Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-294


Sponsor: The Council President, pursuant to Chapter 714, Ordinance Code:


Date of Introduction: March 13, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: R; F; ECID; A; JWW


Date of Analysis: March 16, 2007


Type of Action: Assessment Determination; Ordinance Code Waiver; Appropriation; Ordinance Code Amendment


Bill Summary: The ordinance determines that sufficient assent of the owners of the property surrounding a portion of Morven Lake to establish the Morven Lake Neighborhood Assessment Program Dredging Project; determines whether the City shall bear more than 12 percent of the cost to dredge Morven Lake; establishes the Morven Lake Neighborhood Assessment Program; waives provisions of Section 714.107, Ordinance Code, concerning the process of levying assessments; appropriates $316,475 to dredge Morven Lake; provides for a carryover to Fiscal Year 2008-2009; authorizes Mayor to execute documents; amends Section 714.209, Ordinance Code, (Existing Neighborhood Assessment Programs) to include Morven Lake; requires waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement prior to commencement of dredging.  The project site is located in Council District 14.


Background Information: It has been determined that that the siltation of Morven Lake, rendering it unnavigable, is a result of City road construction work and a School Board construction project.  The property owners whose property abuts the Lake and who would benefit from the dredge project have petitioned the City Council with an Amended Petition asking the City to contribute more than 12 percent of the dredging project costs.  Pursuant to the Ordinance Code, the petitioners submitted a written request to the Chair of the Waterways Commission regarding the 12 percent dredge project costs.  The Waterways Commission recommends that the City contribute more than 12 percent of the project cost.  In the event that the Duval County School Board does not contribute its share of the portion of the project’s cost, that portion of the costs of the project will be split evenly between the City of Jacksonville and each of the six properties benefiting from the dredge project.


Policy Impact: Special Assessments/Dredge Projects


Fiscal Impact: This bill appropriates $316,475


Analyst: Jackson