Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-254


Sponsor: The Council President at the request of the Mayor:


Date of Introduction: March 13, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: F; ECID


Date of Analysis: March 16, 2007


Type of Action: Appropriation


Bill Summary: This ordinance appropriates a $500,000 grant from the Northwest Jacksonville Economic Development Trust Fund to Beaver Street Fisheries (BSF) to fund the relocation of the Farmer’s Market to another site (in the Enterprise/Empowerment Zones, a Brownfield area and between the Kings  & Beaver and North Riverside Neighborhood Action Plan areas).  The funding will enable Beaver Street Fisheries to expand its cold/frozen storage distribution center, as initiated by B.T. 07-113.  Provision is made to carryover the funds into Fiscal Year 2007-2008.  BSF is located in Council District 9.


Background Information: The Farmers Market is a financially immaterial subsidiary of Beaver Street Fisheries, Inc.  BSF’s expansion of their cold/frozen storage distribution center on the 8.2 acre site that BSF owns at 1780 Beaver Street necessitates the closure or relocation of the Farmers Market that BSF currently operates on the 8.2 acre site.  BSF proposes to relocate the Farmer’s Market to an adjacent 6.2 acre site that adjoins the current market.  BSF’s interests in continuing operations of the Farmers Market include contributing to the welfare of the surrounding community; to insure that  services and products are provided to the greater Jacksonville community not available elsewhere; maintain attraction for tourist dollars; supporting the many small, family and/or minority-owned businesses dependent on the market; and preserving an historic Jacksonville business.


Policy Impact: Housing & Neighborhoods Department/Northwest Jacksonville Economic Development Trust Fund


Fiscal Impact: The bill appropriates $500,000


Analyst: Jackson