Bill Type and Number:  Ordinance 2007-235


Sponsor:  Council President at the Request of the Jacksonville Economic Development Commission


Date of Introduction:  February 27, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference:  F; ECID


Date of Analysis:  March 1, 2007


Type of Action:  Lease Agreement Authorization


Bill Summary:  This bill authorizes the Mayor, or designee, and Corporation Secretary to execute a lease agreement with JEA Construction Engineering Services, Inc. (JEAces) for certain premises at Cecil Commerce Center.  Authorization is also given for the Mayor, or designee, Corporation Secretary, and Executive Director of the Jacksonville Economic Development Commission to execute other documents, take necessary action, and negotiate technical amendments to effectuate the purposes of this ordinance, without further Council action.


Background Information:  Information on file states that JEAces is a subcontractor for road work on the north side of Cecil Commerce Center.  It is in need of an area for planning and office functions, and approximately 2,000 square feet is being made available.  The lease expires on December 31, 2009, with the option to renew for 3 additional 1-year terms.  The monthly base rent is $1,666.67 ($10 per square foot).


Policy Impact Area:  Leases; Cecil Commerce Center


Fiscal Impact:  Undetermined; the monthly base rent is $1,666.67 ($20,000 per year)


Analyst:  Campbell