Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007 - 248
Sponsor: Council President at the request of the Mayor
Date of Introduction: February 26, 2007
Committee(s) of Reference: R, F, A, TEUS
Date of Analysis: March 2, 2007
Type of Action: Declaration of surplus & approving the transfer of real property
Bill Summary: The bill declares a parcel, RE # 160683-5065, to be surplus to the City's needs and authorizes the Administration to convey the land to the Riverwoods Owners Association at no cost.
Background Information:
At any earlier data, the developer of the Riverwoods Subdivision was prohibited
from building on a few parcels when it was discovered that the property was the
site of an Indian burial mound. The
developer subsequently stopped paying taxes and the parcels reverted to the
City for non-payment of taxes. In 2005,
the Riverwoods Owners Association requested (2005-663) that two of the parcels
be donated to their Association so that they would be able to maintain the
parcels. The Riverwoods Owners Association
now wishes to consolidate this third parcel into the two other adjacent
properties. The land is in District 1.
Policy Impact Area: Historic preservation/real estate
Fiscal Impact: Undetermined
Analyst: Weiss