Bill Type and Number:  Ordinance 2007-214


Sponsor:  Council President at the Request of the Mayor


Date of Introduction:  February 27, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference:  F


Date of Analysis:  March 1, 2007


Type of Action:  Appropriation


Bill Summary:  This bill appropriates $100,000 from an Office of General Counsel Retained Earnings account to fund legal-related consultants, experts, and trial and litigation fees and costs that are anticipated to exceed the 2006-2007 budget.


Background Information:  Annual budgeting for these purposes is only an estimate, with actual funding being dependent upon the issues and circumstances which arise during the fiscal year.  Information on file states that the fund has been depleted due to the Cecil Field litigation and unanticipated issues requiring significant professional consultation.


Policy Impact Area:  Office of General Counsel


Fiscal Impact:  $100,000 is appropriated by this legislation


Analyst:  Campbell