Bill Type and
Number: Ordinance 2007-246
Sponsor: Council President at the Request of the Mayor
Date of
Introduction: February 27, 2007
of Reference: F; TEUS
Date of
Analysis: March 1, 2007
Type of
Action: Ordinance Code Amendment
Bill Summary: This bill amends Section 123.102, Ordinance
Code, concerning the fee for Mosquito Control Division flight hours. Provision is made for a minimum of 1 hour,
with the hourly fee (excluding chemicals) to be $661 for a helicopter, $804 for
a single-engine airplane, and $1,096 for a twin-engine airplane.
Information: The change will increase the fees charged by
the City to recover expenses incurred in providing mosquito control aerial
spray services for a neighboring county or other entities. Currently, the Ordinance Code provides a fee
of $350 per flight hour (excluding chemicals), with no reference to the type of
aircraft and no specified minimum time period.
Information on file states that the recommended changes were developed from
a comprehensive analysis of actual Mosquito Control Division aircraft direct
operating costs over the past 7 years and relevant budget information.
Policy Impact
Area: Mosquito Control; Fees
Fiscal Impact: