Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-192
Sponsor: Council Member Copeland:
Date of Introduction: February 13, 2007
Committee(s) of Reference: R; F; TEUS; A
Date of Analysis: February 16, 2007
Type of Action: Appropriation; Ordinance
Code Waivers
Bill Summary: This ordinance appropriates
$50,000 from Council District 6 Excise Tax Revenue Bond to Mandarin Loretto
Volunteer Firefighter Department to fund renovations to Fire Station No.
42. The bill provides for the Fire and
Rescue Department to oversee the project.
The bill waives the requirements of the Autumn Bond, Ordinance
2004-998-E, as amended by 2005-1044-E and Section 106.315 Ordinance Code, that bond funds be used on City property and be
open to the public. The bill waives the
provisions of Ordinances 2004-998-E and 2005-1044-E and Section 106.315, Ordinance Code. The Mayor and
Corporation Secretary are authorized by the bill to execute a contract and
amendment to lease for said project.
Background Information: The Mandarin Loretto Volunteer
Fire Department is located at
Policy Impact: Fire & Rescue Department
Fiscal Impact: The bill appropriates
$50,000 in District 6 Bond funds