Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007 - 291


Sponsor: Council Member Graham


Date of Introduction: March 13, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: R, F, A, ECID


Date of Analysis: March 16, 2007


Type of Action: Amending Chapter 92, Ordinance Code


Bill Summary: The bill adds to two sections in Chapter 92 (Uniform Community Development Districts) so as to better define conditions of a request by a Community Development Districts to be granted eminent domain powers over land outside of the legal boundaries of the development district.  This bill requires that the purpose of such a request be elaborated. 


Background Information: Recently, a Community Development District requested a grant of eminent domain powers over land outside the district.


Policy Impact Area: Community Development District/Eminent domain power


Fiscal Impact: Undetermined


Analyst: Weiss