Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-281


Sponsor: The Council President at the request of the Mayor:


Date of Introduction: March 13, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: F;ECID


Date of Analysis: March 16, 2007


Type of Action: Appropriation; Criteria Approval


Bill Summary: This ordinance appropriates $8,525,103.90 from various individual Jacksonville Economic Development Commission/Project Pay-As-You-Go accounts for the purpose of consolidating all such accounts in one Jacksonville Economic Development Commission/Project Pay-As-You-Go Northwest Jacksonville Economic Development Trust Fund, to facilitate the funding of, and accounting for, loaned or granted funds, as initiated by B.T. 07-112.  The bill approves the adoption by the Housing & Neighborhoods Department of new project evaluation criteria as guiding/minimum policy for the extension of loans and grants from the JEDC-NWJEDTF.  Provision is made in the bill to carryover the funds to Fiscal Year 2007-2008.


Background Information: This legislation transfers funds from various individual JEDC/Project Pay-As-You-Go accounts to consolidate all funding in one account, thereby facilitating the funding of, and accounting for loaned or granted funds.  The Housing & Neighborhoods Dept. has adopted and this bill would approve new project evaluation criteria for the NWJEDTF as a guiding/minimum policy for the extension of loans and grants.


Policy Impact: Housing & Neighborhoods Department/Northwest Jacksonville Economic Development Trust Fund.


Fiscal Impact: The bill appropriates $8,525,103.90


Analyst: Jackson