Bill Type and Number:  Ordinance 2007-218


Sponsor:  Council President at the Request of the Mayor


Date of Introduction:  February 27, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference:  F; ECID


Date of Analysis:  March 1, 2007


Type of Action:  Appropriation/Position Authorization


Bill Summary:  This bill appropriates $23,394 from a Jacksonville Children’s Commission Special Revenue Fund to the Human Resources Dept. to fund a Human Resources Assistant position through the end of the 2006-2007 budget year.  Authorization is given for appropriate position deletion and addition.


Background Information:  Information on file states that this is in keeping with the recommendations of the Human Resources Action Team.  The Human Resources Dept. and the Jacksonville Children’s Commission have entered into a pilot project whereby the Human Resources Dept. will supply the Children’s Commission with an experienced Human Resources Assistant to provide coordination and initiation of human resources transactions at the Children’s Commission.  To accomplish this, a vacant Children’s Commission Human Resources Specialist position is being transferred, with funding, to the Human Resources Dept.


Policy Impact Area:  Human Resources


Fiscal Impact:  $23,394 is appropriated by this ordinance


Analyst:  Campbell