Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-294
Sponsor: The Council President,
pursuant to Chapter 714, Ordinance Code:
Date of Introduction: March 13, 2007
Committee(s) of Reference: R; F; ECID; A; JWW
Date of Analysis: March 16, 2007
Type of Action: Assessment Determination;
Ordinance Code Waiver; Appropriation; Ordinance Code Amendment
Bill Summary: The ordinance determines
that sufficient assent of the owners of the property surrounding a portion of
Morven Lake to establish the Morven Lake Neighborhood Assessment Program
Dredging Project; determines whether the City shall bear more than 12 percent
of the cost to dredge Morven Lake; establishes the Morven Lake Neighborhood
Assessment Program; waives provisions of Section 714.107, Ordinance Code, concerning the process of levying assessments;
appropriates $316,475 to dredge Morven Lake; provides for a carryover to Fiscal
Year 2008-2009; authorizes Mayor to execute documents; amends Section 714.209, Ordinance Code, (Existing Neighborhood
Assessment Programs) to include Morven Lake; requires waiver and Hold Harmless
Agreement prior to commencement of dredging.
The project site is located in Council District 14.
Background Information: It has been determined that
that the siltation of
Policy Impact: Special Assessments/Dredge
Fiscal Impact: This bill appropriates