Bill Type and Number:  Ordinance 2007-211


Sponsor:  Council President at the Request of the Mayor


Date of Introduction:  February 27, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference:  F; ECID


Date of Analysis:  March 1, 2007


Type of Action:  Appropriation


Bill Summary:  This bill appropriates $4,414,027.57 from the Jacksonville Housing Commission’s State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Housing Assistance Administration/Transfers from Fund Balance.  Provision is made for the carryover of appropriated funds through the State fiscal year 2008-2009.  Provision is also made for the transfer of all of the unused or unencumbered balance of the Local Housing Assistance Plan’s SHIP Housing Rental Rehabilitation/Trust Fund Authorized Expenditures as of September 30, 2007, to said plan’s SHIP Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation for Targeted Area Neighborhoods account.


Background Information:  This will appropriate accumulated SHIP program income to expend available resources for the SHIP Homeowner Construction Pool/Trust Fund Authorized Expenditures Program ($431,250), for SHIP Housing Rental Rehabilitation Trust Fund Authorized Expenditures ($3,880,900), and for Local Housing Assistance Plan Housing Assistance Administration/Trust Fund Authorized Expenditures ($101,877.57) for administration of said plan’s programs.


Policy Impact Area:  Affordable Housing


Fiscal Impact:  $4,414,027.57 is appropriated by this ordinance


Analyst:  Campbell