsh